SunVTS 3.0 Test Reference Manual

Chapter 34 Serial Ports Test (sptest)

sptest checks the system's on-board serial ports (zs[0,1], zsh[0,1], se[0,1], se_hdlc[0,1]), as well as any multi-terminal interface (ALM2) boards (mcp[0-3]). Data is written and read in asynchronous and synchronous modes utilizing various loopback paths.

Intervention mode must be enabled to run this test. This test is non-scalable.

Table 34-1 Serial Port Tests



Asynchronous Testing 


This mode uses the asynchronous communication protocol as described in the zs(7D)and se(7D)man pages. The termio(7I)interface is used for configuring port characteristics.


The user can select the loopback paths to use, the amount of data to transfer, and the baud rate to use. 


The test writes and reads data through the loopback path and compares the data to the original data. The test first sends a single character. If no errors or timeouts are detected, the rest of the data is simultaneously written and read, then compared. 

Synchronous Testing 

This mode uses the synchronous hdlc-framing interface as described in the zsh(7D) and se_hdlc(7D) man pages. Data is written and read in checksum-protected packets.


The user can select the loopback paths to use and the clock rate. 

The synchronous test runs in three phases:  


  • The first phase looks for activity on the port. If no activity is detected for at least four seconds, the test proceeds to the next phase. If activity is detected sptest exits with an error.

  • The second phase attempts to send and receive one packet. If no packets are detected after five attempts, the test exits with an error. If a packet is returned, the result is compared to the original. If the length and content of the packets do not match exactly, the test exits with an error.

  • The third phase attempts to send many packets through the loop. Some packet drops are to be expected especially on a heavily loaded system. The test allows a percentage of the packets to be dropped. The user can set the drop tolerance between 0 percent and 99 percent. The default is 20 percent. If the system is extremely busy then the drop tolerance should be increased. Each packet is compared with its original for length and content. If a mismatch is detected, the test exits with an error.

Synchronous Testing Software Requirements

If you have zs(7D) serial ports on your machine, the synchronous devices may not exist. Look in the /dev directory for zsh (where h=0 and/or 1). If they do not exist, you can create them. Verify that the following two lines are in the /etc/ file. If they are not there, add them.

type=ddi_pseudo;name=zsh zsh\M0
type=ddi_pseudo;name=clone;minor=zsh zsh

Caution - Caution -

The white spaces in the lines above must be a single tab character before and after the zsh variables; using spaces will not work.

When these lines have been added to the /etc/ file:

  1. Change directories to /kernel/drv, and run the add_drv zsh command.

If this command does not work:

  1. run the rem_drv zsh command and then run the add_drv zsh command again.

sptest Options

Figure 34-1 sptest Option Menu


There are a variety of loopback paths available. The internal loopback paths do not require an external connector. Their availability depends on the device. The zs(7D) device has an internal path for synchronous mode and the se(7D) device has an internal path for asynchronous mode. The external loopback connectors are described in Appendix A. The exact type of loopback connector required depends on the system I/O panel.

Legend: In the following table, a represents port a of the CPU board (motherboard), b represents port b of the CPU board, and the device names of the ports for each CPU board are listed.

Table 34-2 sptest Serial Devices



Async Device 

Sync Device 

zs0 or se0

zs1 or se1

zsh0 or se_hdlc0

zsh1 or se_hdlc1



zsh2 *

zsh3 *



zsh4 *

zsh5 *

* Currently, only zsh0 and zsh1 are supported by device drivers.

Table 34-3 sptest Options

sptest Options 


Test Type 

Selects how the test will run. Test options include: 

o a= runs the test on port a

o b= runs the test on port b

o a_b= runs the test on ports a and b sequentially

o a_b_concurrent= runs the test on port a and port b concurrently.

Test Mode 

Selects the mode to put the serial device into before running the test. The modes available are Asynchronous, Synchronous or Both. When Both is selected, the test runs in Asynchronous mode then Synchronous mode. 

