Solaris 9 12/03 Installation Guide

How to Create Macros to Support Solaris Installation (DHCP Manager)

This procedure assumes that you have already configured your DHCP server. If you have not configured your DHCP server, see “Planning for DHCP Service (Task)” in System Administration Guide: IP Services.

  1. Select the Macros tab in DHCP Manager.

  2. Choose Create from the Edit menu.

    The Create Macro dialog box opens.

  3. Type the name of a macro.

    See Table 7–5 for macro names you might use.

  4. Click the Select button.

    The Select Option dialog box opens.

  5. Select Vendor in the Category list.

    The Vendor options you created are listed.

  6. Select an option you want to add to the macro and click OK.

  7. Type a value for the option.

    See Table 7–4 for the option's data type and refer to the information that add_install_client -d reports.

  8. Repeat Step 6 through Step 7 for each option you want to include.

    To include another macro, type Include as the option name and type the macro name as the option value.

  9. Click OK when the macro is complete.