Using the Sun TCP/IP JCA Adapter

TCPIP Outbound Settings — Client Connection Establishment

The Client Connection Establishments settings control the connection when the Connection Type is Client.

Time To Wait Before Attempting Connection

Default: 0 (milliseconds); in other words, no wait time

Specifies the number of milliseconds to wait before trying to establish a connection with an external server.

Always Create New Connection

Default: false

Choices include:


An attempt is made to match an existing connection managed by the container.


A new connection is always attempted, without trying to match an existing connection.

Auto Reconnect Upon Matching Failure

Default: true

Choices include:


The invalid matching connection is discarded, and an attempt is automatically made to reconnect using a new connection.


No automatic attempt is made to reconnect after an invalid match; instead, an exception is thrown. The user must detect this type of failure and act appropriately.

Max Connection Retry

Default: 3

Specifies the maximum number of attempts at making a connection with the external TCP/IP server (host/port) before giving up.

Retry Connection Interval

Default: 30000 (milliseconds); in other words, 30 seconds

Specifies the number of milliseconds to wait between attempts to connect to the external TCP/IP server (host/port).