Technical Note: Web Services for Remote Portlets for Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1

ProcedureTo Generate a Registration Handle

  1. If you are not on the Producer tab, see To Navigate to the WSRP Producer Options in the Portal Server Administration Console.

  2. Click the producer name for which you want to create a registration handle.

  3. Click the Consumer Registration tab.

    The screen displays all consumers that are registered to the specific producer.

  4. Click New create a new registration handle.

  5. Type details, such as name, status, consumer agent, and method.

    • Consumer name: A unique name to identify the consumer.

    • Status: A consumer can be Enabled or Disabled. A consumer can access the remote portlets offered by the producer only if the status is enabled.

    • Consumer Agent: Specifies the name and version of the consumer's vendor. Type the Consumer Agent Name in the form ProductName.MajorVersion.MinorVersion, where ProductName identifies the product the consumer installed for its deployment, and MajorVersion and MinorVersion are vendor-defined versions of the vendor's product. This string can contain any additional characters and words the product or consumer wants to supply.

    • Method: Specifies whether the Consumer has implemented portlet URLs in a manner that supports HTML markup containing forms with the get method.

  6. Click Next.

    The screen displays the registration property values that you specified while creating the producer. Review the details and change the details if required.

  7. Click Finish to create a registration handle.