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iPlanet Web Server, Enterprise Edition Administrator's Guide

Chapter 15   Extending Your Server With Programs

This chapter discusses how to install programs on the iPlanet Web Server that dynamically generate HTML pages in response to requests from clients. These programs are known as server-side applications. (Client-side applications, which are downloaded to the client, run on the client machine.)

This chapter includes the following sections:

Overview of Server-Side Programs

Java servlets and CGI programs have different strengths and uses. The following list illustrates the differences between these server-side programs:

  • Java servlets are written in Java, which is a full-featured programing language for creating network applications.

  • CGI (Common Gateway Interface) programs can be written in C, Perl, or other programming languages. All CGI programs have a standard way of passing information between clients and servers.


    Note that you must enable cookies in your browser to run CGI programs. Refer to your browser documentation or online help on how this is done.

Types of Server-Side Applications That Run on the Server

The iPlanet Web Server can run the following types of server-side applications to dynamically generate content:

  • Java servlets

  • CGI programs

The iPlanet Web Server can also run programs that extend or modify the behavior of the server itself. These programs, known as plug-ins, are written using the Netscape Server Application Programming Interface (NSAPI). For information about writing and installing plug-in programs, see the NSAPI Programmer's Guide.

How Server-Side Applications Are Installed on the Server

Each type of program is installed onto the server differently. The following list summarizes the procedures:

These installation procedures are described in the following sections.

Java Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP)

This section discusses how to install and use Java Servlets and JavaServer Pages on iPlanet Web Server.

The following topics are described:

Overview of Servlets and JavaServer Pages

iPlanet Web Server 6.0 supports the Servlet 2.2 API specification, which allows servlets and JSPs to be included in web applications.

A web application is a collection of servlets, JavaServer Pages, HTML documents, and other web resources which might include image files, compressed archives, and other data. A web application may be packaged into an archive (a WAR file) or exist in an open directory structure.

Note Servlet API version 2.2 is fully backward compatible with version 2.1, so all existing servlets will continue to work without modification or recompilation.

To develop servlets, use Sun Microsystems' Java Servlet API. For information about using the Java Servlet API, see the documentation provided by Sun Microsystems at:

A JSP is a page, much like an HTML page, that can be viewed in a web browser. However, in addition to HTML tags, it can include a set of JSP tags and directives intermixed with Java code that extend the ability of the web page designer to incorporate dynamic content in a page. These additional features provide functionality such as displaying property values and using simple conditionals. iPlanet Web Server 6.0 supports the JavaServer Pages (JSP) 1.1 API specification.

For information about creating JSPs, see Sun Microsystem's JavaServer Pages web site at:

For information about developing servlets and JSPs for use with iPlanet Web Server, see the Programmer's Guide to Servlets.

What the Server Needs to Run Servlets and JSPs

To enable servlets, select the Java tab in the Server manager, then select the Enable/Disable Servlets/JSP tab. Check the Enable Java Globally box to enable servlets for the entire server. Check the Enable Java for Class box to enable servlets for a single virtual server class. You cannot enable servlets for a class unless Java is globally enabled. By default, Java is globally enabled and enabled for each virtual server class.

To enable JSPs, first enable servlets. You must also include the jsp-servlet element with enable="true" in the web-apps.xml file and add tools.jar to the JVM classpath. For more information, see the Programmer's Guide to Servlets.

iPlanet Web Server includes the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) but not the Java Development Kit (JDK). The server can run servlets and precompiled JSPs using the JRE, but it needs the JDK to run uncompiled JSPs. If you want to develop JSPs, you must tell iPlanet Web Server to use a custom JDK.

iPlanet Web Server 6.0 requires you to use official versions of JDK, with different platforms requiring different versions, as summarized in the Programmer's Guide to Servlets.

Check the iPlanet Web Server Installation and Migration Guide and the latest Release Notes for updates on required JDK versions.

JDK 1.2 (and other JDK versions) are available from Sun Microsystems at:

You can specify the path to the JDK in either of the following ways:

  • You can specify the path during the server installation process.

    When you install iPlanet Web Server, one of the dialog boxes in the installation process asks if you want to use a custom Java Development Kit (JDK), and if so, you can specify the path to it.

  • You can specify it after the server is installed.

    To specify the path to the JDK, switch to the Web Server Administration Server, select the Global Settings tab, and use the Configure JRE/JDK Paths page, as described in Configuring JRE/JDK Paths. You can also change the path to the JDK in this page.

Whether you specify the path to the JDK during installation or later, the path is the folder in which you installed the JDK.

