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Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition Installation Guide

Appendix A
Installation Cheatsheet

Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition is a complex product to implement. However, if you are an experienced installer and are familiar with configuring high-availability systems, the summarized steps in this appendix may be useful.

The installation phase of product implementation consists of the following high-level tasks:

When you have finished the tasks listed in this appendix, the installation is considered complete. You are now ready to proceed to the high-availability configuration tasks as documented in the Sun ONE Application Server Administrator’s Guide.

1. Fulfill the installation requirements.

Table A-2 lists the requirements that must be met in order to install the Sun ONE Application Server Version 7, Enterprise Edition product.

Table A-1  Installation Requirements Tasks 



Location of Full Instructions


Platform and HA configuration—Verify platform and HA configuration have been met.

"Platform Requirements"


(if applicable) Solaris 8 patches—Verify the correct patches are installed.

"Solaris 8 Patch Requirements"


(if applicable) Solaris 9 bundled, Message Queue broker—Verify unique naming of domains and instances.

"Shared Message Queue Broker Requirement"


(if applicable) Hardened Solaris operating system—Verify needed libraries are installed.

"Hardened Solaris Operating Environment Requirement"


(if applicable) Existing installations—Remove any existing Application Servers using uninstallation.

"General Requirements"


Available ports—Plan your port preferences.

"General Requirements"


Root privileges—Verify that the installation person has root privileges on target machine.



HA topology—Plan your high-availability topology.

"Topology Planning"
Operational Deployment Guide


HA space—Evaluate your high-availability space requirements

"Space Considerations"
"Platform Requirements"


Web server—Install the Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 SP6

"Web Server Installation"
iPlanet WebServer Installation Guide

2. Install the software components.

Table A-2 lists the tasks for installing the Sun ONE Application Server Version 7, Enterprise Edition product components.

Table A-2  Product Installation Tasks  



Location of Full Instructions


Requirements—Verify that requirements are met.

Table A-1


Start processes—Start processes that use ports and will run at same time as Application Server.

Procedure starts here:
"Installing Application Server Software"


(if applicable) Download the software bundle:

gunzip sun-appserver7-sol.tar.gz
tar -xvf sun-appserver7-sol.tar


Choose your installation method:
To invoke the graphical interface— ./setup
To invoke the command-line interface— ./setup -console


Select installation components (load balancer is usually installed separately) and respond to all installation program prompts.


Check installation summary and logs.


Set PATH environment variable for HADB /bin.


Start the Application Server.


Verify that asadmin and hadbm commands run.


If a previous load balancer plugin is installed, remove it with the uninstallation program

Procedure starts here:
"Installing the Load Balancer Plug-in"


Verify that the correct web server is installed: Sun ONE 6.0 SP6 or Apache Web Server 1.3.27


Invoke the Installation program to install the load balancer plugin and respond to all installation program prompts.


(if applicable) Perform silent installation

"Installing in Silent Mode (Non-Interactive)"

3. Complete the high-availability installation tasks.

Table A-3 lists the high-availability preparation tasks that are part of installing the Sun ONE Application Server Version 7, Enterprise Edition product.

Table A-3  High-Availability Installation Tasks 



Location of Full Instructions


Configure shared memory for the HADB hosts.

"Configuring Shared Memory and Semaphores"


Set up communication for the HADB hosts, either using RSH or SSH. (SSH is Solaris 9 default)

"Setting up RSH for HADB Administration"

"Setting Up SSH for HADB Administration"


If needed for Solaris 8, install OpenSSH.

"Installing SSH for Solaris 8"


Set up the user environment for hadbm.

"Setting Up the User Environment"


(If applicable) Set up for running the clsetup command as non-root.

"Setting Up Administration for Non-Root"


Verify that clsetup requirements are met.

"clsetup Requirements and Limitations"


(If applicable) Edit the clsetup input files for your configuration.

"Editing the clsetup Input Files"


Run clsetup to configure a basic cluster.

"Running the clsetup Command"


Scan clsetup logs and correct any errors.

"Cleanup Procedures for the clsetup Command"

4. Complete the post-installation tasks.

Table A-4 lists the final tasks required for installing the Sun ONE Application Server Version 7, Enterprise Edition product.

Table A-4  Post-Installation Tasks 



Location of Full Instructions


(If needed) Use asadmin commands to start or stop the Application Server.

"Creating Domains and Instances"


(If needed) Create additional domains.

"Creating Domains and Instances"


(If needed) Use hadbm commands to stop or start the HADB.

"Stopping and Starting the HADB"


(If needed) Install and configure web services client.

Developer’s Guide to Clients

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