Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Release Notes

Patches Required for Monitoring

The following patches are required to prevent certain known issues in the Monitoring Framework. These patches are normally included in other patch bundles required for Java ES or in updated versions of the Solaris operating environment. However, you should verify the existence of these patches or their replacements on any host where you will monitor a Java ES product component:

Table 1 Patches for Monitoring in the Solaris Operating Environment

Solaris Version 

Patch Number 

Solaris 9 Sparc Platform (up to and including version s9u7_06)


Solaris 9 i386 Platform (up to and including version s9u7_06)

114345-08 (obsoleted by: 117172-17), 118559-28 (or later) 

Solaris 10 Sparc Platform (up to and including version s10_58)


Solaris 10 i386 Platform (up to and including version s10_58)

114345-08 (obsoleted by: 117172-17), 118855-15 (or later) 

For the HP-UX operating system, the patches required for monitoring are included among those described in HP-UX Requirements and Issues.