Using the web-apps.xml File

Before you deploy web applications, you must modify the web-apps.xml file, which is specific to iPlanet Web Server. Each virtual server has its own web-apps.xml file, which defines contexts for a set of web applications running in that virtual server. The context information includes a context path of the web application and other properties such as how it handles session management or authentication.

You can edit the web-apps.xml file using the Class Manager. To open the Class Manager, select the Manage a Class of Virtual Servers page on the Virtual Server Class tab in the Server Manager, select a class, and select the Manage button. Select the Virtual Servers tab and the Java Webapps Settings page.

For more information about the web-apps.xml file, see the Programmer's Guide to Servlets.

Deploying a Web Application using wdeploy

Before you can deploy a web application manually, you must make sure that the server_root/bin/https/httpsadmin/bin directory is in your path and that the IWS_SERVER_HOME environment variable is set to your server_root directory.

You can use the wdeploy utility at the command line to deploy a WAR file into a virtual server web application environment:

wdeploy deploy -u uri_path -i instance -v vs_id [-d directory] war_file

You can also delete a virtual server web application:

wdeploy delete -u uri_path -i instance -v vs_id hard|soft

You can also list the web application URIs and directories for a virtual server:

wdeploy list -i instance -v vs_id

The command parameters have the following meanings:


The URI prefix for the web application.


The server instance name.


The virtual server ID.


(optional) The directory to which the application is deployed, or from which the application is deleted. If not specified for deployment, the application is deployed to the document root directory.


Specifies whether the directory and the web-apps.xml entry are deleted (hard) or just the web-apps.xml entry is deleted (soft).


The WAR file name.


If you deploy a web application and do not specify a directory, the application is deployed to the document root directory. If you then delete the application using the hard parameter, the document root directory will be deleted.

When you execute the wdeploy deploy command, two things happen:

  • A web application with the given uri_path and directory gets added to the web-apps.xml file.

  • The .WAR file gets extracted at the target directory.

For example:

wdeploy deploy -u /hello -i -v -d /iws60/ /iws60/plugins/servlets/examples/web-apps/HelloWorld/HelloWorld.war

This utility results in the following web-apps.xml entry:

   <web-app uri="/hello"

The /iws60/ directory has the following contents:


Before you can run a web application that has been deployed, you must make sure that the server.xml file for the server instance points to the web-apps.xml file for your virtual server.

After you have deployed an application, you can access it from a browser as follows:


The parts of the URL have the following meanings:


One of the urlhosts values for the virtual server.


(optional) Only needed if the virtual server uses a non-default port.


The same one you used to deploy the application. This is also the context path.


(optional) The page in the application that end users are meant to access first.

For example:


Deploying Servlets and JSPs Not in Web Applications

You can deploy 4.x servlets and JSPs outside of web applications, but only in the default virtual server. For information, see the Programmer's Guide to Servlets.

Configuring JVM Attributes

You can configure attributes for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in the Configure JVM page of the Servlets tab in the Server Manager.

For more information on these options, see the Programmer's Guide to Servlets.

Deleting Version Files

The Delete Version Files page on the Java tab of the Server Manager allows you to delete the files that contain the version numbers for the JavaServer Pages class cache and the session data cache. This page has the following fields:

Clear Session Data

Deletes the SessionData directory, which stores persistent session information if the server uses the MMapSessionManager session manager.

Delete JSP ClassCache Files

Deletes the ClassCache directory, which caches information for JavaServer Pages (JSP). The default location of this directory is:

server_root/https-server_id/ClassCache/virtual_server_id/webapp_uri /

When the server serves a JSP page, it creates a .java and a .class file associated with the JSP and stores them in the JSP class cache under the ClassCache directory.

The server uses two directories to cache information for JavaServer Pages (JSP) and servlets:

  • ClassCache

    The server uses the following directory to cache information for JavaServer Pages (JSP):


    When the server serves a JSP page, it creates a .java and a .class file associated with the JSP and stores them in the JSP class cache under the ClassCache directory.

  • SessionData

    If the server uses the MMappedSessionManager session manager, it stores persistent session information in the SessionData directory.

Each cache has a version file containing a version number that the server uses to determine the structure of the directories and files in the caches. You can clean out the caches by simply deleting the version file.

When the server starts up, if it does not find the version files, it deletes the directory structure for the corresponding caches and re-creates the version files. Next time the server serves a JSP page, it recreates the JSP class cache. The next time the server serves a JSP page or servlet while using MMappedSessionManager session manager, it recreates the session data cache.

