C H A P T E R  4

Uninstalling the Sun Studio 11 Software

This chapter describes how to uninstall the Suntrademark Studio 11 software products and associated patches that are installed on your system.

When you successfully install your software, an uninstaller is automatically generated. There are four ways to use the uninstaller to remove the Sun Studio 11 software:

Note - Do not use the pkgrm command to uninstall the software. Use the provided uninstaller.

Uninstalling When Previous Versions Of Sun Studio Software Are Installed

If you installed the Sun Studio 11 software on a system that has previous Sun Studio software installations other than Sun Studio 11 product, then only the Sun Studio 11 software is removed when you use the uninstaller.

Choosing Local Display or Remote Display of an Uninstaller

You can display an uninstaller either locally or remotely while you are uninstalling Sun Studio 11 software.

To uninstall using the local display, proceed to Using a Graphical User Interface Uninstaller or Using a Command-Line Uninstaller. To uninstall using a remote display, follow the steps in Preparing to Uninstall Using a Remote Display, and then proceed to Using a Graphical User Interface Uninstaller or Using a Command-Line Uninstaller.

Preparing to Uninstall Using a Remote Display

To prepare for uninstallation using a remote display, follow these steps:

1. On the display computer, enable client access to the X server by typing the following at a command line:

% xhost + source-computer-name

Replace source-computer-name with the output of the /usr/bin/hostname command entered on the source computer, which is the computer on which the uninstaller will be running.

2. Log in to the source computer and become a superuser (root) by typing:

% rlogin source-computer-name -l rootname
Password: root-password

3. On the source computer, set your display to the monitor that is attached to the display computer.

If you use the C shell, type:

# setenv DISPLAY display-computer-name:0.0

If you use the Bourne shell, type:

# DISPLAY=display-computer-name:0.0
# export DISPLAY

If you use the Korn shell, type:

# export DISPLAY=display-computer-name:0.0

Replace display-computer-name with the output of the /usr/bin/hostname command on the display computer, which is the computer on which the uninstaller will be displayed.

Using the Batch Software Uninstaller

The batch uninstaller removes all Sun Studio 11 software in the silent mode.

Note - If the uninstaller cannot find the J2SE technology that is available to your system, you need to run the uninstaller using the -j option with the following syntax: ./batch_uninstall_all -j /usr/java1.2
so the uninstaller can find the required J2SE 1.2 software.

1. Become a superuser (root) by typing:

% su
Password: root-password

2. Go to the product directory by typing:

# cd /var/sadm/prod/com.sun.studio_11

Note - If you are uninstalling an Early Access version of the product, the uninstaller directory is /var/sadm/prod/com.sun.studio_10u1_ean.

3. Start the batch uninstaller by typing:

# ./batch_uninstall_all

The batch uninstaller starts and continues with uninstallation.

Using a Graphical User Interface Uninstaller

TABLE 4-1 shows the software names and the uninstaller.class file names that you use to uninstall the Sun Studio 11 software.

TABLE 4-1 Software Names and Related Uninstaller .class File Names

Software Name

Uninstallation .class File Names

Sun Performance Library 8


Source Distribution


IDE and tools software




Uninstaller class files are located at /var/sadm/prod/com.sun.studio_11

To run an uninstaller, follow these steps:

1. If you have not already done so, become a superuser (root) by typing:

% su
Password: root-password

2. Go to the uninstaller directory by typing:

# cd /var/sadm/prod/com.sun.studio_11

3. Determine the uninstaller .class file name for the software you want to uninstall by typing ls -l to see the list of uninstaller .class file names or referring to TABLE 4-1.

4. To start the uninstaller, type the following, using the appropriate uninstaller .class file name.

Note - Do not include the .class extension of the file name when you type the command.

# /usr/bin/java uninstall_uninstaller-class-file-name

For example, to remove the Sun Studio 11 software, type:

# /usr/bin/java uninstall_Sun_Studio_Software

The Uninstalling window appears. The Welcome page shows you which products will be uninstalled.

5. In the Welcome page, click Next to continue.

The Select Type of Uninstall page appears.

6. In the Select Type of Uninstall page, select the type of uninstallation you want:

If you want to uninstall all of the components of the product, select Full. Click Next and proceed to Step 8.

If you want to uninstall only certain components of the product, select Partial. Click Next and proceed to Step 7.

7. In the Component Selection page, deselect the components you do not want to uninstall by clicking their checkboxes to remove the check marks. Click Next to continue.

8. In the Ready to Uninstall page, click Uninstall Now.

The Uninstalling page appears with a progress indicator. When uninstallation is complete, the Uninstallation Summary page appears. Click the Details button to view the log files.

9. Click Exit to exit the uninstaller.

10. (Optional) If you performed the uninstallation using a remote display, on the display computer, disable client access by typing the following:

% xhost - source-computer-name

11. Exit from superuser privileges on the source computer by typing:

# exit

Using a Command-Line Uninstaller

To remove software products with the command-line uninstaller, follow these steps:

1. Become a superuser (root) by typing:

% su
Password: root-password

2. Go to the product directory by typing:

# cd /var/sadm/prod/com.sun.studio_11

3. To determine the uninstaller .class file name for the software you want to uninstall, type ls -l to see the list of uninstaller .class file names or refer to TABLE 4-1.

4. Type one of the following commands to run the command-line uninstaller, using the appropriate uninstaller .class file name.

Note - Do not include the .class extension of the file name when you type the command.

The installer shows you which product will be uninstalled. Proceed to Step 5.

The product is uninstalled and the uninstaller exits. Proceed to Step 7.

5. Press Enter to continue.

6. Follow the command-line instructions to complete the uninstallation.

7. When uninstallation is complete, you have the option to view the product's log file by typing its corresponding number. When finished, type the number that corresponds to Done.

The installer exits.

8. (Optional) If you performed the uninstallation using a remote display, on the display computer, disable client access by typing the following:

% xhost - source-computer-name

9. Exit from superuser privileges on the source computer by typing:

# exit

Using the Solaris Product Registry Software Uninstaller

You can use the Solaris Product Registry tool to start the uninstaller.

1. Become a superuser (root) by typing:

% su
Password: root-password

2. At the prompt, type:

# prodreg

3. From the Registered Software column, select the software component you want to uninstall.

4. Click the Uninstall button, and the uninstaller opens.

5. Verify that you want to uninstall that component and click OK in the Warning dialog.

6. (Optional) You might be prompted to use the interactive uninstaller. Follow the instructions in the uninstaller wizard to complete the uninstallation.