C H A P T E R  8

Receive Packet Classification

This chapter describes the basic functions of the Receive Packet Classification and the Netra DPS software interface. Topics include:

Receive Packet Classification Introduction

The Sun multithreaded 10GbE with Network Interface Unit (NIU) networking hardware consists of a Receive Packet Classifier that performs L2/L3/L4 header parsing, matching and searching functions. Netra DPS provides the software interface to utilize this hardware mechanism.

Classification is needed for the following reasons:

This classification spreads traffic flows across multiple CPUs so that each CPU hardware strand shares the load of 10 Gbps processing. By spreading the load across at least eight pipelines, packets are processed at 10Gbps preventing overloading of processing power on a particular processing unit.

This classification refers to blocking, re-routing, or to perform special processing to certain traffic types from the incoming traffic stream.

This classification sustains forwarding of 10Gbps of incoming traffic with a relatively small packet size from the 10Gbps ethernet ingress port to the 10Gbps egress port. Traffic must be spread into multiple DMA channels for processing.

Supported Networking Interfaces

The following network interfaces support classification:

Sun Multithreaded 10GbE and NIU Receive Packet Classifier

Sun multithreaded PCIE 10GbE, PCIe 4GbE, and 10GbE NIU supports two ways to spread input packets:

Determines the target DMA channel based on a L2 RDC group and then a hash algorithm applied on the defined values of L2/L3/L4 header fields.

Determines the target DMA channel based on the values of L2/L3/L4 header fields with the help of hardware lookup tables and TCAM preprogrammed with matching rules.

Hashing Based on Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 Header Classification

The procedure of hashing includes a hash lookup table based on the hash key. The hash key is created by applying a hash algorithm to a flow key and the flow key is generated from extracting certain fields from Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 (L2/L3/L4) packet headers.

The header fields in the flow key selections consist of the following individual header fields:

Hash Key generation

The hashing algorithm is based on polynomial hashing with CRC-32C. The algorithm is a 32-bit hash value. The last four bits of the value is used to index into a hardware hash table to lookup a DMA channel. In a Netra DPS environment, one RDC table is used. The DMA channel number is one-to-one corresponding to the RDC table entry number, the value of the last four bits, therefore, equals the DMA channel number.

X32 + x28 + X27 + X26 + X25 + X23 + X22 + X20 + X19 + X18 + X14 + X13 + X11 + X10 + X9 + X8 + X6 + 1


You can use hashing for general load spreading and load balancing applications. The traffic load of each DMA channel depends on the value in the header fields used for the hash. Since the target DMA channel is determined by a polynomial, the correlation between the header value and the target DMA channel cannot be easily determined. How balance of the DMA channels are spread also depends on the value and range of the header fields. Hashing is considered a general purpose load spreading scheme.

Classification Policy

Hashing is enabled by default. The hash policy is determined by setting the FLOW_POLICY to one of the values shown in TABLE 8-1:

TABLE 8-1 Hash Policy Values




Hash on IP destination and source addresses


Hash on IP destination address


Hash on IP source address


Hash on VLAN ID


Hash on physical MAC port number


Hash on L2 destination address


Hash on protocol number


Hash on L4 source port number


Hash on L4 destination port number


Hash on all of the above fields


Perform TCAM lookup

The default FLOW_POLICY is set to HASH_ALL, meaning that the hash hardware hash algorithm is applied on all of the above header fields. To disable hash, set FLOW_POLICY to 0 or TCAM_CLASSIFY. When set to 0, no traffic spreading is performed. All traffic ends up at a default DMA channel. When set to TCAM_CLASSIFY, traffic spreading is determined by predefined flow specifications.

Flow Match Based on Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 Header Classification

Level 2 (L2) Classification

L2 header classification is performed by lookup into the MAC address tables or the VLAN tables. MAC address tables and VLAN tables consist of information on the target DMA channels. L2 header classification is not currently supported.

Level 3 and Level 4 (L3/L4) Classification

L3/L4 header classification relies on the TCAM hardware to determine how traffic flows are distributed. There are multiple TCAM hardware entries (256 in Sun multithreaded 10GbE, 128 in NIU) for specifying flow specification. The CAM lookup table key generation use the concept of classes of packets to assemble a key. With the CAM key, a packet goes through a single CAM lookup table for an associative search. The L3/L4 header classification starts when the header parse identifies the incoming L2/L3 packet type.

