A P P E N D I X  B

ALOM CMT Compatibility Shell

ILOM supports some of the features of the ALOM CMT command-line interface (CLI) by means of a compatiblity shell. There are significant differences between ILOM and ALOM CMT. This appendix describes those differences. This appendix includes the following topics:

Limits to Backward Compatibility

The backward compatibility shell supports some, but not all features of ALOM CMT. Some of the more significant differences between ILOM and ALOM CMT are described in this section.

Adding a Commit Step to Procedures That Configure ILOM Network Configuration Properties

In the original ALOM CMT environment, when changing the values of some ALOM CMT variables (such as network and serial port configuration variables), it was necessary to reset the service processor (called the system controller in ALOM CMT) before the changes took effect. By comparison, in ILOM it is not necessary to reset the service processor to change the network configuration. However, if you want your changes to be retained after the next reset of the service processor, you must commit the changed values.

caution icon Caution - In ILOM, if you change the value of the property and reset the SP without committing the change, the new property setting will notbe retained.

procedure icon  To Commit a Change to a Network Configuration Property

1. Change the value of the target network configuration property.

2. Use either the ALOM CMT command setsc netsc_commit true or the ILOM command set /SP/network commitpending=true to commit the change.

For example, set a static IP address using the ALOM CMT compatibility shell:

sc> setsc netsc_ipaddr xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 
sc> setsc netsc_commit true 

Set the same property using the ILOM CLI:

-> set /SP/network pendingipaddress=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 
Set ’pendingipaddress’ to ’xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx-> set /SP/network commitpending=true 
Set ’commitpending’ to ’true’ 

procedure icon  To Commit a Change to a Serial Port Configuration Property

1. Change the value of the target serial port configuration property.

2. Use either the ALOM CMT command setsc ser_commit true or the ILOM command set /SP/serial/external commitpending=true to commit the change.

Refer to TABLE B-1 for a list of variables and corresponding properties.

TABLE B-1 ALOM CMT commit Variables and Comparable ILOM Properties

ALOM CMT Variable

Comparable ILOM Property


/SP/network commitpending 


/SP/serial/external commitpending

Creating an ALOM CMT Shell

Your server is configured to operate under an ILOM shell, by default. You can create an ALOM compatibility shell if you prefer to use commands that resemble ALOM CMT commands to administer your server.

procedure icon  To Create an ALOM CMT Compatibility Shell

1. Log on to the service processor as root.

When powered on for the first time, the SP boots to the ILOM login prompt. If you are logging on for the first time, refer to the Sun Blade T6340 Server Module Installation and Administration Guide for instructions.

Waiting for daemons to initialize...
Daemons ready
Integrated Lights Out Manager
Version 2.0.4.n 
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. 
Use is subject to license terms. 
Warning: password is set to factory default. 

2. Create a user named admin, then set the admin account role to Administrator and the CLI mode to alom.

If a user admin with the Administrator role has not yet been created, you can combine the create and set commands on a single line:

-> create /SP/users/admin role=Administrator cli_mode=alom
Creating user...
Enter new password: ********
Enter new password again: ********
Created /SP/users/admin

Note - The asterisks in the example will not appear when you enter your password.

If the user admin with the Administrator role already exists, you need only to change the CLI mode to alom:

-> set /SP/users/admin cli_mode=alomSet 'cli_mode' to 'alom'

3. Log out of the root account after you have finished creating the admin account:

-> exit

You are returned to the ILOM login prompt.

4. Log in to the ALOM CLI shell from the ILOM login prompt:

SUNSPxxxxxxxxxxxx login: admin
Waiting for daemons to initialize...
Daemons ready
Sun(TM) Integrated Lights Out Manager
Version 2.0.4.X 
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.

The sc> prompt indicates you are in the ALOM CMT compatibility shell.

procedure icon  To Switch Between the ALOM CMT Shell and the Host Console

procedure icon  To Return to the ILOM

1. Log out of the ALOM CMT compatibility shell:

sc> logout 

The ILOM login prompt is displayed.

2. Then, log in to the ILOM CLI as usual, using an account other than the admin account (such as root).

The admin account cannot be used for the ILOM CLI as long as its CLI mode is set to the value alom.

In the ALOM CMT compatibility shell (with few exceptions), you can use commands that resemble the commands of ALOM CMT. Remember that the ALOM CMT compatibility shell is an ILOM interface. The comparisons between the ILOM CLI and the ALOM CMT compatibility CLI are described in ILOM - ALOM CMT Command Comparison. Refer also to the Sun Blade T6320 Server Module Service Manual for information about service-related ALOM CMT compatibility shell commands.

