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Sun Java Enterprise System Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows 

Chapter 1
Installation Planning Overview

This chapter provides an overview of how to prepare for Sun Java Enterprise System installation.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Where Does Installation Fit in the Java Enterprise System Solution Life Cycle?

Java Enterprise System integrates Sun server-side products into a single software system that provides the server software needed to support distributed enterprise applications. The inter-relationships among this collection of products can create a complex installation process.

The following figure shows where installation is positioned in the phases of the Java Enterprise System solution. The boxes on the right side of the figure list the user profiles that apply to the solution phases.

Figure 1-1  Sun Java Enterprise System Solution Life Cycle

Due to the complex nature of the dependencies of the components, the Sun Java Enterprise System installation process is not simple. It is important to approach the installation tasks in an orderly way, using the documentation provided. A high-level approach includes the following:

  1. Know how to access the documentation available for Sun Java Enterprise System.
  2. Refer to the Java Enterprise System Documentation Roadmap (

  3. Learn what Java Enterprise System is and how its components and services work.
  4. Refer to the Java Enterprise System Technical Overview (

  5. Plan your deployment.
  6. Refer to the discussion of deployment planning concepts in the Java Enterprise System Deployment Planning Guide (

  7. Plan your installation.
    • Develop an installation sequence of events and gather the information you will need for installation.
    • Review the Sun Java Enterprise System Release Notes ( for installation issues associated with Windows or particular components.
  8. Install the Sun Java Enterprise System software.
  9. Install the software on your hosts, perform post-installation configuration if required, and start the individual components.

  10. Complete your deployment.
  11. Complete any additional tasks required to implement your deployment, such as customization or data migration. Refer to the following Java Enterprise System documents for guidance:

What Are the Installation Planning Tasks?

The following table lists the installation planning tasks common to all Java Enterprise System installations. The left column lists the high-level tasks and subtasks, and the right column lists the location of instructions for performing the tasks.

Table 1-1  Installation Planning Tasks 


Location of information

1. Survey the target hosts

Check what Sun Java Enterprise System software is to be installed on your hosts or target hosts.

What Components Are Installed?

Verify that the host is ready for installation: system requirements, access privileges, memory and disk requirements, and so on.

Are Your Systems Ready?

2. Develop your installation sequence

Review your deployment architecture and implementation specification.

What Does My Deployment Call for?

Identify particular situations that affect how you plan to install Sun Java Enterprise System for your deployment.

What Are My Key Installation Issues?

Identify the interdependencies among the components you plan to install.

How Do Component Interdependencies Affect My Installation?

Choose whether you will configure during installation or after the installation.

Which Is the Best Configuration Option?

Decide on the number and order of your installation sessions.

How Many Installation Sessions Are Needed?

3. Gather configuration data

Review the Administrator Server settings.

Administrator Server Settings

Identify the configuration data that is required by the installer for the Configure Automatically During Installation option.

Chapter 6, "Configuration Information of the Components"

For a description of how the Sun Java Enterprise System installation program works, see Chapter 3, "Installation Process and Prerequisites".

What Components Are Installed?

The Sun Java Enterprise System software associated with this release includes the following selectable components:

Some of the components have selectable subcomponents.

You can use the following procedures to survey your hosts before installation.

Are Your Systems Ready?

Before you start the installation process, review the issues in this section.

System Requirements

Before you install the Sun Java Enterprise System, ensure that the hosts in your system meet the minimum hardware and operating system requirements.

Table 1-2  Platforms Supported


Platforms Supported


Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP4 or above


Windows 2000 Server SP4 or above


Windows 2000 Professional Edition SP4 or above


Windows XP Professional Edition SP2


Windows 2003 Enterprise Server

For the latest information on the supported platforms and software and hardware requirements, refer to the “Hardware and Software Requirements” section in the Sun Java Enterprise System Release Notes for Microsoft Windows (

If the operating system found on the host does not satisfy the Sun Java Enterprise System recommendations, the installer cannot proceed. You must resolve the problem before installation.

Access Privileges

To install the Sun Java Enterprise System software, you must be logged in as an Administrator or have Administrator privileges.

Memory and Disk Space Requirements

The disk space required is double the size of the installer in the Windows system drive and the size of the installer in the destination drive where the user installs the product.


The size mentioned here is the size of the product that the user selects.

The installer runs a check to determine if your host has sufficient memory and disk space for the components you selected.

Next Steps

Now that you have an idea of what installation planning tasks are required and have surveyed your target hosts, you are ready to develop an installation sequence based on your deployment documents. Proceed to Chapter 2, "Developing Your Installation Sequence".

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Part No: 819-4280-10.   Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.