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Sun Java System Communications Express 6 2004Q2 Customization Guide 

Chapter 2
Customizing General Features in Communications Express

This chapter describes how to customize some of the common elements in Communications Express. It also provides information related to .jsp files and their location along with details on the common features that are customizable in Communications Express.

This chapter provides details on

Guidelines to be Followed Before the Customization Process

Before you start customizing the application, it is important to understand how to edit and deploy the .jsp files. The guidelines for customizing .jsp files are as follows.

  1. Do not edit .jsp files directly in your production web server. Instead, make and test changes in a development environment.
  2. Make a backup copy of the .jsp file.
  3. Edit the .jsp file with any HTML or text editor. Typically HTML editors do not work well for .jsp files because of the amount of embedded Java code. In general when editing a .jsp file, be careful not to edit Java code.
  4. After completing your edits, you can optionally compile the .jsp file. Because the .jsp file contains both HTML and Java code, this compilation ensures that you have not introduced syntax errors in the .jsp file.
  5. Restart the web container for the changes to take effect.

List of Customizable and Configurable Files for Calendar and Address Book

The following list of files are customizable and configurable for Calendar and Address Book. It is assumed here that the customization is performed before configuring Communications Express. The directories mentioned are relative to <install root>/lib/config-templates. If configured, the files are available in the location /var/opt/sunwuwc

Table 2-1  List of Customizable files for Calendar and Address Book 

File Location

Customizable Files

Name used in the document


All the configuration files



All files. i18n files are used to internationalize the interface for multiple languages and/or countries


WEB-INF/skin file



All the .html, .xml and .xsl files



All files such as .gif, .css, .html files



All stylesheets(.css files)



All image files(*.gif, *.jpg)



.jsp files



.jsp files



.jsp files



.jsp files


Customizing the Contents of

The file contains the location of style sheets and images that are customizable. For example, consider the following skin.

uwc.defaultskin = Christmas

To change this skin, perform the following steps.

  1. Create <skin-dir>/Christmas directory
  2. Copy from <skin-dir>/skin/ to <skin-dir>/skin/Christmas
  3. Change the locations in to point to the customized style sheets and images.
  4. Restart theWeb Server.

The common components that are present include the Banner, Application bar, and calendar tool bar. You can also customize the overall layout look and feel.

Customizing Images

The calendar images can be customized by specifying the location for these icons in


<theme-name> is the name of the theme configured for a domain. To customize the icons, edit the file to change the names of properties to contain a value that points to the location of the new images. A default value for image location will be used if the corresponding key is not defined in the theme. properties file.

Table 2-2 lists the common images that are located in <uwc-images-dir>.

Table 2-2  Location of the Common images in <uwc-images-dir>


Property Name


Banner Image



Right Branding Image



Warning Image



Search Image



Printable Image



Import Export Image



Sort down and non selected image




Sort down and selected image



Sort up and non selected image




Sort up and selected selected image



Anchor Image



Subscribed Image



Required Image



Error Message Icon



Warning Message Icon



Question Message Icon



Information Message Icon



Customizing Text

Communications Express allows you to customize text that is displayed on web pages. This text is both customizable and localizable. You can also configure text on a per domain basis. To customize text, you to need to change the file that is deployed in <domain-dir>/domain/en. The file in <domain-dir>/domain/en is the default file. If the deployment is configured to work with multiple domains and multiple locales, then you need to create a directory by that domain name under <domain-dir> appropriately.

To customize the text of a domain called, perform the following steps.

  1. Create <domain-dir>/domain/
  2. Copy <domain-dir>/domain/en/ to <domain-dir>/domain/ This would be the default path of the for users in domain.
  3. Create directories for each supported locale such as en_US, ja, de_FR under that domain, copy to the domain, and change the locations accordingly

Customizing the Skin

To modify the skin, perform these steps.

  1. The skin to be edited is defined in the uwc.defaultskin property in file. Communications Express looks for the directory name specified for the supported locale under the <skin-dir>directory.
  2. Copy the new skin to this location to replace the existing skin in this directory.
  3. The default can be accessed from <skin-dir>/

Customizing the Login Screen for the English Locale

This section describes how to modify the Communications Express Login screen shown in Figure 2-1.

You can replace the logo with a custom graphic on the Communications Express Login screen:

To modify the Communications Express Login Screen, you need to edit <skin-dir>/ and the relevant .jsp file is login.jsp.

Figure 2-1  Communications Express Login Screen

Communications Express Login Screen


Replacing the Logo With a Custom Graphic

You can modify the following on the Communications Express corner logo and link:

Example—Logo Modification

The example shown in Figure 2-3 replaces the Sun logo with a custom logo having different dimensions.

Figure 2-3  Example Corner Logo

Example - Corner Logo

Figure 2-4  Login Screen with Customized Logo

Login Screen After Customization

Changing the Title Text

Figure 2-5  Communications Express Title Text

Communications Express Title Text

You can also do the following:

Customizing Banner

You can modify the left image and the right image in the banner. These images show the banner before and after customization.

Figure 2-6  Left Banner Image Before Customization

Before Customizing the Left Banner Image

Figure 2-7  Customized Left Banner Image

After Customizing the Left Banner Image

Figure 2-8  Right Banner Image Before Customization

Before Customizing the Right Banner Image

Figure 2-9  Customized Right Banner Image

After Customizing the Right Banner Image

Customizing Branding

The has a property called uwc-homepage which can be changed to point to the 'Home' link on the Branding page.

Customizing Application Bar

You can modify the application bar by editing the CalApplBarNormal.jsp file located at <calclient-dir>/CalApplBarNormal.jsp

By default, the order in which the application tab appear, provided all services are enabled, is 'Mail’,’Calendar', 'Address Book' and 'Options'. This order can be changed to suit your requirements.