Loopback Type 

Selects the loopback test. Options include: 

oInternal is an internal path for a, b, a_b, and a_b_concurrent test types.

oPlug_a_to_a__b_to_b is an external loopback plug for a, b, a_b, and a_b_concurrent test types.

ono_modem_a_to_b is an external loopback cable for a_to_b and a_to_b_concurrent test types.

oModem_a_to_b is an external loopback cable with a modem attached to generate synchronous Transmit and Receive clocks in synchronous mode. The modem a_to_b external loopback type is intended for Sun internal use only. It requires custoe equipment that is not available.

Data Type 

Selects the data pattern to transfer. The user can select: 





Async Baud Rate 

Selects the baud rate for Asynchronous mode testing. The valid rates are: 110, 300, 600, 1200, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 76800, 115200, 153600, 230400, 307200, 460800, and ALL. The default rate is 9600 baud. Some platforms can only support up to 38400 or 76800. The test will return an error if you try to use a higher baud rate then is supported. For baud rates greater then 153600 the serial line drivers must be set for RS-423 mode and not RS-232 mode. The RS-423 and RS-232 modes are usually selected by a hardware jumper on the motherboard. Consult your hardware installation manual for more information. 

Async Block Size 

Selects the size (in bytes) of each write. This can range from 1 to 10000. The default is 100. If it is larger than the async size it will be truncated to the async size. 

Async Data Size 

Selects the total number of bytes to transfer in Asynchronous mode. This can range from 1 to 10000. 

Async Parity 

Selects the parity to use in asynchronous mode. The user can select even, odd, or none. The default is none.

Async Flow Control 

Selects the type of flow control to use in asynchronous mode testing. The user can select Hardware (RTS/CTS), Software (XON/XOFF) or None. The default depends on the loopback type. Software flow control is not allowed on a, b, a_b, or a_b_concurrent loopback types.

Sync Baud Rate 

Selects the device generated clock rate for synchronous mode testing. The valid rates are from 110 to 230400. The rate does not have to be a specific value as required for async mode baud rates. The default rate is 9600. Some platforms can only support up to 38400 or 76800. The test will return an error if you try to use a higher rate then is supported. For rates greater then 100000 the serial line drivers must be set for RS-423 mode and not RS-232 mode. The RS-423 and RS-232 modes are usually selected by a hardware jumper on the motherboard. Consult your hardware installation manual for more information. 

Sync Packet Drop Tolerance 

Selects the tolerance level of Synchronous mode dropped packets during the many_packets subtest. The default is 20 percent. The valid range is from 0 percent to 99 percent. Some packet drops are expected especially at higher clock rates and on a heavily loaded system. 

Sync Poll Count 

Selects the number of seconds in additional time to wait for a Synchronous mode packet to be sent. Additional time may be needed when there is heavy system activity and time-outs are being detected. In general, the user can decrease the value to 0 when the system load is light or increase the value when there is a heavy system load.

sptest Test Modes

sptest supports all three SunVTS test modes.

Table 34-4 sptest Test Modes

Test Mode 


Connection Test 

In this mode, the sptest tries to open the port to determine if the device is connected. If it fails and the port is not busy, the test exits with an error. If it is successful or fails with a busy or exclusive use error, then the port is considered connected, and the test passes.

Functional Test 

In Functional test, sptest performs the selected loopback test.

 Functional mode through SyMON

If you invoke SunVTS through SyMON, the following test description applies: sptest tries to minimize the impact on the applications that are running. The Online test runs in synchronous and asynchronous modes. If the device supports an internal loopback then the functional test is run utilizing the internal loopback. The zs(7D) device supports an internal synchronous loopback and the se(7d) device supports an internal asynchronous loopback.

sptest Command Line Syntax

/opt/SUNWvts/bin/sptest standard_arguments -o dev=device_name,porta=first_port_name,T=port,L=loopback_type,M=mode,D=data_pattern,AB=async_baudrate,BS=async_write_size,S=async_total_size,PAR=parity,F=flow_control,B=sync_speed,DP=sync_drop_tolreance,P=sync_timeout

Table 34-5 sptest Command Line Syntax




Identifies the serial port(s) to test. There is no default value; you must specify a device name such as: 


zs0, zs1

zs2, zs3

..., ... 


