Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Reference for UNIX

Common Settings

When you install product components using the Configure Now option, the installer presents pages that allow you to specify how some common settings are to be handled during install-time configuration:

Caution – Caution –

In a state file created for silent install, the variables can specify sensitive data, such as administrator passwords. Make sure to protect the file as appropriate for your deployment.

Password Choice

For a Configure Now installation, the Password Choice page allows you to specify a single administrator account and password for all the product components that use the administrator settings.

Table 3–1 Password Choice

Label and State File Parameter 


Choose to use a default admin account and password.


For a Configure Now installation, allows you to specify a single administrator account and password for all product components. If you accept this default, you will not be prompted for this data on subsequent configuration pages.  

If you choose to use different administrator accounts for each product component, you will be prompted for the administrator account and password on the component configuration pages. 

The default value is true.

Note: In the Java ES installer, white space cannot be used in admin passwords, nor can the following symbols:  ; & ( ) ! | < > ' “ $ ^ \ # / , @ %

Common Server Settings

Common server settings are used to provide default values for the product components that use the settings.

On the configuration pages of the installer, the notation “Shared default value” indicates which setting are default values from the Common Server Settings page. You can accept the default value or you can override it by entering a value that is specific to the product component you are configuring.

Table 3–2 Common Server Settings

Label and State File Parameter 


Host Name


The host name of the host on which you are installing Java ES components.  

Output of the hostname command. For example: thishost

DNS Domain Name


Domain for the host on which you are installing. Domain name of this computer as registered in the local DNS server. This format should be Example,

Host IP Address 


The IP address of the host on which you are installing, that is, the local host. For example: 

Administrator User ID


Default user ID for the administrator for all components being installed. For example: admin

Note: If you chose to use a single administrator account, this field is not present. 

Administrator Password


Default password for the administrator for all components being installed. 

There is no default value. The password must have at least eight character.  

Note: If you chose to use a single administrator account, this field is not present. 

Note: In the Java ES installer, white space cannot be used in admin passwords, nor can the following symbols:  ; & ( ) ! | < > ' “ $ ^ \ # / , @ %

System User


User ID (UID) under which component processes run.  

The default value is root.

System Group


Group ID (GID) of the system user.  

The default value is root.