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iPlanet Messaging and Collaboration Event Notification Service Manual

Chapter 4   iPlanet Calendar Server Specific Information

This chapter describes the iPlanet Calendar Server specific items you need to use the ENS APIs.

This chapter contains these sections:

iPlanet Calendar Server Notifications

There are two parts to the format of an iPlanet Calendar Server notification:

  • The event reference - A URL identifying the event.

  • The payload - The data describing the event. Three different payload formats are supported: binary, text/calendar, and text/XML.

There are two types of calendar notifications: alarm notifications, which relay reminders; and calendar update notifications, which distribute changes to the calendar database. The following describes both types of calendar notifications.

  • Alarm notifications. These notifications relay reminders. They are published by the csadmind daemon whenever it wants to send a reminder. The default subscriber for these alarms in iPlanet Messaging and Collaboration Event Notification Service is the csnotifyd daemon. Notifications consumed by csnotifyd have a binary payload and are acknowledged (reliable).

    Additionally, the server can be configured to generate one additional notification for each reminder, which can be consumed by a third party notification infrastructure.

    Table 4-1 has information on how the two different alarm notifications are enabled, their base event URLs, and the event payload format for each. (See "Format of Calendar Notifications".)

    Table 4-1    Alarm Notifications


    Enabled by

    Base Event URL

    Event Payload Format

    Default alarm notification  




    Optional alarm notification  

    In ics.conf, the existing non-null value of

    In ics.conf, the value of

    In ics.conf, the value of

    Event URL parameters are the same for either one:

    • calid - Calendar ID

    • uid - Component, either event or todo (task) ID

    • rid - Recurrence ID

    • aid - Alarm ID

    • comptype - An event or a todo (task)

  • Calendar update notifications. These notifications distribute changes to the calendar database. They are published by the cshttpd or csdwpd daemons whenever a change is made to the database (if the notification is enabled for this type of change).

    Table 4-2 lists each type of calendar update notification, and the ics.conf setting and base even URL for each of them.

    Table 4-2    Calendar Update Notifications  


    Enabling ics.conf Parameters
    (all parameters default to "yes")

    Base Event URLs and ics.conf Parameters

    Calendar creation  



    default value:

    Calendar deletion  



    default value:

    Calendar modification  



    default value:

    Event creation  



    default value:

    Event modification  



    default value:

    Event deletion  



    default value:

    Todo (task) creation  



    default value:

    Todo (task) modification  



    default value:

    Todo (task) deletion  



    default value:

Event URL parameters include:

    • calid - Calendar ID

    • uid - Component, either event or todo (task) ID

    • rid - Recurrence ID

Format of Calendar Notifications

There are two parts to a notification:

    • Event reference - URL identifying the event.

    • Payload - Data describing the event. Three data formats are supported: binary, text/calendar, text/XML.

iPlanet Calendar Server Sample Code

iPlanet Calendar Server ships with a complete ENS implementation. If you wish to customize it, you may use the ENS APIs to do so. The following four code samples, a simple publisher and subscriber pair, and a reliable publisher and subscriber pair, illustrate how to use the ENS API. The sample code is provided with the product in the following directory:


Sample Publisher and Subscriber

This sample code pair establishes a simple interactive asynchronous publisher and subscriber.

Publisher Code Sample

 * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 * All rights reserved
 * apub : simple interactive asynchronous publisher using
 * Syntax:
 * apub host port

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "pasdisp.h"
#include "publisher.h"

static pas_dispatcher_t *disp = NULL;
static publisher_t *_publisher = NULL;
static int _shutdown = 0;

static void _read_stdin();

static void _exit_usage()
   printf("\nUsage:\n   apub host port\n");

static void _exit_error(const char *msg)
   printf("%s\n", msg);

static void _call_shutdown()
   _shutdown = 1;

static void _open_ack(void *arg, int rc, void *enc)
   _publisher = (publisher_t *)enc;
   (void *)arg;

   if (!_publisher)
      printf("Failed to create publisher with status %d\n", rc);



static void _publish_ack(void *arg, int rc, void *ignored)
   (void *)ignored;


   if (rc != 0)

      printf("Publish failed with status %d\n", rc);





static void _read_stdin()

   static char input[1024];

   printf("apub> ");


   while (!_shutdown)

      if ( !fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin) )

