Sun Remote System Control (RSC) User's Guide

General Errors

RSC reports the following general errors.

Could not get username for user <username>

During execution of the userpassword command, a SEEPROM error occurred.

Error adding user <username>

An error occurred during execution of the useradd command; this message is followed by a more detailed message.

Error changing password for <username>

An error occurred during execution of the userpassword command; this message is followed by a more detailed message.

Error changing password for <username>

During execution of the userpassword command, a SEEPROM error occurred.

Error changing password for <username> - password must be at least three characters different from old password - password must not be based on username

You entered an invalid password.

Error deleting user <username>

An error occurred during execution of the userdel command; this message is followed by a more detailed message.

Error displaying user <username>

An error occurred during execution of the usershow command; this message is followed by a more detailed message.

Error setting permission for <username>

An error occurred during execution of the userperm command; this message is followed by a more detailed message.

ERROR: username did not start with letter or did not contain lowercase letter.

You entered an invalid username.

Failed to allocate buffer for console mode.

During execution of the console command, RSC could not allocate enough memory to connect to the console.

Failed to allocate memory!

During execution of the show command, RSC could not allocate enough memory to show the variable's value.

Failed to get password for <username>

During execution of the userpassword command, a SEEPROM error occurred.

Failed to set <variable> to <value>

During execution of the set command, RSC encountered a SEEPROM error.

Invalid login

Login attempt failed; this message appears at the login prompt.

Invalid password

You entered an illegal password with the userpassword command.

Invalid permission: <permission>

You entered an invalid user permission. Valid permissions are [c] [u] [a] [r]. See "userperm username [c][u][a][r]".

Malformed username

You specified a nonexistent user when entering the userpassword, userperm, or userdel command.

No free user slots

This error occurs if you try to add a user account when RSC already has four accounts configured. RSC supports only four user accounts; you must delete an account before you can add another.

Passwords don't match

The two entries for a new password did not match.

Permission denied

You attempted to execute a shell command for which you do not have the proper user permission level.

Sorry, wrong password

You entered an incorrect current password.

Unable to get value of variable <variable>

During execution of the show command, you used an invalid variable name.

User already registered

The user you are trying to add already has an RSC account on this server.

User does not exist

The username you specified is not associated with an RSC account on this server.