The name of the first device of a serial device pair. The default is a.


The default test mode is asynchronous. Specify one of the following modes: 

  • asynch

  • synch

  • both


Specifies the type of test to run:

o a= runs the test on port a.

o b= runs the test on port b.

o a_b= runs the test on ports a and b sequentially.

o a_b_concurrent= runs the test on port a and port b concurrently.

o a_to_b= runs the test from port a to port b. 


The type of loopback connector attached to ports: 

  • No_modem_a_to_b

  • Internal_a_to_a__b_to_b

  • Plug_a_to_a__b_to_b

  • Modem_a_to_b


Selects the data pattern to transfer. The user can select: 

  • Random

  • Sequential

  • Alphanumeric

  • 0x00-0xFF


Asynchronous baud rate (default = 9600). The valid values are between 110 - 460800.

Note: Some platforms can only support asynchronous baud rates up to 38400 or 76800. For baud rates greater then 153600 the serial line drivers must be set for RS-423 mode and not RS-232 mode.  


Asynchronous mode write size; from 1 to 10000 bytes. 


Asynchronous mode total number of bytes to write. 

1 to 10000 bytes. 


Asynchronous mode parity type: 

  • None

  • Even

  • Odd

F=flow_control and default

Asynchronous mode flow control 

  • Hardware (RTS/CTS)

  • Software (xon/xoff)

  • None


Synchronous baud rate (default = 9600). The valid rates are between 110 - 256000.

Note: Some platforms can only support synchronous rates up to 38400 or 76800. For rates greater then 100000 the serial line drivers must be set for RS-423 mode and not RS-232 mode. 


Synchronous mode drop packet tolerance (default=20 percent) 


Synchronous mode additional wait time during poll (in seconds). 

Note -

64-bit tests are located in the sparcv9 subdirectory: /opt/SUNWvts/bin/sparcv9/testname. If a test is not present in this directory, then it may only be available as a 32-bit test. For more information refer to "32-Bit and 64-Bit Tests".

sptest Error Messages

Table 34-6 sptest Error Messages


Error Message 

Probable Cause(s) 

Recommended Action 


data miscompare, cnt = number, exp = value, obs = value, receive device = name, source device = name, baud rate = value

System load too heavy for selected baud rate. 

Reduce the system load. 

Loopback connection defective. 

Lower the baud rate. 

Bad serial port hardware. 

Check loopback connection. 

System software error. 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 


name: packet read failed, error = error_message, speed = number

System load too heavy. 

Reduce the system load. 

Loopback connection missing or defective. 

Check loopback connection. 

Bad serial port hardware. 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

System software error. 


name: packet write failed, error = error_message, speed = number

System load too heavy. 

Reduce the system load. 

Bad serial port hardware. 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

System software error 


Device 'device_name' not responding. No data detected after number seconds. Received number bytes out of number sent. Baud rate = number

System load too heavy for selected baud rate. 

Reduce the system load. 

Loopback connection missing or defective. 

Lower the baud rate. 

Bad serial port hardware. 

Check the loopback connection. 

System software error. 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 


name: expected text got text




Incomplete write on Port name, len number should be number, speed = number

System load too heavy. 

Reduce the system load. 

Loopback connection missing or defective. 

Check loopback connection. 

Bad serial port hardware. 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

System software error. 


Incomplete read on Port name, len number should be number, speed = number

System load too heavy. 

Reduce the system load. 

Loopback connection missing or defective. 

Check loopback connection. 

Bad serial port hardware 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

System software error. 


name: port not ready for writing after number seconds, speed = number

System load too heavy 

Reduce the system load. 

Loopback connection missing or defective. 

Check loopback connection. 

Bad serial port hardware. 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

System software error. 


packet data miscompare, cnt = number exp = value, obs = value, device = name, speed = number

System load too heavy 

Reduce the system load. 

Loopback connection defective. 

Check loopback connection. 