      } else {
         char *message;
         unsigned int message_len;

         input[strlen(input) - 1] = 0; /* Strip off the \n */

         if (*input == '.' && input[1] == 0)

         message = strdup(input);
         message_len = strlen(message);
         publish(_publisher, "enp://",message,
                _publish_ack, NULL, (void *)message, 0);

main(int argc, char **argv)
   unsigned short port = 7997;
   char host[256];

   if (argc < 2) _exit_usage();

   if (*(argv[1]) == '0')
      strcpy(host, "");
   } else {
      strcpy(host, argv[1]);

   if (argc > 2)
      port = (unsigned short)atoi(argv[2]);

   disp = pas_dispatcher_new(NULL);
   if (disp == NULL) _exit_error("Can't create publisher");

   publisher_new_a(disp, NULL, host, port, _open_ack, disp);


   _shutdown = 1;



Subscriber Code Sample

 * Copyright 1997 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 * All rights reserved
 * asub : example asynchronous subscriber
 * Syntax:
 * asub host port

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "pasdisp.h"
#include "subscriber.h"

static pas_dispatcher_t *disp = NULL;
static subscriber_t *_subscriber = NULL;
static subscription_t *_subscription = NULL;
static renl_t *_renl = NULL;

static void _exit_usage()
   printf("\nUsage:\n   asub host port\n");

static void _exit_error(const char *msg)
   printf("%s\n", msg);

static void _subscribe_ack(void *arg, int rc, void *subscription)

   if (!rc)
      _subscription = subscription;
      printf("Subscription successful\n");
   } else {
      printf("Subscription failed - status %d\n", rc);

static void _unsubscribe_ack(void *arg, int rc, void *ignored)
   (void *)ignored;
   (void *)arg;

   if (rc != 0)
      printf("Unsubscribe failed - status %d\n", rc);


static int _handle_notify(void *arg, char *url, char *str, int len)
   (void *)arg;
   printf("[%s] %.*s\n", url, len, (str) ? str : "(null)");
   return 0;

static void _open_ack(void *arg, int rc, void *enc)
   _subscriber = (subscriber_t *)enc;

   (void *)arg;
   if (rc)
      printf("Failed to create subscriber with status %d\n", rc);

   subscribe(_subscriber, "enp://",
            _handle_notify, NULL,
            _subscribe_ack, NULL);


static void _unsubscribe(int sig)
   unsubscribe(_subscriber, _subscription, _unsubscribe_ack, NULL);

main(int argc, char **argv)
   unsigned short port = 7997;
   char host[256];

   if (argc < 2) _exit_usage();
   if (*(argv[1]) == '0')
      strcpy(host, "");
   } else {
      strcpy(host, argv[1]);
   if (argc > 2)
      port = (unsigned short)atoi(argv[2]);

   disp = pas_dispatcher_new(NULL);
   if (disp == NULL) _exit_error("Can't create publisher");

   subscriber_new_a(disp, NULL, host, port, _open_ack, NULL);




Reliable Publisher and Subscriber

This sample code pair establishes a reliable asynchronous publisher and subscriber.

Reliable Publisher Sample

 * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 * All rights reserved
 * rpub : simple *reliable* interactive asynchronous publisher.
 *    It is designed to be used in combination with rsub,
 *    the reliable subscriber.
 * Syntax:
 * rpub host port

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "pasdisp.h"
#include "publisher.h"

static pas_dispatcher_t *disp = NULL;
static publisher_t *_publisher = NULL;
static int _shutdown = 0;
static renl_t *_renl;

static void _read_stdin();

static void _exit_usage()

   printf("\nUsage:\n   rpub host port\n");


static void _exit_error(const char *msg)
   printf("%s\n", msg);

static void _call_shutdown()
   _shutdown = 1;

static void _renl_create_cb(void *arg, int rc, void *ignored)
   (void *)arg;
   (void *)ignored;

   if (!_publisher)
      printf("Failed to create RENL - status %d\n", rc);



static void _publisher_new_cb(void *arg, int rc, void *enc)
   _publisher = (publisher_t *)enc;