If a future upgrade of the server uses a different format for the caches, the server will check the number in the version file and clean up the caches if the version number is not correct.

Installing CGI Programs

This section discusses how to install CGI programs. The following topics are described:

In addition, the following sections discuss how to install Windows NT-specific CGI programs:

Overview of CGI

Common Gateway Interface (CGI) programs can be defined with any number of programming languages. On a Unix/Linux machine, you're likely to find CGI programs written as Bourne shell or Perl scripts.

Note Under Unix/Linux, there are extra CGIStub processes running that the server uses to aid in CGI execution. These processes are created only during the first access to a CGI. Their number varies depending upon the CGI load on the server. Do not kill these CGIStub processes. They disappear when the server is stopped.

On a Windows NT computer, you might find CGI programs written in C++ or batch files. For Windows NT, CGI programs written in a Windows-based programming language such as Visual Basic use a different mechanism to operate with the server. They are called Windows NT CGI programs. See Installing Windows NT CGI Programs, for information about Windows NT CGI.

Note In order to run the command-line utilities, you need to manually set the Path variable to include server_root/bin/https/bin.

Regardless of the programming language, all CGI programs accept and return data in the same manner. For information about writing CGI programs, see the following sources of information:

There are two ways to store CGI programs on your server machine:

  • Specify a directory that contains only CGI programs. All files are run as programs regardless of the file extensions.

  • Specify that CGI programs are all a certain file type. That is, they all use the file extensions .cgi, .exe, or .bat. The programs can be located in any directory in or under the document root directory.

You can enable both options at the same time if desired.

There are benefits to either implementation. If you want to allow only a specific set of users to add CGI programs, keep the CGI programs in specified directories and restrict access to those directories. If you want to allow anyone who can add HTML files to be able to add CGI programs, use the file type alternative. Users can keep their CGI files in the same directories as their HTML files.

If you choose the directory option, your server attempts to interpret any file in that directory as a CGI program. By the same token, if you choose the file type option, your server attempts to process any files with the file extensions .cgi, .exe, or .bat as CGI programs. If a file has one of these extensions but is not a CGI program, an error occurs when a user attempts to access it.


Note that you must enable cookies in your browser to run CGI programs.

Note By default, the file extensions for CGI programs are .cgi, .exe and .bat. However, you can change which extensions indicate CGI programs by modifying the MIME types file. You can do this by choosing the Server Preferences tab and clicking the MIME Types link.

Specifying a CGI Directory

To specify a CGI-only directory for a class of virtual servers, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Class Manager, choose the Programs tab.

    The CGI Directory window appears.

  2. In the URL Prefix field, type the URL prefix to use for this directory. That is, the text you type appears as the directory for the CGI programs in URLs.

    For example, if you type cgi-bin as the URL prefix, then all URLs to these CGI programs have the following structure:

    Note The URL prefix you specify can be different from the real CGI directory you specify in the previous step.

  3. In the CGI Directory text field, type the location of the directory as an absolute path. Note that this directory doesn't have to be under your document root. This is the reason that you need to specify a URL prefix in the next step.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Save and apply your changes.

To remove an existing CGI directory, click that directory's Remove button in the CGI Directory form. To change the URL prefix or CGI directory of an existing directory, click that directory's Edit button.

Copy your CGI programs into the directories you've specified. Remember that any files in those directories will be processed as CGI files, so don't put HTML files in your CGI directory.

Configuring Unique CGI Attributes for Each Software Virtual Server

To specify CGI attributes for a single virtual server, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Class Manager, choose the Manager Virtual Servers button.

  2. From the Virtual Server Manager, choose the Settings tab.

  3. In the CGI User text field, type the name of the user to execute CGI programs as.

  4. In the CGI Group text field, type the name of the group to execute CGI programs as.

  5. In the CGI Directory text field, type the directory to chdir to after chroot but before execution begins.

  6. (Unix only) In the CGI Nice text field, type an increment that determines the CGI program's priority relative to the server. Typically, the server is run with a nice value of 0 and the nice increment would be between 0 (the CGI program runs at same priority as server) and 19 (the CGI program runs at much lower priority than server). While it is possible to increase the priority of the CGI program above that of the server by specifying a nice increment of -1, this is not recommended.

  7. In the Chroot Directory text field, type the directory to chroot to before execution begins.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Save and apply your changes.

Specifying CGI as a File Type

To specify CGI programs as a file type, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Class Manager, choose the Programs tab.

  2. Click the CGI File Type page.

    The CGI as a File Type window appears.