The following packet classes are supported in Netra DPS:


You can use flow tables and TCAM to direct a particular type of traffic flow (with different traffic classes) into particular DMA channels. Flow tables and TCAM are ideal for use in load balancing applications.

Classification Programming Interface

The interface to the Flow Matching scheme is the ETH_IOC_SET_CLASSSIFY
“IO Control” command of the Netra DPS ethernet interface. The following shows the calling convention of the interface:

eth_ioc(ihdlnet[port], ETH_IOC_SET_CLASSIFY, (void *)&clsfy_ioc);

ihdlnet[] is an array of device driver handle indexed by the ethernet port number [port]. ETH_IOC_SET_CLASSIFY is the set classifier command.

The clsfy_ioc structure is defined as follows:

typedef struct classify_ioc_s {
uint_t opcode;
uint_t action;
flow_spec_t flow_spec;
} classify_ioc_t;


opcode specifies what to do about a new traffic flow. TABLE 8-2 shows possible opcode values:

TABLE 8-2 opcode Values




Add a flow.


Invalidate a flow.


action specifies what action to take when there is a match. TABLE 8-3 shows possible action values:

TABLE 8-3 action Values




Accept when a match.


Discard when a match.


flow_spec is the flow specification specifying the characteristics of a flow. The following shows the flow_spec structure:

typedef struct flow_spec_s {
                uint_t fs_type;
                uint_t index;
                uint_t channel;
                union {
                        flow_spec_ipv4_t ip4;
                        flow_spec_ipv6_t ip6;
                        flow_spec_l2_t   l2;
                        uint8_t hd[64];
                } ue, um;
} flow_spec_t;


TABLE 8-4 shows the possible values of the traffic flow spec types (fs_type):

TABLE 8-4 fs_type Possible Values




TCP over IPv4


UDP over IPv4


IPSEC/AH over IPv4




SCTP over IPv4


TCP over IPv6


UDP over IPv6


IPSEC/AH over IPv6




SCTP over IPv6


This is the index into the TCAM entries (for L3/L4 TCAM classification) or index into the MAC or VLAN table (for L2 MAC/VLAN classification).

Note - The software application must keep tract of the index number.


This is the target DMA channel ranges 0 ~ 15.

ue or um

ue is the 5-tuple for IPv4 or 4-tuple for IPv6 structure for L3/L4 TCAM classification. For L2 classification, it is the L2 header structure. um is the bit-mask corresponding to the ue. Set 1 to bit-mask for don’t care (not to compare). Set 0 in bit-mask to compare.


This is the entire 64-bit header.


The following is the IPv4 flow specification structure:

typedef struct port_s {
             uint16_t src;
             uint16_t dst;
     } port_t;
     typedef struct spi_port_s {
             uint32_t port;
     } spi_port_t;
     typedef struct flow_spec_ipv4_s {
             uint8_t protocol;
             union {
                     port_t tcp;
                     port_t udp;
                     spi_port_t spi;
             } port;
             uint32_t src;
             uint32_t dst;
     } flow_spec_ipv4_t;


The following is the IPv6 flow specification structure:

typedef struct flow_spec_ipv6_s {
        uint8_t protocol;
        union {
                    port_t tcp;
                    port_t udp;
                    spi_port_t spi;
        } port;
        uint8_t src[16];
        uint8_t dst[16];
} flow_spec_ipv6_t;


This is the L2 header structure as shown below:

typedef struct flow_spec_l2_s {
                   uint8_t dst[6];         /* MAC address */
                uint8_t src[6];         /* MAC address */
                uint16_t type;          /* Ether type */
                uint16_t vlantag;       /* VLANID|CFI|PRI */
} flow_spec_l2_t;


procedure icon  To Use Hash Flow

single-step bullet  Set FLOW_POLICY to a desired policy. For example:


This command tells Sun multithreaded 10GbE with NIU hardware to hash on all L2/L3/L4 header fields.

procedure icon  To Use TCAM Classification

This example shows how a flow table can be established in the application.

