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iPlanet Messaging Server 5.2 Installation Guide for UNIX

Chapter 3   Installation Questions

This chapter provides a description of all of the questions you may be asked during an installation. Depending on your installation options (for example, whether you are performing a Typical or Custom installation), you may or may not see all of the questions described in this chapter.

It is assumed that you have reviewed the previous sections in Chapter 2,"Installation Instructions." In particular, you should review Installation Scenarios to determine how the installation questions (detailed in this chapter) correspond to common installation scenarios. When you review the scenarios, you can also determine the questions you will need to answer and the order in which you will need to answer them.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Common Questions

You will see the questions in this section regardless of the type of installation you are performing.

  1. Welcome Screen

    Welcome to the iPlanet Server Products installation program. This program will install iPlanet Server Products and the iPlanet Console on your computer.

    It is recommended that you have "root" privilege to install the software.

    Tips for using the installation program:
      - Press "Enter" to choose the default and go to the next screen
      - Type "Control-B" to go back to the previous screen
      - Type "Control-C" to cancel the installation program
      - You can enter multiple items using commas to separate them.
         For example: 1, 2, 3

    Would you like to continue with installation? [Yes]:

    This is the first screen you will see. It reminds you that you must have the privileges of a root user in order to perform the installation, and also provides some keyboard shortcuts and instructions for how to select multiple items from a menu. Be sure to read this screen, then answer yes or press Return to continue with the installation.

  2. License Agreement


    Do you agree to the license terms? [No]:

    Read the license agreement and answer yes to this question to continue. The license agreement is located in the LICENSE.txt file in the directory where you downloaded the installation software.

  3. Install Netscape Servers

    Select the items you would like to install:

    1. iPlanet Servers

       Installs iPlanet Servers with the integrated Netscape Console
       onto your computer.

    2. Netscape Console

       Installs Netscape Console as a stand-alone Java application
       on your computer.

    To accept the default shown in brackets, press the Enter key.

    Select the component you want to install [1]:

    Select option 1 from this menu to continue. Choose option 2 if you only want to administer a server installed on a remote machine. For example, if you are using a Windows NT machine and want to administer a Messaging Server hosted on another machine (UNIX or Windows NT), you need to install only the Netscape Console. This installation guide will not cover installing just the Netscape Console. Refer to the Netscape Console documentation if you want more information. Note that Netscape Servers and iPlanet Servers refer to the same set of components.

  4. Installation Type

    Choose an installation type:

    1. Express installation
       Allows you to quickly install the servers using the most
       common options and pre-defined defaults. Useful for quick
       evaluation of the products.

    2. Typical installation
       Allows you to specify common defaults and options.

    3. Custom installation
       Allows you to specify more advanced options. This is
       recommended for experienced server administrators only.

    To accept the default shown in brackets, press the Enter key.

    Choose an installation type [2]:

    Select an installation type from this menu. For a more information on each installation type, see Types of Installations.

  5. Installation Location (server-root)

    This program will extract the server files and install them into a directory you specify. That directory is called the server root in the product documentation and will contain the server programs, the Administration Server, and the server configuration files.

    To accept the default shown in brackets, press the Enter key.

    Install location [/usr/iplanet/server5]:

    Specify the desired installation location, or press Return to accept the default. This installation location is referred to as the server-root in the remainder of this document.

Component Questions

The questions in this section relate to the Messaging Server suite of products and which ones you would like to install. Be sure to review Installation Component and Sub-Component Dependencies prior to determining the components you will install.

  1. iPlanet Server Products Components

    iPlanet Server Products components:

    Components with a number in () contain additional subcomponents which you can select using subsequent screens.

    1. Netscape Server Products Core Components (3)
    2. Directory (Not for new installs, use iDS 5.1 instead) (2)
    3. Administration Services (2)
    4. iPlanet Messaging Suite (5)

    Specify the components you wish to install [All]:

    Specify which products in the Messaging Server suite you want to install. For a detailed description of each product and component, see Installation Components.

