C H A P T E R  1

Before You Begin the Firmware Migration

This chapter introduces and describes the s3kdlres script and lists the system prerequisites and requirements that must be met before you begin the firmware migration process. It also describes script behavior and limitations. Topics include:

Migrating Firmware on Solaris, Linux, and Microsoft Windows Operating Systems

When migrating from firmware version 3.xx to 4.15 or later on Solaris, Linux, and Microsoft Windows operating systems, you must use the s3kdlres script, which is contained in the Sun StorEdge Configuration Service/Sun StorEdge CLI software package, SUNWsscs. Version 2.3 or later is required. If you do not have this package installed, or if you have an earlier version, download version 2.3 from the Sun Download Center, or install it from the optional Sun StorEdge Professional Manager CD. For software installation or upgrading instructions, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Software Installation Guide.

The s3kdlres script saves the controller configuration in XML format, upgrades the firmware, resets nvram, and restores the configuration based on the XML file. The script uses the Sun StorEdge CLI (sccli) to perform all operations on the controller. Settings that are not restored by the script must be restored manually. See Configuration Settings That Are Restored and Configuration Settings That Are Not Restored for more information.

caution icon

Caution - Do not use the s3kldres migration script if you are upgrading from firmware version 4.xx to firmware version 4.15 or later. If you are currently running controller firmware 4.xx, refer to the latest Release Notes for your array for instructions about how and where to download the most recent controller firmware patch. The README included in that patch provides the instructions necessary to upgrade from firmware version 4.xx to firmware version 4.15 or later, as well as upgrade instructions for other firmware components included in the patch.

Migrating Firmware on HP-UX and IBM AIX Operating Systems

The s3kdlres script cannot be used for firmware migrations on HP-UX and IBM AIX operating systems. Instead, follow the instructions provided in Migrating Controller Firmware on HP-UX and IBM AIX Operating Systems. Before beginning the migration, contact Sun service personnel for assistance. Time and materials charges might apply if not currently covered under warranty/support contract.

System Prerequisites and Requirements

Before installing controller firmware version 4.15 or later, make sure your environment supports the prerequisites and requirements for running the script as listed in TABLE 1-1.

caution icon

Caution - Failure to adhere to the system prerequisites and requirements can result in data loss.


TABLE 1-1 System Prerequisites and Requirements for Migrating RAID Controller Firmware on Solaris, Linux, and Microsoft Windows Operating Systems




Obtain the most recent controller firmware patch.


Refer to the latest Release Notes for your array for instructions about how and where to download the most recent controller firmware patch.

Required SAF-TE or SES version.


The array must be currently running the required version of SAF-TE or SES firmware:


Sun StorEdge 3310 SCSI array

You must be running controller firmware version 3.25S or later and SAF-TE version 1168 or later.



If you do not have these firmware versions installed, download patch 113722-09 from SunSolve online, and follow the instructions provided in the README for upgrading only the firmware versions mentioned above


Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array

You must be running controller firmware version 3.27R or later and SES version 1046 or later.



If you do not have these firmware versions installed, download patch 113723-09 from SunSolve online and follow the instructions provided in the README for upgrading only the firmware versions mentioned above.


Sun StorEdge 3511 SATA array

You must be running controller firmware version 3.27R or later and SES version 0413 or later.



If you do not have these firmware versions installed, download patch 113724-03 from SunSolve online and follow the instructions provided in the README for upgrading only the firmware versions mentioned above.

Using the s3kdlres script.


The s3kdlres script is required for migrating controller firmware on Solaris, Linux, and Windows operating systems only. If you are migrating firmware on HP-UX and IBM AIX operating systems, see Migrating Controller Firmware on HP-UX and IBM AIX Operating Systems.



The s3kdlres script is contained in the Sun StorEdge Configuration Service/Sun StorEdge CLI software package, SUNWsscs. Version 2.3 or later is required.



If you do not have this package installed, or if you have an earlier version, download version 2.3 from the Sun Download Center, or install it from the optional Sun StorEdge Professional Manager CD. For software installation or upgrading instructions, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Software Installation Guide.

You must have a serial connection.


You must have a serial connection to restore settings during the migration process. Use a null modem serial cable to connect the COM port of the array to the serial port on a host workstation. Make sure the serial port setting is configured to 38400 baud, 8 bit, 1 stop bit, no parity; otherwise, you will not be able to access it to restore critical settings. Refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Installation, Operation, and Service Manual for information about connecting the RS-232 interface.



Make sure the RS-232 serial interface is connected and configured at 38400 baud and monitored during the entire migration process. After the nvram and controller are reset, the script specifies that certain manual tasks be performed with the RS-232 serial interface, including setting the IP address and mapping a host LUN if in-band communication is used. The RS-232 connection ensures that the script can communicate with the controller after the nvram reset.

The migration can be performed in-band or out-of band; out-of-band is preferred.