1. Set up an array of flow table entries.

For example, use entries with the following structure:

typedef struct flow_spec_ip4_tab_s {
        int              index;
        uint8_t          protocol;
        uint8_t          protocol_mask;
        uint16_t         src_port;
        uint16_t         src_port_mask;
        uint16_t         dst_port;
        uint16_t         dst_port_mask;
        char             *src_addr;
        char             *src_addr_mask;
        char             *dst_addr;
        char             *dst_addr_mask;
        int              action;
        uint8_t          dma_chan;
} flow_spec_ip4_tab_t;

2. Populate the flow table as shown in the below example.

flow_spec_ip4_tab_t ip4_flow_tab[] = {
                {0, IPPROTO_UDP, 0xFF, 0, 0xFFFF, 0, 0xFFFF,
                                “”, “”,
                                “”, “”,
                                FLOW_ACCEPT, 0},
                {1, IPPROTO_UDP, 0xFF, 0, 0xFFFF, 0, 0xFFFF,
                                “”, “”,
                                “”, “”,
                                FLOW_ACCEPT, 1},
                {2, IPPROTO_UDP, 0xFF, 0, 0xFFFF, 0, 0xFFFF,
                                “”, “”,
                                “”, “”,
                                FLOW_ACCEPT, 2},
                {3, IPPROTO_UDP, 0xFF, 0, 0xFFFF, 0, 0xFFFF,
                                “”, “”,
                                “”, “”,
                                FLOW_ACCEPT, 3},
                {4, IPPROTO_UDP, 0xFF, 0, 0xFFFF, 0, 0xFFFF,
                                “”, “”,
                                “”, “”,
                                FLOW_ACCEPT, 4},
                {5, IPPROTO_UDP, 0xFF, 0, 0xFFFF, 0, 0xFFFF,
                                “”, “”,
                                “”, “”,
                                FLOW_ACCEPT, 5},
                {6, IPPROTO_UDP, 0xFF, 0, 0xFFFF, 0, 0xFFFF,
                                “”, “”,
                                “”, “”,
                                FLOW_ACCEPT, 6},
                {7, IPPROTO_UDP, 0xFF, 0, 0xFFFF, 0, 0xFFFF,
                                “”, “”,
                                “”, “”,
                                FLOW_ACCEPT, 7},
                {-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "", "", 0, 0}

3. Write a parsing function to parse the entries in the table as shown in the below example.


                classify_parse_entries(uint_t flow_cfg, uint8_t port,
                                uint8_t chan, flow_spec_ip4_tab_t *fe)
                        classify_ioc_t  clsfy_ioc;
                        int i;
                        for (i = 0; fe[i].index != -1; i++) {
                                if (fe[i].dma_chan != chan)
                                clsfy_ioc.opcode = IOC_ADD_CLASSIFY;
                                clsfy_ioc.flow_spec.fs_type = FSPEC_UDPIP4;
                                clsfy_ioc.flow_spec.index = fe[i].index;
                                clsfy_ioc.flow_spec.channel = fe[i].dma_chan;
                                clsfy_ioc.flow_spec.ue.ip4.protocol =
                                clsfy_ioc.flow_spec.ue.ip4.port.udp.src =
                                clsfy_ioc.flow_spec.ue.ip4.port.udp.dst =
                                clsfy_ioc.flow_spec.ue.ip4.src =
                                clsfy_ioc.flow_spec.ue.ip4.dst =
                                clsfy_ioc.flow_spec.um.ip4.protocol =
                                clsfy_ioc.flow_spec.um.ip4.port.udp.src =
                                clsfy_ioc.flow_spec.um.ip4.port.udp.dst =
                                clsfy_ioc.flow_spec.um.ip4.src =
                                clsfy_ioc.flow_spec.um.ip4.dst =
                                if (fe[i].action == FLOW_ACCEPT)
                                        clsfy_ioc.action = IOC_FLOW_ACCEPT;
                                /* Program the TCAM HW */
                                (void) eth_ioc(ihdlnet[port],
                                                        (void *)&clsfy_ioc);

4. During the build, enable TCAM classification and disable hashing. To do this, type:


This command enables Sun multithreaded 10GbE with NIU hardware to enable TCAM classification with matching rules as shown in Step 1 to Step 3.