  3. From the Editing picker, choose the resource you want this change to apply to.

  4. Click the Yes radio button under Activate CGI as a File Type.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Save and apply your changes.

The CGI files must have the file extensions .bat, .exe, or .cgi. Any non-CGI files with those extensions are processed by your server as CGI files, causing errors.

Downloading Executable Files

If you're using .exe as a CGI file type, you cannot download .exe files as executables.

One solution to this problem is to compress the executable files that you want users to be able to download, so that the extension is not .exe. This solution has the added benefit of making the download time shorter.

Another possible solution is to remove .exe as a file extension from the magnus-internal/cgi type and add it instead to the application/octet-stream type (the MIME type for normal downloadable files). You can do this through the Server Manager, by choosing the Server Preferences tab and clicking the MIME Types link. However, the disadvantage to this method is that after making this change you cannot use .exe files as CGI programs.

Another solution is to edit your server's obj.conf file to set up a download directory, where any file in the directory is downloaded automatically. The rest of the server won't be affected. For directions on setting up this directory, see the technical note at:

Installing Windows NT CGI Programs

This section discusses how to install Windows NT CGI Programs. The following topics are included in this section:

Overview of Windows NT CGI Programs

Windows NT CGI programs are handled much as other CGI programs. You specify a directory that contains only Windows NT CGI programs, or you specify that all Windows NT CGI programs have the same file extension. Note that like other CGI programs, you can use both methods at the same time if you want to. For example, you can create a directory for all your Windows NT CGI programs, and specify a Windows NT CGI file extension.

Although Windows NT CGI programs behave like regular CGI programs, your server processes the actual programs slightly differently. Therefore, you need to specify different directories for Windows NT CGI programs. If you enable the Windows NT CGI file type, it uses the file extension .wcg.

iPlanet Web Servers support the Windows NT CGI 1.3a informal specification, with the following differences:

  • The following keywords have been added to the [CGI] section to support security methods:

    • HTTPS: its value is on or off, depending on whether the transaction is conducted through SSL.

    • HTTPS Keysize: when HTTPS is on, this value reports the number of bits in the session key used for encryption.

    • HTTPS Secret Keysize: when HTTPS is on, this value reports the number of bits used to generate the server's private key.

  • The keyword Document Root in the [CGI] section might not refer to the expected document root because the server does not have a single document root. The directory returned in this variable is the root directory for the Windows NT CGI program.

  • The keyword Server Admin in the [CGI] section is not supported.

  • The keyword Authentication Realm in the [CGI] section is not supported.

  • Forms sent with multi-part/form-data encoding are not supported.

Specifying a Windows NT CGI Directory

To specify a Windows NT CGI-only directory:

  1. From the Class Manager, choose the Programs tab.

  2. Click the WinCGI Directory link.

    The WinCGI Directory window appears.

  3. In the URL Prefix text field, enter the URL prefix you want to use for this directory.

    That is, the text you type appears as the directory for the Windows NT CGI programs in URLs. For example, if you type wcgi-programs as the URL prefix, then all URLs to these Windows NT CGI programs have the following structure:

    Note The URL prefix you specify can be different from the real Windows NT CGI directory you specify in Step 5.

  4. Choose whether you want to enable script tracing.

    Click the Yes or No radio button under "Enable Script Tracing?".

    CGI parameters are passed from the server to Windows NT CGI programs through files, which the server normally deletes after the Windows NT CGI program finishes execution. If you enable script tracing, these files are retained in a /temp directory or wherever the environment variables TMP and TEMP are pointing. Also, any window that the Windows NT CGI program brings up is shown when script tracing is enabled.

  5. In the WinCGI Directory field, enter the location of the directory as an absolute path.

    Note that this directory doesn't have to be under your document root. This is the reason that you need to specify a URL prefix in Step 3.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Save and apply your changes.

To remove an existing Windows NT CGI directory, click that directory's Remove button in the Windows NT CGI Directory form. To change the URL prefix or Windows NT CGI directory of an existing directory, click that directory's Edit button.

Copy your Windows NT CGI programs into the directories you've specified. Remember that any file in those directories is processed as a Windows NT CGI file.

Specifying Windows NT CGI as a File Type

To specify a file extension for Windows NT CGI files, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Server Manager, choose the Server Preferences tab.

  2. Click the MIME Types link.

    The Global MIME Types window appears. For more information on the Global MIME Types, see Choosing MIME Types.

  3. Add a new MIME type with the following settings:

    • Type: type

    • Content type: magnus-internal/wincgi.