Figure 2-10  Default application tab order

Normal Application Tab Order

Code Example 2-1 shows the default code that displays the default application tab order .

Code Example 2-1  Code for customizing the Application tab order

<td class="Tab1Gutter">

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="Tab1Tbl">


<td colspan="12"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="6" alt=""></td>



<jato:content name="MailTab">

<td class="Tab1Gutter" colspan="3"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="3" alt=""></td>


<td rowspan="3" class="Tab1Sel">

<div class="Tab1Sel"><span class="Tab1LblSel" title="<%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-toolbar-tooltip-Calendar", "Calendar") %>"><%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-toolbar-Calendar", "Calendar") %></span></div>


<td rowspan="3" class="Tab1Sel"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="10" height="3" alt=""></td>

<td class="Tab1Gutter" colspan="7"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="3" alt=""></td>



<jato:content name="MailTab">

<td class="Tab1NotSel">

<div class="Tab1NotSel"><a href="<%= getContextURI(request) %>/mailclient/Mail" title="<%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-toolbar-tooltip-Mail", "Mail") %>" class="Tab1LblNormal" onmouseover="status='Mail'; return true;" onmouseout="status=';'"><%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-toolbar-Mail", "Mail") %></a></div>


<td class="Tab1NotSel"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="10" height="1" alt=""></td>

<td class="Tab1Gutter"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="3" height="1" alt=""></td>


<td class="Tab1Gutter"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="3" height="1" alt=""></td>

<td class="Tab1NotSel" nowrap>

<div class="Tab1NotSel"><a href="<%= getContextURI(request) %>/abclient/AddressBook" title="<%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-toolbar-tooltip-AddressBook", "Address Book") %>" class="Tab1LblNormal" onmouseover="status='Address Book'; return true;" onmouseout="status=';'"><%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-toolbar-AddressBook", "Address Book") %></a></div>


<td class="Tab1NotSel"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="10" height="1" alt=""></td>

<td class="Tab1Gutter"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="3" height="1" alt=""></td>

<td class="Tab1NotSel">

<div class="Tab1NotSel"><a href="<%= getContextURI(request) %>/base/CalendarPreferences" title="<%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-toolbar-tooltip-Options", "Options") %>" class="Tab1LblNormal" onmouseover="status='Options'; return true;" onmouseout="status=';'"><%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-toolbar-Options", "Options") %></a></div>


<td class="Tab1NotSel"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="10" height="1" alt=""></td>

<td class="Tab1Gutter"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="3" height="1" alt=""></td>



<td colspan="3" class="Tab1Gutter"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt=""></td>

<td colspan="7" class="Tab1Gutter"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt=""></td>




The application tab order can be customized to display in the order, Address Book, Mail, Calendar and Options.

Figure 2-11  Changing the application tab order to display Address Book, Mail, Calendar and Options

Changed Application Tab Order

To change the order of Application tabs for example 'Address Book', 'Mail', 'Calendar', 'Options' re-arrange the code shown in Code Example 2-1 to the following:

Code Example 2-2  Customizing the order of the application tabs

<td class="Tab1Gutter">

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="Tab1Tbl">


<td colspan="12"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="6" alt=""></td>



<td class="Tab1Gutter"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="3" height="1" alt=""></td>

<td class="Tab1NotSel" nowrap>

<div class="Tab1NotSel"><a href="<%= getContextURI(request) %>/abclient/AddressBook" title="<%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-toolbar-tooltip-AddressBook", "Address Book") %>" class="Tab1LblNormal" onmouseover="status='Address Book'; return true;" onmouseout="status=';'"><%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-toolbar-AddressBook", "Address Book") %></a></div>


<jato:content name="MailTab">

<td class="Tab1NotSel">

<div class="Tab1NotSel"><a href="<%= getContextURI(request) %>/mailclient/Mail" title="<%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-toolbar-tooltip-Mail", "Mail") %>" class="Tab1LblNormal" onmouseover="status='Mail'; return true;" onmouseout="status=';'"><%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-toolbar-Mail", "Mail") %></a></div>


<td class="Tab1NotSel"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="10" height="1" alt=""></td>

<td class="Tab1Gutter"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="3" height="1" alt=""></td>


<jato:content name="MailTab">

<td class="Tab1Gutter" colspan="3"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="3" alt=""></td>


<td rowspan="3" class="Tab1Sel">

<div class="Tab1Sel"><span class="Tab1LblSel" title="<%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-toolbar-tooltip-Calendar", "Calendar") %>"><%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-toolbar-Calendar", "Calendar") %></span></div>


<td rowspan="3" class="Tab1Sel"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="10" height="3" alt=""></td>

<td class="Tab1Gutter" colspan="7"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="3" alt=""></td>



<td class="Tab1NotSel"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="10" height="1" alt=""></td>

<td class="Tab1Gutter"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="3" height="1" alt=""></td>

<td class="Tab1NotSel">

<div class="Tab1NotSel"><a href="<%= getContextURI(request) %>/base/CalendarPreferences" title="<%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-toolbar-tooltip-Options", "Options") %>" class="Tab1LblNormal" onmouseover="status='Options'; return true;" onmouseout="status=';'"><%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-toolbar-Options", "Options") %></a></div>


<td class="Tab1NotSel"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="10" height="1" alt=""></td>

<td class="Tab1Gutter"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="3" height="1" alt=""></td>



<td colspan="3" class="Tab1Gutter"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt=""></td>

<td colspan="7" class="Tab1Gutter"><img src="../uwc/images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt=""></td>




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