Solaris 7 Sun Hardware Platform Guide

Preparing the SSP for the Fresh Install

This section contains instructions for preparing the SSP for the fresh install. You must set up the SSP as an install server by configuring the domain network information and as a boot server by adding the domain as a install client. However, before you set up the SSP as a boot server, you must install a patch that enables the Solaris 7 operating environment to be installed on a domain.

Configuring the Domain Network Information

  1. Log in to the SSP as superuser.

  2. Manually edit the /etc/hosts file to include the IP address of the new domain.

    The correct entries would look similar to the following /etc/hosts sample:  tacos       localhost  snax-ssp vegetables   loghost  snax-cb0  snax-cb1  pizza  chips    marvin-49       vegetables-priv       chips-priv

    The /etc/hosts file is actually a link to ./inet/hosts.

    Caution - Caution -

    If the new domain entry follows any other host or SSP entry, the add_install_client command may not work in Step 1 in "Preparing the SSP for the Fresh Install".

  3. Manually edit the /etc/ethers file to include the Ethernet address of the new domain.

    The correct entries would look similar to the following /etc/ethers sample:

    8:0:20:87:58:a5         snax-ssp vegetables
    0:0:be:01:00:1e         snax-cb0
    0:0:be:01:00:57         snax-cb1
    0:0:be:a6:50:2f         pizza
    0:0:be:a6:6f:19         chips-priv
    0:0:be:a6:6f:23         nachos
    0:0:be:a6:6f:2a         tacos

Updating the OpenBoot(TM) PROM

Before you can install Solaris 7 on a domain, you need to update the OBP on the SSP by performing the following steps:

  1. Insert the Sun Computer Systems Supplement CD into the CD-ROM drive.

    After inserting the CD, wait about one minute for the Volume Manager to mount the CD-ROM.

  2. Log in to the SSP as superuser if you skipped the previous section.

  3. Change to the 105684-04 patch directory on the CD:

    ssp# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/Patches/105684-04

  4. Install the patch:

    ssp# ./installpatch .

  5. Remove the CD:

    ssp# cd /
    ssp# eject cdrom

Setting Up the SSP As a Boot Server

Perform these instructions for each domain on which the Solaris operating environment will be installed.

  1. Insert the Solaris CD into the CD-ROM drive.

    After inserting the CD, wait about one minute for the Volume Manager to mount the CD-ROM.

  2. Change to the /Tools directory on the CD:

    ssp# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_2.7/Tools

  3. Set up the host domain as an install client:

    ssp# ./add_install_client domain_name sun4u

    The add_install_client command should share the CD across the net. If you receive the following warning, perform the share(1M) command in Step 3a.

    prom_panic: Could not mount filesystem

    1. Share the CD across the net:

      ssp# share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 /cdrom/cdrom0/s0

  4. Exit the superuser level.