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Sun Java Enterprise System Upgrade Guide for HP-UX  

Chapter 10
Directory Preparation Tool

This chapter describes how to upgrade Directory Preparation Tool to Java ES Release 4. The chapter provides a general overview of upgrade issues and procedures for the different upgrade paths supported by Java ES Release 4.


File locations in this chapter are specified with respect to a directory path referred to as comm_dssetup_base. At least part of this path might have been specified as an installation directory when Directory Preparation Tool was initially installed. If not, the Java ES installer assigned a default value.

The default value of comm_dssetup_base is: /opt/sun/comms/dssetup.

Overview of Directory Preparation Tool Upgrades

This section describes the following general aspects of Directory Preparation Tool that impact upgrading to Java ES Release 4:

About Java ES Release 4 Directory Preparation Tool

Java ES Release 4 versions of Directory Preparation Tool represents a number of minor fixes needed to prepare Directory Server for use by Release 4 communications components (Messaging Server, Calendar Server, and Delegated Administrator).

For details, see the appropriate release notes.

Directory Preparation Tool Upgrade Roadmap

Table 10-1 shows the supported Directory Preparation Tool upgrade paths to Java ES Release 4. The table applies HP-UX for operating systems.

Table 10-1  Upgrade Paths to Java ES Release 4 Directory Preparation Tool 2005Q4

Java ES Release

Directory Preparation Tool Version

General Approach

Re-configuration Required

Release 3

Sun Java System Directory Preparation Tool 6.3 2005Q1

Direct Upgrade:

Apply patches.

Prepare Directory for Release 4 communications components

Directory Preparation Tool Data

The following table shows the type of data that could be impacted by an upgrade of Directory Preparation Tool software.

Table 10-2  Directory Preparation Tool Data Usage

Type of Data



Directory Server schema

Directory Server

Prepare Directory Server for Release 4 communications components: modifies schema, creates new entries and creates indexes

Compatibility Issues

Release 4 Directory Preparation Tool does not introduce any interface changes and is backwardly compatible with earlier versions.

Directory Preparation Tool Dependencies

Directory Preparation Tool has no dependencies on other Java ES components other than Directory Server. Directory Preparation Tool is used to configure Directory Server for use with Java ES communications components.

Upgrading Directory Preparation Tool from Java ES Release 3

This section includes information about upgrading Directory Preparation Tool from Java ES Release 3 to Java ES Release 4. The section covers the following topics:


When upgrading Java ES Release 3 Directory Preparation Tool to Release 4, consider the following aspects of the upgrade process:

Directory Preparation Tool Upgrade

This section describes how to perform an upgrade of Directory Preparation Tool from Java ES Release 3 to Java ES Release 4 on HP-UX platform. The section covers the following topics:

Pre-Upgrade Tasks

Before you upgrade Directory Preparation Tool you should perform the tasks described below.

Verify Current Version Information

You can verify the version of Directory Preparation Tool last run against Directory Server by checking attribute values of the cn=CommServers, o=comms-config entry written by the tool:

The entry has two attributes that specify the current version and the revision:

The tool will write a message to console only if the version of Directory Preparation Tool being run is the same or earlier than the version that was previously run. See Upgrade Procedure, Step 4 on for how to run the tool.

Upgrade Directory Preparation Tool Dependencies

It is generally recommended that all Java ES components on a computer system (and in a computing environment) be upgraded to Java ES Release 4. However, the upgrade of Directory Preparation Tool to Release 4 does not depend upon any other Java ES component.

Back Up Directory Data

The Directory Preparation Tool upgrade from Release 3 to Release 4 does not in itself modify Directory Server data. However, as a safety measure, it is a good idea to back up Directory Server before upgrading the Directory Preparation Tool and running it against Directory Server.

Obtain Required Configuration Information and Passwords

Directory Preparation Tool upgrade requires you to know the superuser password. Otherwise, the tool remembers parameter values used in the previous run and supplies them as defaults when run the next time.

Upgrading Directory Preparation Tool

This section discusses considerations that impact the upgrade procedure for Directory Preparation Tool followed by a description of the procedure itself.

Upgrade Considerations

The upgrade of Directory Preparation Tool software to Java ES Release 4 takes into account the following considerations:

Upgrade Procedure

The procedure documented below applies to the Directory Preparation Tool installed on the computer where Directory Server resides.

  1. Obtain the required patches, based on Table 10-3.
  2. Patches can be downloaded from:

  3. Log in as superuser (root).
  4. Apply the appropriate Directory Preparation Tool patches as in Table 10-3.
    1. If the product is in the default location (/opt/sun/comms/dssetup)
    2. swinstall -s patch_location <patch_ID>

    3. If the product is in non default location
    4. swinstall -s patch_location -x patch_match_target = true

  5. Run the Directory Preparation Tool against Directory Server. 4. Confirm that the upgrade was successful:
    1. Confirm that Directory Server is running.
    2. Change directory to the location of the Directory Preparation Tool
    3. # cd comm_dssetup_base/sbin

    4. Run the Directory Preparation Tool ( perl script).
    5. # perl

      The perl version is 5.8.4 and path of the perl is usr/bin/perl.Provide the parameters requested by the script.

Verifying the Upgrade

You can verify successful upgrade of Directory Preparation Tool and extension of directory schema by checking the log file created when running the script. The log file is located at:


Post-Upgrade Tasks

There are no post-upgrade tasks beyond the steps described in Upgrade Procedure.

Rolling Back the Upgrade

This section describes considerations that impact the upgrade rollback procedure for Directory Preparation Tool followed by the procedure itself.

Rollback Considerations

The procedure for rolling back the upgrade to Release 4 of Directory Preparation Tool reverses the procedure for upgrading to Release 4. However, among the changes made by Directory Preparation Tool are modifications to Directory Server schema. These changes are not backed out by the rollback procedure described below, however the schema changes are backwardly compatible.

Rollback Procedure
  1. Log in as superuser.
  2. Remove the patches in Table 10-3.
  3. # swremove <patch_ID>

  4. Run the rolled-back Directory Preparation Tool against Directory Server.
  5. Directory Server modifications, including indexes are restored to their previous states, however schema changes remain in place. There is no negative impact to the schema extensions; they are backwardly compatible.

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Part No: 819-4460-10.   Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.