  2. Netscape Server Products Core Components

    Netscape Server Products Core Components components:

    Components with a number in () contain additional subcomponents which you can select using subsequent screens.

    1. Netscape Server Products Core Components
    2. Netscape Core Java classes
    3. Java Runtime Environment

    Specify the components you wish to install [1, 2, 3]:

    Specify which of the Netscape Server Products Core components you want to install. See Netscape Server Core for details on each component.

  3. Directory Components

    Directory (Not for new installs, use iDS 5.1 instead) components:

    Components with a number in () contain additional subcomponents which you can select using subsequent screens.

    1. Netscape Directory Server
    2. Netscape Directory Server Console

    Specify the components you wish to install [1, 2]:

    Specify which of the Directory components you want to install. See Directory Suite for details on each component.

  4. Administration Services Components

    Administration Services components:

    Components with a number in () contain additional subcomponents which you can select using subsequent screens.

    1. Netscape Administration Server
    2. Administration Server Console

    Specify the components you wish to install [1, 2]:

    Specify which of the Administration Services components you want to install. See Administration Services for details on each component.

  5. iPlanet Messaging Suite Components

    iPlanet Messaging Applications components:

    Components with a number in () contain additional subcomponents which you can select using subsequent screens.

    1. iPlanet Message Store and Message Access
    2. iPlanet Internet Message Transport Agent
    3. iPlanet Messaging Multiplexor
    4. Sun Cluster 2.2/Veritas HA for iPlanet Messaging Server
    5. iPlanet Delegated Administrator Command Line Utilities

    Specify the components you wish to install [1, 2, 5,]:

    Specify which iPlanet Messaging Applications components you want to install. See iPlanet Messaging Applications for details on each component.

Directory Server Questions

The questions in this section relate to Netscape Directory Server 4.1x. The questions you will see and the answers you are expected to provide differ depending on your specific installation scenario.

  1. Fully Qualified Domain Name of the installation machine

    Enter the fully qualified domain name of the computer on which you're installing server software. Using the form



    To accept the default shown in brackets, press the Enter key.

    Computer name []:

    Specify the fully qualified domain name of the machine on which you are installing the server software.

  2. System User and System Group

    Choose a Unix user and group to represent the iPlanet server in the user directory. The iPlanet server will run as this user. It is recommended that this user should have no privileges in the computer network system. The Administration Server will give this group some permissions in the server root to perform server-specific operations.

    If you have not yet created a user and group for the iPlanet server, create this user and group using your native UNIX system utilities.

    To accept the default shown in brackets, press the Return key.

    System User [nobody]:

    System User and System Group are configuration variables used to set ownership for the configuration files and directories that are shared by all the servers in the server-root (for example, SSL key files, LDAP tools, libraries, and so on). Any server installed in the same server-root would have the same privileges in terms of accessing this information.

    Note For HP-UX platforms, make sure that you create a user called nobody prior to installation. See Suggested Guidelines for details.

    The default for both the system user and group is nobody; this account should already exist on all Solaris systems. It is recommended that rather than using the default, you create a new user for running your Messaging Server (for example, imsuser). This user should be in the same group as the user in Step 39.

    Note The system group ID should be the same as the one used for the Directory Server so that the Messaging Server has access to configuration and security data. For security reasons, it is recommended that this user ID does not have any privileges elsewhere on the system.

  3. LDAP URL of the Directory Server

    iPlanet Server Products require an LDAP-based Directory Server for the administration of server configuration. This server contains the Configuration Directory.

    Enter the non-secured LDAP URL of the server that contains the Configuration Directory using the form:


    URL of Directory Server [ldap://]:

    Specify the LDAP URL of your existing Directory Server in the form ldap://hostname:port. This question will be asked if you have an existing Directory Server. To determine the port that the Directory Server is using, check the slapd.conf file in this Directory Server's server-root/slapd-serverID/config directory. See your Directory Server documentation for detailed information.

