Package com.sun.identity.federation.message.common

Defines common classes used by federation protocol messages.


Class Summary
AuthnContext This class AuthnContext represents an Authentication Context for the authenticated user with a requested authn context.
EncryptableNameIdentifier This class contains methods for encrypting the NameIdentifier object.
EncryptedNameIdentifier This class EncryptedNameIdentifier represents a EncryptableNameIdentifier in an encrypted form.
EntityName This class has methods to create EntityName object.
Extension The class Extension is used to create , parse Extension object.
GetComplete This class contains methods for the GetComplete Element.
IDPEntries This class defines methods to set/retrieve multiple Identity Providers.
IDPEntry This class defines methods to set/retrieve single identity provider information trusted by the request issuer to authenticate the presenter.
IDPProvidedNameIdentifier This class has methods to create the NameIdentifier object provided by the Identity Provider.
OldProvidedNameIdentifier This class has methods to create the original NameIdentifier object.
RequestAuthnContext This class RequestAuthnContext represents the requesting Authentication Context as part of the FSAuthnRequest.
SPProvidedNameIdentifier This class contains methods to create Service Provider NameIdentifier.

Exception Summary
FSMsgException This exception is thrown when there are failures during the federation of an identity.

Package com.sun.identity.federation.message.common Description

Defines common classes used by federation protocol messages.