International Language Environments Guide

Localization Content on Solaris 8 CD-ROMs

Partial locales are selected at the beginning of the install procedure on the OS CD-ROM. Full locales are automatically installed from the Language CD-ROM according to the locale selections made at the beginning of the install procedure.

The distribution of locales is shown in the table below.

Table 3-1 Solaris 8 Installation CD-ROMs



Solaris OS CD-ROM 

Solaris 8 Operating System 

all partial locales 

Language CD-ROM 

message translations for 9 languages 

locale specific utilities 

As mentioned, the locales include partial locales. These are based on core locales for the main language. For example, the fr_CA.ISO8859-1 (French Canadian) is based on the fr_FR.ISO8859-1 (French) locale. These partial locales utilize the messages that are delivered into its parent locale (French for fr_CA). If a locale hasn't been fully localized, then it might contain only English messages.