Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Reference

Error Logs for Directory Proxy Server

Error logs contain information about the health of the Directory Proxy Server. Error messages are categorized according to the cause of the message. The following table lists the categories of messages that can be included in an error log.

Table 19–1 Message Categories for Error Logs

Category Name 

Category Description 


Information about configuration 


Information about operation decoding 


Information about plug-in processing 


Information about a significant event that occurred during client processing 


Information about an operation with a data source 


Information about an internal error in the core server 


Information about an event at server shutdown 


Information about an event at server startup 

Error Log Levels

    Each message category can be configured with one of the following log-levels:

  1. none No messages are included in the log file.

  2. error Only error messages are included in the log file.

  3. warning Error messages and warning messages are included in the log file.

  4. info Errors, warnings and informational messages are included in the log file.

  5. all All messages are included in the log file. In most cases, this setting produces the same results as the info setting. In certain situations, this setting enables additional debugging messages to be logged.

  6. inherited The log level is inherited from the value of the default-log-level property.

By default, the log level for each message category is info.

The log-level of a message category works in conjunction with the severity level of a message to determine which messages are included in the log file. For more information, see Message Severity.

Format of an Error Message

An error log message has this format:

timestamp - message category - message severity - message text

Example 19–1 shows an extract from an error log.

Example 19–1 Extract of an Error Log

[07/26/2005:10:41:38 +0200] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Sun Java(TM) 
  System Directory Proxy Server/6.0 (Build 0719051656 DEBUG) starting up
[07/26/2005:10:41:43 +0200] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Global log level INFO
[07/26/2005:10:41:43 +0200] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Logging Service conf
[07/26/2005:10:41:43 +0200] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Java Version: 1.5.0_03
 (Java Home: /usr/lang/JAVA/jdk1.5.0_03/solaris-sparc/jre)
[07/26/2005:10:41:43 +0200] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Operating System:
[07/26/2005:10:41:43 +0200] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Init LDAP server
  cn=Server-1, cn=LDAP servers,cn=config
[07/26/2005:10:41:43 +0200] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Init LDAP server
  cn=Server-2,cn=LDAP servers,cn=config
[07/26/2005:10:41:43 +0200] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Init LDAP server
  cn=Server-3, cn=LDAP servers,cn=config
[07/26/2005:10:41:44 +0200] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Performing SSL init
[07/26/2005:10:41:44 +0200] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Creating 20 worker 
[07/26/2005:10:41:44 +0200] - PLUGIN     - WARN  - Unable to load 
  plugin class specified in 
  entry cn=,cn=Plugins,cn=config -- not loading 
[07/26/2005:10:41:45 +0200] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Starting client 
[07/26/2005:10:41:45 +0200] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Sun Java(TM) 
  System Directory Proxy Server/6.0 (Build 0719051656 DEBUG) started 
  on host a
[07/26/2005:10:41:45 +0200] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Listening for secure
  client connections on
[07/26/2005:10:41:45 +0200] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Listening for client 
  connections on
[07/26/2005:10:42:13 +0200] - BACKEND    - WARN  - Proactive Monitor 
  thread determined that directory server ldap://nautilus:6389/ avail
[07/26/2005:10:42:13 +0200] - BACKEND    - WARN  - Proactive Monitor 
  thread determined directory server ldap://nautilus:7389/ is available.
[07/26/2005:10:42:13 +0200] - BACKEND    - WARN  - Proactive Monitor 
  thread determined directory server ldap://nautilus:5389/ is available.