    • File Suffix: Enter the file suffixes that you want the server to associate with Windows NT CGI. If you activated CGI, WinCGI, and shell CGI file types, you must specify a different suffix for each type of CGI. For example, you can't use the suffix .exe for both a CGI program and a shell CGI program. If you need to, you can edit the other MIME type fields on the page so that the suffixes are unique.

  4. Click the New Type button.

  5. Save and apply your changes.

Installing Shell CGI Programs for Windows NT

This section discusses how to install Shell CGI Programs for Windows NT. The following topics are included in this section:

Overview of Shell CGI Programs for Windows NT

Shell CGI is a server configuration that lets you run CGI applications using the file associations set in Windows NT.

For example, if the server gets a request for a shell CGI file called, the server uses the Windows NT file associations to run the file using the program associated with the .pl extension. If the .pl extension is associated with the program C:\bin\perl.exe, the server attempts to execute the file as follows:


The easiest way to configure shell CGI is to create a directory in your server's document root that contains only shell CGI files. However, you can also configure the server to associate specific file extensions with shell CGI by editing MIME types from the iPlanet Web Server.

Note For information on setting Windows NT file extensions, see your Windows NT documentation.

Specifying a Shell CGI Directory (Windows NT)

To create a directory for your shell CGI files, perform the following steps:

  1. Create the shell directory on your computer. This directory doesn't have to be a subdirectory of your document root directory.

  2. From the Server Manager, choose the Class Manager tab.

  3. Next, choose the Programs tab.

    The shell CGI Directory link is highlighted and the CGI window appears.

  4. In the URL Prefix field, enter the URL prefix you want to associate with your shell CGI directory.

    For example, suppose you store all shell CGI files in a directory called
    C:/docs/programs/cgi/shell-cgi, but you want users to see the directory as In this case, you would type shell as the URL prefix.

  5. In the Shell CGI Directory field, enter the absolute path to the directory you created.


    The server must have read and execute permissions to this directory. For Windows NT, the user account the server runs as (for example, LocalSystem) must have rights to read and execute programs in the shell CGI directory.

  6. Make sure that any files in the shell CGI directory also have file associations set in Windows NT. The server returns an error if it attempts to run a file that has no file-extension association.

Specifying Shell CGI as a File Type (Windows NT)

You can use the iPlanet Web Server's MIME Types window to associate a file extension with the shell CGI feature. This is different from creating an association in Windows NT.

To associate a file extension with the shell CGI feature in the server, for example, you can create an association for files with the .pl extension. When the server gets a request for a file with that extension, the server knows to treat the file as a shell CGI file by calling the executable associated in Windows NT with that file extension.

To associate a file extension as a shell CGI file, perform the following steps:

  1. Create the shell directory on your computer. This directory doesn't have to be a subdirectory of your document root directory.

  2. From the Server Manager, choose Server Preferences.

  3. Click the MIME Types link.

    The Global MIME Types window appears. For more information on the Global MIME Types, see Choosing MIME Types.

  4. Add a new MIME type with these settings:

    • Type: type

    • Content type: magnus-internal/shellcgi.

    • File Suffix: Enter the file suffixes that you want the server to associate with shell CGI. If you activated CGI, WinCGI, and shell CGI file types, you must specify a different suffix for each type of CGI. For example, you can't use the suffix .exe for both a CGI program and a shell CGI program. If you need to, you can edit the other MIME type fields on the page so that the suffixes are unique.

  5. Click the New Type button.

  6. Save and apply your changes.

Using the Query Handler


The use of Query Handlers is outdated. Although iPlanet Web Server and Netscape Navigator clients still support it, it is rarely used. It is much more common for people to use forms in their HTML pages to submit queries.

You can specify a default query handler CGI program. A query handler processes text sent to it via the ISINDEX tag in an HTML file.

ISINDEX is similar to a form text field in that it creates a text field in the HTML page that can accept typed input. Unlike the information in a form text field, however, the information in the ISINDEX box is immediately submitted when the user presses Return. When you specify your default query handler, you tell your server to which program to direct the input. For an in-depth discussion of the ISINDEX tag, see an HTML reference manual.

To set a query handler, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Server Manager, choose the Programs tab.

  2. Click the Query Handler link.

    The Query Handler window appears.

  3. Use the Editing Picker to select the resource you want to set with a default query handler.

    If you choose a directory, the query handler you specify runs only when the server receives a URL for that directory or any file in that directory.

  4. In the Default Query Handler field, enter the full path for the CGI program you want to use as the default for the resource you chose.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Save and apply your changes.

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Copyright © 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2001 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated May 10, 2001