Sun Remote System Control (RSC) User's Guide

Usage Errors

Error messages 1 through 19 are usage error messages, displayed due to improper command syntax; see the description of the command in this chapter for the correct syntax.

Invalid command. Type 'help' for list of commands.

Usage: bootmode [-u] [normal|forth|reset_nvram|diag|skip_diag]

Usage: break

Usage: consolehistory [boot|run|oboot|orun] [index [+|-]<n>]

Usage: consolerestart

Usage: date [[mmdd]HHMM | mmddHHMM[cc]yy][.SS]

Usage: loghistory [index [+|-]<n>]

Usage: password

Usage: poweroff

Usage: poweron

Usage: reset

Usage: resetrsc

Usage: set <variable> <value>

Usage: shownetwork

Usage: useradd <username>

Usage: userdel <username>

Usage: userpassword <username>

Usage: userperm <username> [c][u][a][r]

Usage: version [-v]

Usage: xir