Sun Java System Communications Express 6.3 Customization Guide

Changing the Definitions of an Existing Style Sheet

The definition of a primary button display is Btn1 and is defined in the CSS file as shown in Example 7–7.

Example 7–7 Before Changing the Definition of a Primary Button Display ”Btnl’

.Btn1 {background:#594fbf;color:
	#FFF;font-weight:bold;padding:2px 0px;margin:
0px 0px 1px 0px;border:0px none #000; }

For more information on how to use the class in the XSL file, see Displaying User Defined Header Fields. Example 7–8 shows how the class is used in the XSL file for the ”Close’ button.

Example 7–8 Class Used in the XSL File for the ”Close’ Button

<input class="Btn1" id="close" onblur="if (this.disabled==0) 
this.className='Btn1'" onmouseover="if (this.disabled==0) 
this.className='Btn1Hov'" onfocus="if (this.disabled==0) 
this.className='Btn1Hov'" onclick="parent.close()" tabIndex="1" 
onmouseout="if (this.disabled==0) this.className='Btn1'" 
type="button" name="close" value="Close">

Example 7–9 shows the code after changing the definition of a primary button display.

Example 7–9 After Changing the Definition of a Primary Button Display ”Btnl’

Btn1 {
			font-weight:bold;padding:2px 0px;
			margin:0px 1px 1px 0px;
			border:0px none #000;