Ethernet connections are required for out-of-band firmware migrations if the array to be upgraded is not connected to the host from which the migrations are to be performed.

Note: Migrating the firmware using an out-of-band connection is preferred over an in-band connection.



Depending on your array, a SCSI or Fibre Channel connection to the array is required for in-band firmware migrations when no network connection to the array is available.

Create configurations of less than 32 partitions per logical drive or logical volume.


If you have logical drives or logical volumes with more than 32 partitions per logical drive or logical volume, make sure you delete all of these partitions. Create a configuration that contains less than 32 partitions per logical drive or logical volume, and then restore the data. Before beginning the firmware migration, contact authorized Sun service personnel for assistance. Time and materials charges might apply if not currently covered under warranty/support contract.

Back up data and restore after recreating partitions.


Make sure you back up your data before running the script. Backing up data and restoring after recreating the partitions is required; otherwise, there is loss of data.

Create a .txt file to record settings so that you can manually restore settings that the script does not restore after the firmware migration.


See Creating a Configuration File for more information.

The array must be migrated offline.


Stop all I/O activity and unmount any file systems or volumes mounted on the array before running the script.

Script Behavior and Limitations

It is not possible to restore all configuration information with sccli and the XML configuration file. Make sure you understand the following script behavior and limitations as described in TABLE 1-2.

caution icon

Caution - Failure to understand the behavior and limitations of the script and not taking the specified precautions can result in data loss.


TABLE 1-2 s3kdlres Migration Script Behavior and Limitations



Filter maps for Sun StorEdge 351x arrays might not be remapped correctly.

The RS-232 serial interface allows additional parameters beyond what sccli allows, including read-write/read-only, exclude/include, name, and filter masks. sccli does not provide a way to check for these parameters. These parameters must be checked before running the script. After nvram is set, there is no way to recover this information. These parameters must be restored manually.

Not all settings are restored.

Only those settings listed in Configuration Settings That Are Restored are restored. Other parameters must be recorded and then restored using the RS-232 serial interface. See Configuration Settings That Are Not Restored for a list of parameters that are not restored.

You need to verify customized settings.

If you have custom settings that you want restored, see Creating a Configuration File for information on creating a file that enables you to verify that custom settings have been restored after the script has been run.

You must restore the host LUN and channel setting (in-band) and network settings (out-of-band).

Because nvram is reset, communication with the RAID controller is lost. You must restore the host LUN and channel setting (for in-band only) and network settings (out-of-band) when prompted by the script.

Note: Migrating the firmware using an out-of-band connection is preferred over an in-band connection.

You need a serial connection after the firmware has been migrated.

You must reconfigure controller and network parameters using a serial connection after the firmware has been migrated. The controller password is not restored if you perform an in-band migration. The password is set to null when the migration completes.

It might not be possible to recover from some sccli errors.

In such cases, the script exits with a back trace, which is a list of functions and their parameters called at the time of the error. Some errors are considered exceptions and are accompanied by a back trace. See Error Messages for a list of these errors.

Configuration Settings That Are Restored

The following configuration settings are restored by the s3kdlres script. All other settings are reset to the default settings of the firmware version to which you are migrating.

Configuration Settings That Are Not Restored

The configuration settings listed in this section are not restored by the s3kdlres script. After the script resets nvram, the only way to restore these settings is to re-enter them after the migration is complete.

Because these settings must be manually restored, record these parameters for each LUN for which you want to restore the name, and for each LUN that does not use the following default parameters: type=include, access mode=read/write, filter mask=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

See Using the RAID Firmware Application to View Settings That Are Not Restored for information on viewing these settings.

If the channel data rate is set to 1 GHz or 2 GHz, after the script is run, the channel speed is set to Auto (auto-negotiation). However, some older HBAs do not support the latest auto-negotiation protocols. If your channel data rate was previously set at 1 GHz rather than Auto to avoid this problem, reset it to 1 GHz after the script finishes running. Refer to the Release Notes for your array for information about HBA support and limitations.

RCCOM channel settings are restored for Channels 2 and 3 only. RCCOM settings for other channels are not restored.

See Creating a Configuration File for information on creating a file that enables you to verify that custom settings have been restored after the script has been run.

Creating a Configuration File

Create a configuration file that enables you to verify that any custom settings have been restored after the script has been run. You will need to refer to it after the script has been run to restore or troubleshoot the configuration settings.

Type the following command to save the configuration settings in .txt format:

sccli> show configuration <filename.txt>

The command might take several minutes to complete and will save the file in the current working directory.

Note - Configuration setting output files are not transferable. That is, you cannot save a configuration file for a specific Sun StorEdge array and use it to perform the script upgrade on another Sun StorEdge array.

Using the RAID Firmware Application to View Settings That Are Not Restored

Use the RAID firmware application menus described in this section to view and record the following settings that are not restored. You will need to provide this information when running the script. For information on accessing the RAID firmware application, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware User's Guide.