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Sun[TM] Identity Manager 8.0 Installation Guide 

Chapter 9
Getting Started

Follow these steps to begin using Identity Manager or Service Provider.

  1. Start your application server.
  2. In a Web browser, enter the URL for your application server, including port, appended with the URL for the Web application (typically, this is /idm).
  3. For example:


    If you are using Internet Information Server (IIS) as your Web server, you must add index.html to the list of Default Documents under Properties, on the Identity Manager virtual directory in ISS. Otherwise, the applications main page will not resolve correctly when accessing the Identity Manager server.

  4. Enter a user ID and password to log in. You can log in with one of the default account IDs and passwords:
  5. ID: Configurator
    Password: configurator


    ID: Administrator
    Password: administrator


    It is strongly recommended that you reset the default administrator account passwords after installation.


    For security reasons, we additionally recommend that you access the applications through a secure Web server using https. Read the chapter titled Identity Manager Security in Identity Manager Administration for additional security recommendations.

Enabling Language Support

The applications support multiple languages. Use the following steps to install localized files on your application server.

  1. Download a language pack from the Sun Download Center, which is part of the Online Support Center ( A registered account name and password is required to access the download center.
  2. Unpack the downloaded language pack to a temporary location.
  3. Copy the JAR file from the temporary location to the IdentityManagerInstallation/WEB-INF/lib directory.
  4. Restart the application server instance.

For additional information regarding Identity Manager localization, refer to Identity Manager L10N Readme file, which can be found in every Identity Manager language pack.

Deploying Identity Manager for Mac OS X

When deploying Identity Manager, you must make several modifications to accommodate the Mac OS X environment.

Modify the File

You must modify the bin/ file to detect Darwin as an operating system. Otherwise, Identity Manager assumes that it is executing on the Windows operating system.

Customize MultiSelect Components for the User Interface

MultiSelect boxes, as presented by default in the Identity Manager User Interface, are not compatible with the Safari browser. You must customize all forms containing MultiSelect components to set the noApplet option. Set this option as follows:

<Display class='MultiSelect'>
<Property name='noApplet' value='true'/>

Use Safari Enhancer for the Administrator Interface

While the Administrator Interface is not officially supported for Safari, you can try this unsupported method that is known to work for Safari users:

  1. Quit Safari.
  2. Install Safari Enhancer from the following location, and enable Safari’s Debug menu:

  4. Restart Safari.
  5. Select Windows MSIE 6.0 from the Debug:User Agent menu.
  6. Point Safari to your Identity Manager installation.

Setting the lh Environment

Some deployments require added environment variables and other settings to the shell environment (or command environment in Windows) for lh to function. For example, when using a WebSphere datasource for the repository, extra environment variables are required.

You may create an environment file that lh uses to load deployment-specific environment settings. This file must be named and placed in the following location:


%WSHOME%\bin\idm-env.bat (Windows)

This file is not provided. However, you can use the following files as a starting point for your own environment file:

sample/other/ (UNIX)

sample\other\idm-env.bat-ws5 (Windows)

Help and More Information

The following printed and online documentation and information can help you use Identity Manager after installation:

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Part No: 820-2956-10.   Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.