  4. Administration Domain in the Configuration Directory

    Please specify the name of the Administration Domain in the Configuration Directory where your server configuration information is to be stored.

    You must have already been granted write access to this Administration Domain in order to install the software.

    To accept the default shown in brackets, press the Enter key.

    Administration Domain name []:

    You may use the same domain name that you used for your Configuration Directory Server, or some other Administration Domain that you may have created in your Configuration Directory Server. The Administration Domain is part of the Configuration Directory Server; if you are managing multiple software releases at the same time, or are managing information about multiple domains, you can use the Administration Domain to keep them separate.

    You are asked this question if you chose to install Messaging Server with an existing Directory Server.

  5. Login ID and password of the Configuration Server Administrator

    Enter the User ID or Distinguished Name of the administrator who is authorized to access the Configuration Directory at


    Configuration Admin ID or DN: [admin]:

    This is the user name and associated password of the account that can make configuration changes to the servers through Netscape Console. The Configuration Server Administrator has administration privileges over all of the servers (such as Messaging Server) that use the Configuration Directory Server instance, but not over the Configuration Directory Server itself.

    You are asked this question if you choose to use an existing Configuration Directory Server, and you install any server that will use this existing Configuration Directory Server. The default is admin.

  6. Register with an existing Configuration Directory Server?

    Netscape server information is stored in the Netscape configuration directory server, which you may have already set up. If so, you should configure this server to be managed by the configuration server. To do so, the following information about the configuration server is required: the fully qualified host name of the form <hostname>.<domainname>(e.g., the port number, the suffix, and the DN and password of a user having permission to write the configuration information, usually the Netscape configuration directory administrator.

    If you want to install this software as a standalone server, or if you want this instance to serve as your Netscape configuration directory server, press Enter.

    Do you want to register this software with an existing Netscape configuration directory server? [No]:

    If you answer yes to this question, make certain that your existing Configuration Directory Server is up and running, and that you have run the ims_dssetup script against it to prepare it for this Messaging Server installation. For more information, see Configuring an Existing Directory Server.

  7. Fully Qualified Domain Name of the existing Configuration Directory Server in the form hostname.domainname

    Enter the fully qualified domain name of the Netscape configuration directory server host in the form <hostname>.<domainname> (e.g.

    Netscape configuration directory server host name:

    Specify the fully qualified domain name of the machine on which the existing Configuration Directory Server resides.

  8. Port number on which the Configuration Directory Server listens

    Please specify the port number on which the Netscape configuration directory server listens.

    Netscape configuration directory server port number [389]:

    To determine the port that the server is using, check the slapd.conf file in this Directory Server's server-root/slapd-serverID/config directory. See your Directory Server documentation for detailed information.

    You are asked this question if you are installing the Messaging Server with an existing Configuration Directory Server.

  9. Login ID and password of the Configuration Server Administrator

    To write configuration information into the Netscape configuration directory, you must bind to the server as an entity with the appropriate permissions. Usually, the Netscape configuration directory administrator is used for this purpose, although you can give other directory accounts the proper access.

    Netscape configuration directory server administrator ID [admin]:

    The Configuration Server Administrator can make configuration changes to the servers through Netscape Console. This user has administration privileges over all of the servers (such as Messaging Server) that use the Configuration Directory Server instance, but not over the Configuration Directory Server itself.

    You are asked this question if you do not have an existing Configuration Directory Server or you chose to install the one included with the Messaging Server software. You are prompted for the password twice.

  10. Administration Domain

    The Administration Domain is a part of the configuration directory server used to store information about Netscape software. If you are managing multiple software releases at the same time, or managing information about multiple domains, you may use the Administration Domain to keep them separate.

