Solaris Extensions Installation Guide: Installing Solaris Extensions for Netscape Directory Server 4.11

Chapter 1 Installing Solaris Extensions for Netscape Directory Server 4.11

The Solaris Extensions Installation Guide explains how to install the Solaris Extensions for Netscape Directory Server 4.11. It assumes that you are already familiar with installing software products on machines running the Solaris operating environment.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Product Contents
The Solaris Extensions for Netscape Directory Server 4.11 product contains the following packages:

Package Name
Package Description
NIS synchronization tools
RADIUS server and PAM module
Administration utilities

The product also includes an automatic startup script, S72ns-slapd, that automatically starts the directory server when the host machine is rebooted. This script is delivered separately from the product packages.

Installation Requirements
This section provides details of the hardware and software requirements that must be met in order to run the Solaris Extensions for Netscape Directory Server 4.11 with satisfactory performance.


Solaris Extensions for Netscape Directory Server 4.11 run on Solaris SPARC platforms and require a minimum of 128 Mbytes RAM.


Solaris Extensions for Netscape Directory Server 4.11 require the following software:

If installing Solaris Extensions for Netscape Directory Server 4.11 on a Solaris 2.6 system, you should install the Recommended Solaris 2.6 Patch Cluster and, optionally, the Year 2000 Solaris 2.6 Recommended Patch Cluster.

Disk Space

The disk space required by the product packages, when installed in their default locations, is as follows:

Product Package

Note that you must allow space in the /var directory for log files. By default, you can have up to 10 log files of 1Mb for the RADIUS server and for the NIS daemons, which means that the size of the log files can reach 20 Mb.

Installing Solaris Extensions

  1. Insert the CD-ROM into the CD drive of your machine, or download the software from the Solaris Extensions for Netscape Directory Server 4.11 web site.
  2. Log in as root or become superuser.
  3. Change directory to /cdrom/<mountpoint> or to the directory to which you downloaded the software.
  4. Start the pkgadd utility:
  5. # /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d .

    A list of installable packages is displayed.

  6. Type in the numbers corresponding to the packages that you want to install.
  7. If you want to use the NIS synchronization service, and the RADIUS server, install all packages. If you want to use the NIS synchronization service alone, install SUNWdsnis and SUNWdsutl. If you want to use the RADIUS server alone, install SUNWdsrad and SUNWdsutl.

  8. If you want the directory server daemon, ns-slapd, to be automatically restarted whenever the machine is rebooted, copy the S72ns-slapd script from the /DS/Samples directory on the CD to the /etc/rc2.d directory. For consistency with all other scripts, you can create a link from /etc/rc2.d to /etc/init.d/ns-slapd.
  9. If you have not installed the Directory Server under the default installation directory (/usr/netscape/server4), you must edit the S72ns-slapd script to modify the BASEDIR variable to point to the actual installation directory.

Note. The NIS synchronization service and the RADIUS server cannot operate if the ns-slapd daemon is not running.

Starting the NIS Synchronization Service
For instructions on initializing the NIS synchronization service, refer to the NIS Extension Guide. It contains detailed instructions on how to initialize synchronized NIS/LDAP service using the dsypinstall script, and describes the modifications made to the standard NIS environment.

Starting the RADIUS Server
For instructions on initializing the RADIUS server, refer to the RADIUS Extension Guide. It contains detailed instructions on how to initialize the RADIUS server using the setup_rad script, and how to start the RADIUS console.


Copyright © 1999 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 1999 Netscape Communications Corporation