What's New in the Solaris 9 Operating Environment

Live Upgrade Command-Line Features

In the Solaris 9 release, the following Solaris Live Upgrade new features apply to the command-line interface only.

Progress Reporting

When using Solaris Live Upgrade to upgrade or install a Web Start Flash archive, the percentage of the upgrade or install completed is reported.

Changes to the lumount and luumount Commands

The lumount command mounts all the boot environment's file systems. If you do not explicitly specify a mount point, lumount creates a mount point that uses the boot environment name, rather than a random set of numbers. This change prevents a proliferation of mount points and aids in using the luumount command.

Here is an example of the old and new mount point naming:

The luumount command unmounts the boot environment's root file system. The luumount command now accepts a mount point as well as the boot environment name. And with the -f option, a boot environment's file system can be forcibly unmounted.

See the man pages, lumount(1M) and luumount(1M).

Scheduling Priorities

Solaris Live Upgrade's main purpose is to minimize production environment downtime while migrating to a new operating system. Some Solaris Live Upgrade operations, such as upgrading and copying file systems, can cause significant load to a system. Solaris Live Upgrade now has the tools to control scheduling priorities, which helps prevent degrading of performance on the production system. You can change the defaults in the /etc/default/lu file.

Naming Boot Environments

To allow long names for boot environments, Solaris Live Upgrade commands that accept a boot environment name can now associate a description of any length with that name.

For further information, see the Solaris 9 Installation Guide or the man page, ludesc(1M).