Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Release Notes

General Installation Issues

After installing a component with the Java ES installer, you must use the uninstaller to uninstall (no bug number)

If you remove component packages or RPMs directly, the next time the installer is run, it may see a component as still being installed and not behave correctly.

Solution If you have already removed component packages or RPMs manually, you must still use the Java ES uninstaller to uninstall the component.

In CLI mode the Java ES installer continues even when it lacks swap space (6436570)

If the system on which you run the Java ES installer does not have sufficient swap space to run the installer, the CLI mode installer (./installer -nodisplay) continues to run after displaying an error message that includes:

com.sun.entsys.dre.DREException: Not enough space

Solution If you see this message, exit the installer. Then, allocate more swap space or free up existing swap space before running the installer again.

In silent mode, installation fails without error if statefile has an invalid id (6585745)

If you run the Java ES 5 Update 1 installer in silent mode and specify a statefile with an invalid id (such as from a previous version of Java ES), the installer does not install any software and it exits without reporting an error. The installer log file contains the message:

Exit Installation due to Error or User has selected exit on Warning.

SolutionReplace the id in the statefile with a valid id generated by the Java ES 5 Update 1 installer. Use this command to generate the id:

./installer -id

When using the —no option, the installer throws InvocationTargetException if you stop installation (6592472)

If you run the installer with the —no option and stop installation on the Installing page, the installer exits, throwing an InvocationTargetException:

InvocationTargetException thrown in method cancelConfirmed in class
        at ...

Solution None.

On Solaris 10, installation in a whole root zone is unsuccessful (6451030)

When installing Java ES in a whole root zone on earlier versions of Solaris 10, the installer might display one of these messages:

Unsupported components in zone
Following components required by the selected components, are not 
supported in local zone and they can not be installed directly into 
the local zone. Please install these components from the global zone 
before proceeding the installation



The Sun Web Console packages that are installed on your system
have a defect that is preventing Java ES from installing in a
while root non-global zone. In order to rectify this situation
you must upgrade the Sun Web Console packages in the global zone
before installing Java ES in a whole root zone. Please see the
Java ES Release Notes (bug 6451030) and Installation Guide for
further information.

Both of these messages appear because the Sun Java Web Console packages already installed contain an incorrect attribute setting that prevents the installer from upgrading them. The Sun Java Web Console packages that contain the incorrect attribute setting were shipped with Solaris 10, Solaris 10 1/06, Solaris 10 6/06, and Java ES 2005Q4.

Solution To resolve this issue, you must upgrade the Sun Java Web Console packages in the global zone before you install Java ES in a whole root zone. You have two options:

On Solaris 10, installation in a sparse-root zone does not report presence of bundled Application Server in global zone (6512640)

When installing Java ES in a sparse-root zone, the installer checks the global zone for components that you must upgrade in the global zone before you can install in the sparse-root zone. However, the installer does not report the version of Application Server bundled with Solaris 10 as a component to upgrade.

Solution Before installing Java ES in a sparse-root zone, first run the installer in the global zone and upgrade Application Server if the installer shows it as Upgradable.

On Solaris 10, Web Console errors appear when booting a whole root zone (6584536)

When you install Java ES, the installer creates the symbolic link /usr/jdk/entsys-j2se so that components can access the same version of Java SE. After installing Java ES components in the global zone, you might get errors regarding Web Console when you try to boot whole-root zones because the Web Console packages are propagated to the whole-root zone, but the symbolic link upon which they depend it not propagated.

Solution Create the symbolic link in the whole-root zone manually by entering the following command in the global zone (assuming Java SE 5 is the version installed in the global zone)d:

ln -s /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.5.0 zone-path/root/usr/jdk/entsys-j2se

where zone-path is the path you specified when creating the whole-root zone.

On HP-UX, performance issue with Java ES installer (6472918)

The Java ES installer interacts with the HP-UX depot mechanism to find installed components, check for dependencies, and install the bits. The client-server architecture of the depot mechanism leads to slower system response time, and the repeated interaction makes the overall installation process noticeably slower than on other platforms.

Solution None.

On Linux and Windows, Web Console fails to start after swapping its container from tomcat to Application Server (6534739, 6566515)

If you use the wcswap commands to swap the container Web Console deploys to from tomcat to Application Server, Web Console fails to start because no domain is created for it in Application Server.

Solution Do not use Application Server as the container for Web Console on Linux or Windows. If you have already attempted to swap to Application Server as the container, you can use the wcswap command a second time to swap back to tomcat as the container for Web Console.

On Windows, Installer Does Not Detect Existing Installation of Sun Java Web Console (6487548)

Solution Use one of the following workarounds:

On Windows, Installation Fails Unpredictably on a Machine with 1GByte RAM Memory (6496578)

On the Windows platform, installing with Install all in Configure Automatically During Installation mode fails unpredictably in post configuration stages on machine with low memory.

Solution Use one of the following workarounds:

On Windows, DLLs from Windows System32 Conflict with Java ES DLLs (6496600)

This problem occurs when certain DLLs are in the Windows system32 folder, such as libnspr4.dll, nss3, and smime.

These DLLs conflict with Java ES versions of DLLs that are installed in the install-dir/share/lib and prevent proper functioning of Java ES servers.

Solution Rename these DLLs in the system32 folder so Java ES servers will use the correct versions of these DLLs.

Note –

Renaming these DLLs could cause some legacy applications that installed these DLLs in system32 folder not to function.

On Windows XP SP2, User Unable to Log in to the Web Console After Installation (6498436)

Solution On Windows XP Professional, the guest account must be disabled.

The registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\ForceGuest must be set to 0 in order for authentication to succeed.

Installer does not report component configuration failures due to a low file descriptor limit (5018734, 6523904)

If the system has a file descriptor limit of set too low, some components cannot be configured correctly. The installer does not report such configuration failures, but the configuration log files show the failures.

Solution Before installation, set the file descriptor limit to a high value, such as 1024 or 2048. After installation, you can reset the file descriptor limit back to its previous value.

Java ES Installer needs a mechanism to query if a product license is of type evaluation (6265136)

The installer should check if shared components is an evaluation component and replace it if in fact it is an evaluation component.

Solution Ensure that the workstation does not have an evaluation component installed before beginning an installation.

Installation log messages are not always valid (no bug number)

Please note that log messages are not always valid. For example, the “no software was installed” message appears even if some (but not all) component products are installed after an error of some sort.

Auto-selection of components in component selection page confusing (4957873)

When a component product is selected, the installer automatically selects to install any dependent component products. The component product selection page does not indicate that the dependencies have been selected along with the original component product.

Solution None.

Insufficient window width in interface for some locales (4949379)

The window for certain languages like German is not wide enough to display the entire interface. As a result, text of elements like hints get truncated at the right hand side or at the bottom.

Solution Manually resize the window.