IPv6 Administration Guide

How to Display Network Status

These procedures enable you to display the following structure formats for network data by using the netstat command:

    On the command line, type the following command.

    % netstat [option] 

For more information on the netstat command, see the netstat(1M) man page.

Example—Displaying All Sockets and Routing Table Entries

% netstat -a
   Local Address         Remote Address     State
-------------------- -------------------- -------
      *.*                                   Unbound
      *.apexrpc                              Idle
      *.*                                   Unbound
   Local Address                     Remote Address                   State
--------------------------------- --------------------------------- -------
      *.*                                                           Unbound
      *.time                                                        Idle
      *.echo                                                        Idle
      *.discard                                                     Idle
      *.daytime                                                     Idle
      *.chargen                                                     Idle

   Local Address        Remote Address    Swind Send-Q Rwind Recv-Q  State
-------------------- -------------------- ----- ------ ----- ------ -------
      *.*                  *.*                0      0     0      0 IDLE
      *.apexrpc            *.*                0      0     0      0 LISTEN
      *.*                  *.*                0      0     0      0 IDLE
      *.ftp                *.*                0      0     0      0 LISTEN
localhost.427              *.*                0      0     0      0 LISTEN
      *.telnet             *.*                0      0     0      0 LISTEN
tn.apex.COM.telnet is.Eng.apex.COM         8760      0   8760     0 ESTABLISHED
tn.apex.COM.33528 np.apex.COM.46637        8760      0   8760     0 TIME_WAIT
tn.apex.COM.33529 np.apex.COM.apexrpc      8760      0   8760     0 TIME_WAIT
   Local Address     Remote Address   Swind Send-Q  Rwind Recv-Q   State   If 
----------------- -----------------   ----- ------  ----- ------   -----
      *.*                 *.*             0      0      0      0   IDLE 
      *.ftp               *.*             0      0      0      0   LISTEN 
      *.telnet            *.*             0      0      0      0   LISTEN 
      *.shell             *.*             0      0      0      0   LISTEN 
      *.smtp              *.*             0      0      0      0   LISTEN
 2::56:8.login     something.1023    8640      0   8640      0 ESTABLISHED
 fe80::a:a8.echo   fe80::a:89        8640      0   8640      0 ESTABLISHED
 fe80::a:a8.ftp    fe80::a:90        8640      0   8640      0 ESTABLISHED

Example—Displaying Inet Address Family for IPv4

% netstat -f inet
   Local Address        Remote Address    Swind Send-Q Rwind Recv-Q  State
-------------------- -------------------- ----- ------ ----- ------ -------
tn.apex.COM.telnet    is.apex.COM.35388    8760      0  8760   0  ESTABLISHED
tn.apex.COM.1022      alive-v4.nfsd        8760      0  8760   0  ESTABLISHED
tn.apex.COM.1021      sl.apex.COM.nfsd     8760      0  8760   0  ESTABLISHED
tn.apex.COM.33539     np.apex.COM.apexrpc  8760      0  8760   0  TIME_WAIT

Example—Displaying Inet6 Address Family for IPv4

% netstat -f inet6
   Local Address        Remote Address     Swind Send-Q Rwind Recv-Q   State      If 
-------------------- --------------------- ----- ------ ----- ------ ----------- -----
2::56:a8.login        something.1023       8640      0  8640      0 ESTABLISHED      
fe80::a0:a8.echo      fe80::a0:de.35389    8640      0  8640      0 ESTABLISHED      
fe80::a0:a8.ftp-data  fe80::a0:de.35394   25920      0 25920      0 TIME_WAIT      

Example—Displaying Statistics Per Interface, IPv6 or ICMPv6 Counters

% netstat -sa
        rawipInDatagrams    =  1407     rawipInErrors       =     0
        rawipInCksumErrs    =     0     rawipOutDatagrams   =     5
        rawipOutErrors      =     0

        udpInDatagrams      =  7900     udpInErrors         =     0
        udpOutDatagrams     =  7725     udpOutErrors        =     0

TCP     tcpRtoAlgorithm     =     4     tcpRtoMin           =   200
        tcpRtoMax           = 60000     tcpMaxConn          =    -1
IPv4    ipForwarding        =     2     ipDefaultTTL        =   255
        ipInReceives        =406345     ipInHdrErrors       =     0
        ipInAddrErrors      =     0     ipInCksumErrs       =     0
IPv6 for lo0
        ipv6Forwarding      =     2     ipv6DefaultHopLimit =     0
        ipv6InReceives      =     0     ipv6InHdrErrors     =     0
IPv6 for le0
        ipv6Forwarding      =     2     ipv6DefaultHopLimit =   255
        ipv6InReceives      =   885     ipv6InHdrErrors     =     0
IPv6    ipv6Forwarding      =     2     ipv6DefaultHopLimit =   255
        ipv6InReceives      =   885     ipv6InHdrErrors     =     0
ICMPv4  icmpInMsgs          =   618     icmpInErrors        =     0
        icmpInCksumErrs     =     0     icmpInUnknowns      =     0
        icmpInDestUnreachs  =     5     icmpInTimeExcds     =     0
ICMPv6 for lo0
        icmp6InMsgs         =     0     icmp6InErrors       =     0
        icmp6InDestUnreachs =     0     icmp6InAdminProhibs =     0
ICMPv6 for le0
        icmp6InMsgs         =   796     icmp6InErrors       =     0
        icmp6InDestUnreachs =     0     icmp6InAdminProhibs =     0
        icmp6InTimeExcds    =     0     icmp6InParmProblems =     0
ICMPv6  icmp6InMsgs         =   796     icmp6InErrors       =     0
        icmp6InDestUnreachs =     0     icmp6InAdminProhibs =     0
ICMPv6 for ip.6to4tun0
        icmp6InMsgs         =    57     icmp6InErrors       =     0
        icmp6InDestUnreachs =    57     icmp6InAdminProhibs =     0
        icmp6InTimeExcds    =     0     icmp6InParmProblems =     0
        icmp6InPktTooBigs   =     0     icmp6InEchos        =     0
        icmp6InEchoReplies  =     0     icmp6InRouterSols   =     0
        icmp6InRouterAds    =     0     icmp6InNeighborSols =     0
        icmp6InNeighborAds  =     0     icmp6InRedirects    =     0
        icmp6InBadRedirects =     0     icmp6InGroupQueries =     0
        icmp6InGroupResps   =     0     icmp6InGroupReds    =     0
        icmp6InOverflows    =     0
        icmp6OutMsgs        =    57     icmp6OutErrors      =     0
        icmp6OutDestUnreachs=    57     icmp6OutAdminProhibs=     0
        icmp6OutTimeExcds   =     0     icmp6OutParmProblems=     0
        icmp6OutPktTooBigs  =     0     icmp6OutEchos       =     0
        icmp6OutEchoReplies =     0     icmp6OutRouterSols  =     0
        icmp6OutRouterAds   =     0     icmp6OutNeighborSols=     0
        icmp6OutNeighborAds =     0     icmp6OutRedirects   =     0
        icmp6OutGroupQueries=     0     icmp6OutGroupResps  =     0
        icmp6OutGroupReds   =     0

       2542 messages received
          0 messages received with too few bytes
          0 messages received with bad checksum
       2542 membership queries received