    If you are not using administrative domains, press Enter to select the default. Otherwise, enter some descriptive, unique name for the administration domain, such as the name of the organization responsible for managing the domain.

    Administration Domain []:

    Specify the Administration Domain; refer to your Directory Server documentation for information about Administration Domains.

    You are asked this question if you do not have an existing Directory Server and you are installing the one included with the Messaging Server.

  11. Directory Server network port

    The standard directory server network port number is 389. However, if you are not logged as the superuser, or port 389 is in use, the default value will be a random unused port number greater than 1024. If you want to use port 389, make sure that you are logged in as the superuser, that port 389 is not in use, and that you run the admin server as the superuser.

    Directory server network port [389]:

    Specify the Directory Server network port number.

    You are asked this question if you do not have an existing Directory Server and you are installing the one included with Messaging Server.

  12. Unique ID for this Directory Server

    Each instance of a directory server requires a unique identifier. Press Enter to accept the default, or type in another name and press Enter.

    Directory server identifier [budgie]:

    This is the unique identifier for this instance of the Directory Server; each Directory Server instance must have a unique identifier, called a serverID. The installation program automatically adds the prefix "slapd-" to the name you specify. For example, if you name the server instance tango, the installation program creates the serverID called slapd-tango.

  13. Suffix

    The suffix is the root of your directory tree. You may have more than one suffix.

    Suffix []:

    This is the root of your directory tree beneath which users and groups for all hosted domains are defined, including the hosted domain that corresponds to the default domain. The Messaging Server installation program will attempt to provide a reasonable default; you may change this if you like. However, you must provide a properly formatted organizational DN in the following format:



    The root suffix you specify here must be the same for the Messaging Server, Directory Server, and Delegated Administrator. If you already have a Directory Server installed, you must use this existing root suffix for the Messaging Server and Delegated Administrator.

    You are asked this question if you do not have an existing Directory Server and you are installing the one included with the Messaging Server. The suffix you specify here will be created for you.

  14. Bind DN and password of the Directory Manager

    Certain directory server operations require an administrative user. This user is referred to as the Directory Manager and typically has a bind Distinguished Name (DN) of cn=Directory Manager. Press Enter to accept the default value, or enter another DN. In either case, you will be prompted for the password for this user. The password must be at least 8 characters long.

    Directory Manager DN [cn=Directory Manager]:

    The Directory Manager has privileges to make changes in the Directory Server schema. This user has overall administrator privileges on the Directory Server and all iPlanet servers that make use of the Directory Server (for example, the Messaging Server) and has full administration access to all entries in the Directory Server.

    The default and recommended DN is cn=Directory Manager.

  15. Do you want another Directory Server to store your Users and Groups data?

    If you already have a directory server you want to use to store your data, such as user and group information, answer Yes to the following question. You will be prompted for the host, port, suffix, and bind DN to use for that directory server.

    If you want this directory server to store your data, answer No.

    Do you want to use another directory to store your data? [No]:

    If you answer yes to this question, make certain that your existing Users and Groups Directory Server is up and running, and that you have run the ims_dssetup script against it to prepare it for this Messaging Server installation. For more information, see Configuring an Existing Directory Server.

  16. Fully Qualified host name and domain name of the Users and Groups Directory Server

    Enter the fully qualified domain name of the user directory host of the form <hostname>.<domainname> (e.g.

    User directory host name :

    Specify the fully qualified host name and domain name of the machine on which the existing Users and Groups Directory Server resides in the form hostname.domainname (for example:

  17. Port number on which the Users and Groups Directory Server listens

    Please specify the port number on which the user directory listens.

    User directory port number [389]:

    To determine the port that the server is using, check the slapd.conf file in this Directory Server's server-root/slapd-serverID/config directory. See your Directory Server documentation for detailed information.

  18. Suffix for this Users and Groups Directory Server

    Please specify the suffix for the user directory server.

