International Language Environments Guide

Loading a STREAMS Module at Kernel

To load a STREAMS module at kernel, first become root.

To determine whether you are running a 64-bit Solaris or 32-bit Solaris system, use the isainfo(1) utility as follows:

system# isainfo -v
64-bit sparcv9 applications
32-bit sparc applications

If the command returns this information, you are running the 64-bit Solaris system. If you are running the 32-bit Solaris system, the utility shows the following:

system# isainfo -v
32-bit sparc applications

Use modinfo(1M) to be certain that your system has not already loaded the STREAMS module:

system# modinfo | grep  modulename

If the STREAMS module, such as u8lat1, is already installed, the output looks as follows:

system# modinfo | grep u8lat1
89 ff798000  4b13  18   1  u8lat1 (UTF-8 <--> ISO 8859-1 module)

If the module is already installed, you do not need to load it. However, if the module has not yet been loaded, use modload(1M) as follows:

system# modload /usr/kernel/strmod/u8lat1

This command loads the 32–bit u8lat1 STREAMS module at the kernel so you can push it onto a stream. If you are running the 64–bit Solaris product, use modload(1M) as follows:

system# modload /usr/kernel/strmod/sparcv9/u8lat1

The STREAMS module is loaded at the kernel and you can now push it onto a stream.

To unload a module from the kernel, use modunload(1M), as shown below. In this example, the u8lat1 module is being unloaded.

system# modinfo | grep u8lat1
89 ff798000  4b13  18   1  u8lat1 (UTF-8 <--> ISO 8859-1 module)
system# modunload -i 89