KCMS Application Developer's Guide


/* lut8, input & output tables are always 256 bytes in length */
 typedef struct {
     icUInt8Number         inputChan;  /* Number of input channels */
     icUInt8Number         outputChan; /* Number of output channels */
     icUInt8Number         clutPoints; /* Number of clutTable grid points */
     icInt8Number          pad;
     icS15Fixed16Number    e00;        /* e00 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number    e01;        /* e01 in the 3 * 3 */   
     icS15Fixed16Number    e02;        /* e02 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number    e10;        /* e10 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number    e11;        /* e11 in the 3 * 3 */   
     icS15Fixed16Number    e12;        /* e12 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number    e20;        /* e20 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number    e21;        /* e21 in the 3 * 3 */   
     icS15Fixed16Number    e22;        /* e22 in the 3 * 3 */
     icUInt8Number    data[icAny];     /* Data follows see spec for size */
  *  Data that follows is of this form
  *  icUInt8Number    inputTable[inputChan][256];    * The input table
  *  icUInt8Number    clutTable[icAny];              * The clut table
  *  icUInt8Number    outputTable[outputChan][256];  * The output table
 } icLut8;