    User directory server suffix []:

    You are asked this question if you are installing the Messaging Server with an existing Users and Groups Directory Server. The suffix you specify here must already exist.

  19. Login ID and password for the Users and Groups Server Administrator

    In order to add and modify information in the user directory, you must be able to bind to the server as an entity with the correct permissions. This user is usually the Directory Manager, although other users may be given the proper access. You will also be asked to provide the password.

    User directory administrator ID [cn=Directory Manager]:

    This person has administration privileges for the Users and Groups directories on the Directory Server. You can use different directories for managing server configuration (a Configuration Server) and for users and groups (a Users and Groups Server). The Users and Groups Server Administrator should have all privileges over the Users and Groups directory. The default and recommended value is cn=Directory Manager.

    Note The Users and Groups Administrator account is not created by the ims_dssetup utility; you must create this account from the Messaging Server installation.

  20. Directory Server replication

    Replication is used to duplicate all or part of a directory server to another directory server. This can be used for failsafe purposes, to ensure that the directory data is always online and up-to-date in case one server goes down. It is also useful for distributing directory data from a central main repository to remote directory servers.

    Do you want to configure this directory server to use replication? [No]:

    If you answer No, you can configure the Directory Server to use replication at a later time. Refer to your Directory Server documentation for detailed information and instructions.

  21. Sample entries

    You may install some sample entries in this directory instance. These entries will be installed in a separate suffix and will not interfere with the normal operation of the directory server.

    Do you want to install the sample entries? [No]:

    The samples are installed in a separate suffix and will not interfere with the normal operation of this Directory Server.

  22. Populate your new Directory Instance with some data

    You may wish to populate your new directory instance with some data. You may already have a file in LDIF format to use or some suggested entries can be added. If you want to import entries from an LDIF file, you may type in the full path and filename at the prompt. If you want the install program to add the suggested entries, type the word suggest at the prompt. The suggested entries are common container entries under your specified suffix, such as ou=People and ou=Groups, which are commonly used to hold the entries for the persons and groups in your organization. If you do not want to add any of these entries, type the word none at the prompt.

    Type the full path and filename, the word suggest, or the word none [suggest]:

    If you want to import entries from an existing LDIF file, specify the full path and filename. If you want the install program to add the suggested entries, type the word "suggest" at the prompt. If you do not want any of these entries, type the word "none" at the prompt. While the default is "suggest," it is recommended that you either specify an existing LDIF file or you specify "none" to avoid creating unnecessary additional entries.

  23. Disable schema checking

    If you are going to import an old database immediately after or during installation, and you think you may have problems with your old schema, you may want to turn off schema checking until after the import. If you choose to do this, schema checking will remain off until you manually turn it back on. Netscape recommends that you turn it back on as soon as possible.

    Do you want to disable schema checking? [No]:

    Answer No if you do not want to disable schema checking. If you choose to turn schema checking off, it will remain off until you manually turn it back on. It is recommended that you turn it back on as soon as possible.

Administration Server Questions

The questions in this section relate to the Administration Server. The questions you will see and the answers you are expected to provide differ depending on your specific installation scenario.

  1. Administration Server Port

    The Administration Server is separate from any of your application servers since it listens to a different port and access to it is restricted.

    Pick a port number between 1024 and 65535 to run your Administration Server on. You should NOT use a port number which you plan to run an application server on, rather, select a number which you will remember and which will not be used for anything else.

    The default in brackets was randomly selected from the available ports on your system. To accept the default, press return.

    Administration port [6910]:

    You should pick an unused port number between 1024 and 65535.

    Note Be sure to note this port number. If you forget to do so, you can find it in the server-root/admin-serv/config/adm.conf file.

  2. Bind the Administration Server to a specific IP address rather than the default IP address of the current host?

    If you want to configure the Administration Server to bind to a specific IP address rather than the default IP address of the current host, enter the address below.

    To accept the default shown in brackets, press the Return key.