   (void *)arg;

   if (!_publisher)
      printf("Failed to create publisher - status %d\n", rc);

   renl_create_publisher(_publisher, "renl_id", NULL,


static void _recv_ack(void *arg, int rc, void *ignored)
   (void *)ignored;

   if (rc < 0)
      printf("Acknowledgment Timeout\n");
   } else if ( rc == 0) {
      printf("Acknowledgment Received\n");
   fflush (stdout);




static void _read_stdin()
   static char input[1024];

   printf("rpub> ");
   while (!_shutdown)
      if ( !fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin) )
      } else {
         char *message;
         unsigned int message_len;

         input[strlen(input) - 1] = 0; /* Strip off the \n */

         if (*input == '.' && input[1] == 0)

         message = strdup(input);
         message_len = strlen(message);

         /* five seconds timeout */
         publish(_publisher, "enp://",
                message, message_len,
                NULL, _recv_ack, message, 5000);


main(int argc, char **argv)
   unsigned short port = 7997;
   char host[256];

   if (argc < 2) _exit_usage();
   if (*(argv[1]) == '0')
      strcpy(host, "");
   } else {
      strcpy(host, argv[1]);
   if (argc > 2)
      port = (unsigned short)atoi(argv[2]);

   disp = pas_dispatcher_new(NULL);
   if (disp == NULL) _exit_error("Can't create publisher");

   publisher_new_a(disp, NULL, host, port, _publisher_new_cb,


   _shutdown = 1;



Reliable Subscriber Sample

 * Copyright 1997 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 * All rights reserved
 * asub : example asynchronous subscriber
 * Syntax:
 * asub host port

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "pasdisp.h"
#include "subscriber.h"

static pas_dispatcher_t *disp = NULL;
static subscriber_t *_subscriber = NULL;
static subscription_t *_subscription = NULL;
static renl_t *_renl = NULL;

static void _exit_usage()
   printf("\nUsage:\n   asub host port\n");

static void _exit_error(const char *msg)
   printf("%s\n", msg);

static void _subscribe_ack(void *arg, int rc, void *subscription)

   if (!rc)
      _subscription = subscription;
      printf("Subscription successful\n");
      _renl = renl_create_subscriber(_subscription, "renl_id", NULL);
   } else {
      printf("Subscription failed - status %d\n", rc)

static void _unsubscribe_ack(void *arg, int rc, void *ignored)
   (void *)ignored;
   (void *)arg;

   if (rc != 0)
      printf("Unsubscribe failed - status %d\n", rc);


static int _handle_notify(void *arg, char *url, char *str, int len)
   (void *)arg;
   printf("[%s] %.*s\n", url, len, (str) ? str : "(null)");
   return 0;

static void _open_ack(void *arg, int rc, void *enc)
   _subscriber = (subscriber_t *)enc;

   (void *)arg;
   if (rc)
      printf("Failed to create subscriber with status %d\n", rc);

   subscribe(_subscriber, "enp://",_handle_notify,
            NULL,_subscribe_ack, NULL);


static void _unsubscribe(int sig)
   unsubscribe(_subscriber, _subscription, _unsubscribe_ack, NULL);

main(int argc, char **argv)
   unsigned short port = 7997;
   char host[256];

   if (argc < 2) _exit_usage();
   if (*(argv[1]) == '0')
      strcpy(host, "");
   } else {
      strcpy(host, argv[1]);
   if (argc > 2)
      port = (unsigned short)atoi(argv[2]);


   disp = pas_dispatcher_new(NULL);

   if (disp == NULL) _exit_error("Can't create publisher");

   subscriber_new_a(disp, NULL, host, port, _open_ack, NULL);





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Copyright © 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last Updated January 31, 2002