Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Release Notes

On Solaris 10, cannot contact Directory Server Control Center even though it is running (6590078)

If you are running Solaris 10 08/07 or a Solaris 10 system with Solaris patch 120037–19 (x86) or 120473–10 (sparc) or newer, you might get an error of the following form when you try to connect to Directory Server Control Center:

Could not contact the DSCC agent on hostname. Use the command cacaoadm to
check that DSCC agent is installed and running on port port-number.

This error appears when the cacao process the Directory Server Control Center communicates with is owned by a non-root user, and the error appears even though Directory Server Control Center is running.

Solution Install patch 123896–14 (x86) or 123893–04 (sparc) or newer.