    IP address []:

    Refer to your Administration Server documentation for detailed information.

  3. User name of the Administration Server

    The Administration Server program runs as a certain user on your system. This user should be different than the one which your application servers run as. Only the user you select will be able to write to your configuration files. If you run the Administration Server as "root", you will be able to use the Server Administration screen to start and stop your application servers.

    Run Administration Server as [root]:

    The Administration Server runs as this user who will have write privileges for all of your configuration files. This user should be different from your Directory Server user. The default and recommended user is root, that lets you use the Netscape Console interface to start and stop your servers.

    Note The Administration Server is primarily used to change Users and Groups information. To administer your Directory Server and Messaging Server configurations, it is recommended that you use Netscape Console.

Messaging Server Questions

The questions in this section relate to the Messaging Server. The questions you will see and the answers you are expected to provide differ depending on your specific installation scenario.

  1. Unique identifier for this Messaging Server

    The instance name is the unique identifier for this installed Messaging Server. It is customary to use the host name as instance name. However, you may choose any name you wish.

    The instance name will be prefixed with "msg-" to identify the installed server as a Messaging Server.

    Instance Name [budgie]:

    This is the unique identifier for this instance of the Messaging Server; each Messaging Server instance must have a unique identifier, called a serverID. The installation program automatically adds the prefix "msg-" to the name you specify. For example, if you name the server instance tango, the installation program creates the serverID called msg-tango.

    It is recommended that server identifiers be a single, unqualified element using only alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores.

  2. Messaging Server host name and domain name

    The Messaging Server responds to requests for a particular host and domain. It is recommended you use the host and domain name of the machine on which you are installing the Messaging Server.

    Host Name []:

    This is the host and domain name of the machine where the Messaging Server resides and executes commands. Be sure to specify this in the form hostname.domainname (for example:

  3. User name of the Messaging Server

    The Messaging Server runs as a privileged user. The account should already exist on the system and should be a member of the iPlanet Group.

    User Name [mailsrv]:

    This is the user ID under which the Messaging Server runs; the Messaging Server must be run as a privileged user.

    The messaging data files, such as the message store, are owned by this user, meaning that this user should be highly secure. This user should also be a member of the iPlanet group (See Step 12 on page 63.). In the course of operation, servers will assign some directory permissions to this user and the iPlanet group for certain server-specific operations. The default user ID is mailsrv.

  4. Default domain and organization for the Messaging Server

    Please enter the default domain and the default organization DN below. The default domain is the domain of unqualified user-id's that do not belong to any particular domain.

    The default organization DN should represent the subtree under which all users that belong to the default domain are located. All users that belong to the default domain are managed under this subtree.

    Default Domain []:

    Default Organization DN [o=budgie.siroe,]:

    Specify the domain and organization for this Messaging Server. The default domain is the domain of unqualified user IDs that do not belong to any particular domain. The default organization DN should represent the subtree under which all users belonging to the default domain are located. All users belonging to the default domain are managed under this subtree.

  5. Distinguished name and password of the Directory Manager

    The Directory Manager DN and password.


    User DN:

    Certain Directory Server operations require an administrative user. This user is referred to as the Directory Manager and typically has a bind Distinguished Name (DN) of cn=Directory Manager. Specify the DN and password for the Directory Manager.

  6. Host name and port of the Web server that will host the iPlanet Delegated Administrator for Messaging

    The Messaging Server requires the use of a Delegated Administration Server. The Delegated Administration Server is used by administrators and endusers to manage user accounts and their preferences.

    A Delegated Administration Server does not have to exist at the given host and port. It may be installed later.

    Host Name []:

    Messaging Server requires the use of a Delegated Administration Server, which is used by administrators and end users to manage user accounts and their preferences.

    Note A Delegated Administrator server does not have to pre-exist at this specified port and server; it can be installed later.