Bad serial port hardware. 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

System software error. 


name: port not ready for reading after number seconds, no data available, speed = number

System load too heavy. 

Reduce the system load. 

Loopback connection missing or defective. 

Check loopback connection. 

Bad serial port hardware. 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

System software error. 


name: port not ready for writing after number seconds, wrote number bytes out of number. Baud rate = number

System load too heavy. 

Reduce the system load. 

Loopback connection missing or defective. 

Check loopback connection. 

Bad serial port hardware. 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

System software error 


Test Type a_to_b is not allowed on Quick Test!




name: open() failed, error = error_message




Invalid Data Type: I=text




name: poll() error, (revents & (POLLERR | POLLHUP | POLLNVAL)) = value




Siemens serial device (se) does not support synchronous internal loopback test




Invalid port parameter: name




Invalid device name 'name', must specify either zsX or seX, where X is the first instance number of a device pair (ex., zs0)




Failed ioctl name, device = name, error = error_message




name: Not able to push Tty compatibility STREAMS module




Invalid Test Type: T=name




Invalid Mode: M=name




name device does not exist




Invalid baud_rate: number




write() to name failed: error_message, baud rate = number




read() to name failed: error_message, baud rate = number




Invalid size, requested = number bytes, min = number, max number




Could not open name after waiting number seconds

Another process is using the port 

Stop other process using the port. 

Port is hung 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

Bad serial port hardware 

System software error 


name: No valid packets returned after number attempts, last error = error_message, wrote number packets, read number packets, device accounting shows number packets sent and number packets received

System load too heavy 

Reduce the system load. 

Timeout too short 

Increase Sync_Poll_Count from pop menu.

Loopback connection missing or defective 

Check the loopback connection. 

Bad serial port hardware 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

System software error 


printdlprim: unsupported primitive type value




stringtoaddr: invalid input string: text




dlinfoack: response ctl.len too short: number




dlinfoack: DL_INFO_ACK was not M_PCPROTO




dlokack: response ctl.len too short: number




dlokack: DL_OK_ACK was not M_PCPROTO




dlerrorack: response ctl.len too short: number




dlerrorack: DL_OK_ACK was not M_PCPROTO




dlbindack: response ctl.len too short: number




dlbindack: DL_OK_ACK was not M_PCPROTO




sigalrm: TIMEOUT




invalid packet length: number




name: poll() failed, error = error_message

System load too heavy 

Reduce the system load. 

Bad serial port hardware 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

System software error 


Failed I_STR ioctl, cmd = name, device = name, error = error_message




name: No packets sent, last error = error_message, wrote number packets, read number packets, device accounting shows number packets sent and number packets received

No transmit clock present 

Reduce the system load. 

System load too heavy 

Increase Sync_Poll_Count from the pop menu.

Timeout too short 

Check the loopback connection. 

Loopback connection missing or defective 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

Bad serial port hardware 

System software error 


Sporadic packets detected on name. The port must be quiescent before running test

Another process is generating activity on the port 

Stop other process using the port. 

Bad serial port hardware 

Stop other process using the port. 

System software error 


syncinit: name missing minor device number




Test requires local or remote modem loopback (external data loop, external clocking)




name loopback type not allowed on Connection test




name loopback type not allowed on online mode




Invalid baud rate for device name, select between number and number




name internal loopback test not allowed on name device




Thread creation failed, error_message




name: At least number packets dropped (tolerance = number), last error = error_message. Wrote number packets, read number packets. Device statistics shows number packets sent and number packets received. number packets dropped in outbound queueing, number packets dropped in inbound queueing

System load too heavy 

Reduce the system load. 

Loopback connection missing or defective 

Increase the drop tolerance option. 

Bad serial port hardware 

Check the loopback connection. 

System software error 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 


name: number bad packets received, last error = error_message, wrote number packets, read number packets, device accounting shows number packets sent and number packets received

System load too heavy 

Reduce the system load. 

Loopback connection missing or defective 

Check the loopback connection. 

Bad serial port hardware 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

System software error