Sun Cluster Data Service for WebSphere MQ Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureExample: Configure the Failover Zone

In this task you will create a whole root failover non-global zone on node Vigor5.

  1. Create a non-global zone to be used as the failover zone

    Vigor5# cat > /tmp/z3 <<-EOF
    create -b
    set zonepath=/FOZones/z3
    set autoboot=false
    add inherit-pkg-dir
    set dir=/opt/SUNWscmqs
  2. Configure the non-global failover zone, using the file you created.

    Vigor5# zonecfg -z z3 -f /tmp/z3
  3. Install the zones.

    Vigor5# zoneadm -z z3 install
  4. Boot the zone.

    Perform this step after the installation of the zones are complete.

    Vigor5# zoneadm -z z3 boot
  5. Log in to the zone and complete the zone system identification.

    Open another window and issue the following command.

    Vigor5# zlogin -C z3
  6. Disconnect from the zone console and close the terminal window.

    After you have completed the zone system identification, disconnect from the zone and close the window you previously opened.

    Vigo5# ~.
    Vigo5# exit
  7. Create the appropriate mount points and symlinks for WebSphere MQ in the zone.

    Vigor5# zlogin z3 mkdir -p /var/mqm/log /var/mqm/qmgrs
    Vigor5# zlogin z3 ln -s /ZFSwmq3/log /var/mqm/log/qmgr3
    Vigor5# zlogin z3 ln -s /ZFSwmq3/qmgrs /var/mqm/qmgrs/qmgr3
  8. Create the WebSphere MQ userid in the zone.

    Vigor5# zlogin z3 groupadd -g 1000 mqm
    Vigor5# zlogin z3 useradd -u 1000 -g 1000 -d /var/mqm mqm
  9. Add the logical host name to /etc/hosts and /etc/inet/ipnodes in the zone

    The following output shows logical host name entry for qmgr3 in zone z3 .

    Vigor5# zlogin z3 grep qmgr3 /etc/hosts /etc/inet/ipnodes
    /etc/hosts:	qmgr3
    /etc/inet/ipnodes:	qmgr3