C H A P T E R  3

Post Installation

After completing the Windows Server installation and rebooting the operating system, you should review the following post installation tasks and, if necessary, perform the tasks that are applicable to your system.

Downloading Server-Specific Drivers

This section describes how to download the server-specific driver packages needed for Windows Server installations.

Note - The Sun Blade X6275 Tools and Drivers DVD contains all of the server-specific drivers required for Windows Server installations. If you are using the Tools and Drivers DVD, you can you can skip this section and proceed to Installing Server-Specific Device Drivers. You can also obtain the latest version of the Tools and Drivers DVD for the Sun Blade X6275 Server Module by downloading the updated Tools and Driver DVD image at: http://www.sun.com/servers/blades/downloads.jsp

procedure icon  To Download the Server-Specific Drivers

1. Download the drivers for the Sun Blade X6275 Server Module at: http://www.sun.com/servers/blades/downloads.jsp

2. Choose one of the following download options:

Note - The _x_x_x number identifies the version of the package (for example, FloppyPack_1_1_4.zip).

3. Proceed to Installing Server-Specific Device Drivers.

Installing Server-Specific Device Drivers

Sun provides a wizard to install Sun server-specific device drivers and supplemental software.

The Sun Server Installation Package wizard may be started from one of the following locations:

Note - Using a recently downloaded InstallPack_x_x_x.exe to update the drivers ensures that you update the server-specific drivers with the latest versions available.

procedure icon  To Install the Server-Specific Device Drivers

1. Start the Sun Installation Package software using one of the following methods:

The DVD will automatically start.

At the main menu, select Install Drivers and Supplemental Software.


The Sun Server Installation Package dialog box (shown below) appears.

Screen shot of the Sun Installation Package dialog box

2. In the Install Pack dialog box, click Next to accept the default installable items.

Note - You should always accept the “platform-specific drivers” to ensure that the most recent versions of the drivers are installed.

The Install Pack notice dialog box appears.

Screen shot of the Important Note dialog box

3. In the Install Pack notice dialog box, read the message then click Next.

4. In the End User License Agreement page, select “I accept this agreement”, and then click Next.

The platform-specific drivers are installed. A green check mark verifies that each driver has been successfully installed.

Screen shot of the Finished Installing dialog box

5. In the Driver Installation Pack dialog box, click Finish.

The System Settings Change dialog box appears.

Screen shot of the System Settings Change dialog box

Note - If you plan on installing Supplemental Software (highly recommended), do not restart your system at this time. Once the Supplemental Software has been installed, you will be prompted to restart the system.

6. Perform one of the following:

Installing Supplemental Software

During the supplemental software installation wizard, you can choose to install all the supplemental software on your system by choosing a Typical installation; or, you can individually select the supplemental software to install by choosing a Custom installation. For instructions for installing the supplemental software, see Install the Supplemental Software.

procedure icon  Install the Supplemental Software

Note - If you have already installed the supplemental software, running the installation again will not necessarily reinstall the supplemental software. It may result in the components being removed. Carefully review the dialog boxes during supplemental software installation to ensure that the results are as expected.

1. Do one of the following:

The Supplemental Software dialog box appears. Proceed the next step.

Graphic Showing Typical and Custom Choices Available in Installation Package.

2. In the Install Pack Supplement Software dialog box, click Next to accept the Typical settings, or select Custom to choose the options to install.

The Component installation wizard will guide you through the installation of each of the selected supplemental software components.

3. After the supplemental software has been installed, click Finish.

4. Click Yes at the System Setting Change dialog box to restart your system.

If you ran the Sun Server Installation Package software from the Tools and Drivers DVD, remove the DVD from your system now.