Solaris Handbook for Sun Peripherals

SCSI Subsystem

To understand how to address and access a SCSI device you need to understand how the device is connected to the system. The following section describes how SCSI systems are connected to a system.

The following block diagram represents a typical SCSI subsystem and how it is connected to the system.Graphic

The combination of SCSI controller, SCSI bus, device interface and device unit make up the peripheral subsystem. All of these entities must be designed and configured to work together.

SCSI Controller

A SCSI controller (sometimes refered to as SCSI host) is provided in two ways; as circuitry built-in to the main logic board (CPU board) often referred to as an "onboard" interface; or added to a system by way of a card plugged into the system I/O bus.

If you are adding a SCSI controller card to a system you must add a card that corresponds to your type of system I/O bus.

Typically, your sales representative provides you with the right interface card to fit the system I/O bus and the type of interface that the peripheral device requires. Many systems have built-in SCSI support, and you would not need to install any additional cards.

If you do need to install a SCSI controller card, and it is either an SBus card or a PCI card, the card will be logically addressed automatically based on the order and connector that it is plugged in to. See Chapter 5, Setting Up an Option Card" for more information.

SCSI Address Selection Schemes

To configure disk, tape, and CD-ROM drives you need to understand the address selection scheme that your system uses. Address selection schemes for disk drives differ from address selection schemes for tape drives. This section discusses the SCSI address selection schemes for different types of peripheral devices.

Addresses and Device Names

The Solaris software identifies a peripheral through a series of addresses and device names:

Target ID Addressing Methods

The target ID is an address that is set on the interface of the device (disk, tape, or CD-ROM). There are three methods to set this address:

Determining the correct target ID for your device depends on several conditions:

Table A-1 SCSI Target Addresses
 Device Order CD-ROM Targets Tape Target Disk Target (Ultra & Enterprise Systems) Disk Target (Pre-Ultra systems)
 1st 6 4 0 3
 2nd  5 1 1
 3rd   2 2
 4th   3 0
 5th   4 4
 6th   5 5
 7th   6 6

Note -

Some SCSI controllers support 7 devices, others support up to 15 devices (although you should take into account the effect on I/O). If 15 devices are connected, valid disk target IDs are 0-14.

Note -

You can not have two devices with the same Target ID on the same SCSI controller. However, target IDs can be reused across different SCSI controllers.

Physical Device Names

The physical device name is assigned by the system firmware. This name is expressed in the form of a path name. The path name describes the location of the device in relation to the CPU. For SCSI devices the target ID is part of this address name.

After the firmware assigns the physical device names, special files are copied to the /devices directory that reflect the physical device names. This occurs when the system is booted with the reconfiguration option (boot -r or when /reconfigure file exists and the system is booted).

Disk example:Graphic

CD-ROM example:Graphic

Tape example:Graphic

Logical Device Names

The logical device name is created by the operating system when the peripheral is first installed and booted with the reconfiguration option. Logical device names are located in the /dev directory. A logical device name is a file that is symbolically linked to the physical device name (names in the /devices directory). The file name reflects the address and physical connection of the device to the system. The logical device name is the address that you use when you work with the device.

Logical device names for a disk drives are created as follows:


Note -

Do not apply the above explanation to disks that are part of a SPARCstorage Array (a device connected to a SOC card). Disks in a SPARCstorage Array have logical device names with the same /dev/[r]dsk/cntndnsn; however, they are interpreted differently.

Logical device names for disk drives are created in two subdirectories in the /dev directory; rdsk and dsk. As you use disk logical device names with various commands you must use the appropriate one from either /dev/rdsk or /dev/dsk depending on whether the command uses a raw (or character) device interface, or a block device interface. The distinction is made based on how data is read from the device:

In general, there are three commands that require a block device: mount, umount, and df. Most other commands function best when you use the raw device. When you're not sure whether a command requires use of /dev/dsk or /dev/rdsk, check the man page for that command.

CD-ROM logical device names are created following the same scheme as disk drives (see above). The following is an example of a CD-ROM logical device name:


SCSI tape logical device name example:


Table A-2 Tape Drive Logical Device Names
 Tape Drive Target ID Primary Logical Device Name Additional Logical Device Names
 First tape drive 4 /dev/rmt/0/dev/rmt/0n    /dev/rmt/0h    /dev/rmt/0c    /dev/rmt/0ubn
 Second tape drive 5 /dev/rmt/1/dev/rmt/1n    /dev/rmt/1h    /dev/rmt/1c    /dev/rmt/1ubn

For most tape operations you should use the primary logical device name because the tape drive will use its optimum default characteristics. However, if you desire to specify a particular tape drive behavior, append a letter (up to three letters) to the appropriate logical device name as follows:

Valid tape name combinations are shown in the table below. If you are working with the second tape drive use a 1 instead of 0.

0n   0b 0bn0c   0cb   0cbn   0cn0h 0hb 0hbn 0hbn0m   0mb   0mbn 0mn0l   0lb   0lbn   0ln0u   0ub   0ubn   0un