    The host name must be the name of the machine that will host the Web server for the Delegated Administrator; this machine can be either local or remote. The port number is the port on which that Web server listens.

    Note If you choose to install the iPlanet Delegated Administrator for Messaging client on a different machine from the iPlanet Delegated Administrator for Messaging CLI, then you will be asked for this information in the iPlanet Delegated Administrator for Messaging installation. Be sure to record it.

  7. Specify whether or not the Messaging Server will be run from behind a firewall

    The Messaging Server can route mail through a firewall. The firewall controls access between the Internet and your internal network.

    If you choose to operate your Messaging Server behind a firewall, you must specify the fully qualified host name of the Smart Host, which has the Messaging Server routing information.

    If your Messaging Server cannot route mail to a recipient's address, it forwards the message to its Smart Host.

       [1] Yes, the Messaging Server is behind a firewall.
       [2] No, the Messaging Server will not use a firewall.

    Will the Messaging Server use a firewall [2]:

    Select option 1 if your Messaging Server is behind a firewall; you must specify the fully qualified host name of the Smart Host, which has the ability to route messages beyond the firewall.

  8. Customize the root of your domain component tree

    Please specify the root of your domain component tree.


    In most instances, the default o=internet is sufficient for specifying your dcroot.

  9. Primary message store directory

    The Messaging Server will use the directory shown below as its primary message store.

    Store Directory [/usr/iplanet/server5/msg-budgie/store/partition/primary]:

    This is the path to the message storage area to which messages will be written and from which they will be retrieved. You must specify the absolute path name for this directory. The default location is server-root/msg-serverID/store/partition/primary.

    Note If you specify a non-default path, you will need to manually create the directory, since Installer will not do so (unless it is a default path).

  10. TCP/IP port numbers for POP3, IMAP, SMTP, and Messenger Express

    The Messaging Server uses TCP/IP ports for sending and receiving messages.

    POP3 Port [110]:

    IMAP Port [143]:

    SMTP Port [25]:

    Messenger Express Port [80]:

    The default port numbers are:

    • POP3 (110)

    • IMAP (143)

    • SMTP (25)

    • Messenger Express (80)

  11. Login ID and password for the Service Administrator

    The Messaging Server requires a Service Administrator account to exist in the Users Directory Server. The account has privileges to manage the various services of the Messaging Server.

    The account will be created and given the necessary privileges.

    User ID [ServiceAdmin]:

    This is the top-level administrator for the Delegated Administrator. The Messaging Server requires that this account exist in the Users and Groups Directory Server; this user has privileges (for example, create, modify, or delete) to manage any user, group, domain, domain organization, and mailing list defined in the directory.

    Additionally, the Service Administrator is implicitly granted Store Administrator privileges; for example, they can authenticate as another user via the proxy and perform such functions as checking their quota status.

  12. Email address that you want to add to the postmaster group

    A Postmaster alias will be created and used to distribute administrative email related to the Messaging Server. Mail sent to the Postmaster will be distributed to the members of the postmaster group. An email address that will be the initial member of the postmaster group is required. The given address (e.g. must be a valid address (it will NOT be created during the install).

    Do not use an email address that begins with "Postmaster@". This email address is already assigned to the Postmaster alias.

    Email Address:

    A postmaster group (like the email group) will be created by the installation program and you are asked to specify an email address which will be made a member of that group. Any mail addressed to the postmaster in the Users and Groups Directory Server will be sent to this email account. Note that this alias is not recognized until the imsimta dirsync command is run. See the iPlanet Messaging Server Reference Manual for more information on imsimta dirsync.

    Note The email address you specify for the postmaster is accepted during installation; a postmaster group is added and the email address is added to the postmaster group. However, the email address that you specify may not previously exist in the Directory Server. In this case, a user or group account must be created with this email address, using either the Console or the iPlanet Delegated Administrator for Messaging.

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Copyright © 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last Updated February 26, 2002