ILOM - ALOM CMT Command Comparison

TABLE B-2 compares the command sets of ALOM CMT and the default ILOM CLI. Only the supported ALOM CMT command options are listed. In some case, where ALOM CMT command-line arguments have no corresponding ILOM properties, those ALOM CMT arguments have been omitted. The command set of the ALOM CMT compatibility shell provides a close approximation of the equivalent commands and arguments (where supported) in ALOM CMT. Refer also to the Sun Blade T6320 Server Module Service Manual for information about service-related ALOM CMT compatibility shell commands.

Note - By default, ALOM CMT commands display information in a terse format, offering more verbose output if a -v flag is supplied with the command. ILOM show commands do not have a terse output format. They always provide verbose output.

TABLE B-2 ALOM CMT Shell Commands by Function With Comparable ILOM Commands

ALOM CMT Command


Comparable ILOM Command

Configuration Commands


Changes the login password of the current user.

set /SP/users/username password 


Restarts the SSH server so that new host keys generated by the ssh-keygen command are reloaded.

set /SP/services/ssh restart_sshd_action=true 

setdate [[mmdd]HHMM |mmddHHMM[cc]yy][.SS]

Sets ALOM CMT date and time.

set /SP/clock datetime=value 

setdefaults [-a]

Resets all ALOM CMT configuration parameters to their default values. The -a option resets the user information to the factory default (one admin account only).

set /SP reset_to_defaults=[configuration|all] 

setkeyswitch [normal|stby|diag|

Set the status of the virtual keyswitch. Setting the virtual keyswitch to standby (stby) powers off the server. Before powering off the host server, ALOM CMT asks for a confirmation.

set /SYS keyswitch_state=value 

setsc [param] [value]

Sets the specified ALOM CMT parameter to the assigned value.

set target property=value 


Runs the interactive configuration script. This script configures the ALOM CMT configuration variables.

No equivalent in ILOM

showplatform [-v]

Displays information about the host system’s hardware configuration, and whether the hardware is providing service. The -v option displays verbose information about the displayed components.

show /HOST 

Displays information about the field-replaceable units (FRUs) in a host server.

Use the ILOM show [FRU] command to display static FRU information. (For dynamic FRU information, use the ALOM CMT showfru command.)






showusers -g lines

Displays a list of users currently logged in to ALOM CMT. The display for this command has a similar format to that of the UNIX command who. The -g option pauses the display after the number of lines you specify for lines.

show -level all -o table /SP/sessions





No equivalent in ILOM for -g option.



showhost version 

Displays version information for host-side components.

The version option displays the same information as the showhost command with no option.

show /HOST 

Displays status of virtual keyswitch.

show /SYS keyswitch_state 

showsc [parameter]

Displays the current non-volatile read-only memory (NVRAM) configuration parameters.

show target property 

Displays the ALOM CMT date. ALOM CMT time is expressed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) rather than local time. The Solaris OS and ALOM CMT time are not synchronized.

show /SP/clock datetime 

ssh-keygen -l

Displays the fingerprint for the keys of the specified type.

show /SP/services/ssh/keys rsa|dsa 

ssh-keygen -r

Generates secure shell (SSH) host keys.

set /SP/services/ssh generate_new_key_action=true 

ssh-keygen -t {rsa|dsa}

Specifies the host key type on the SC or SP.

set /SP/services/ssh generate_new_key_type=[rsa|dsa] 

usershow [username]

Displays a list of all user accounts, permission levels, and whether passwords are assigned.

show /SP/users 

useradd username

Adds a user account.

create /SP/users/username

userdel [-y] username

Deletes a user account. The -y option enables you to skip the confirmation question.

delete [-script] /SP/users/username

userpassword [username]

Sets or changes a user password.

set /SP/users/username password

userperm [username] [c] [u] [a] [r]

Sets the permission level for a user account.

Note - Setting any one of the permissions (c, u, a, or r) under the ALOM CMT compatibility shell sets all four of the permissions. This action corresponds with assigning the Administrator role in ILOM.





set /SP/users/username role=permissions

(where permissions can be Administrator or Operator)

Log Commands



showlogs -p [p|r] [-b lines|-e lines|-v] [-g lines] 

Displays the history of all events logged in the event log, or major and critical events in the event log. The -p option selects whether to display only major and critical events from the event log (r) or to display all the events from the event log (p).

  • -g lines specifies the number of lines to display before pausing.
  • -e lines displays lines lines from the end of the buffer.
  • -b lines displays lines lines from the beginning of the buffer.
  • -v displays the entire buffer.

show /SP/logs/event/list

[-b lines|-e lines|-v]
[-g lines]

Displays the host server console output buffers.

The following options enable you to specify how the output is displayed:

  • -g lines specifies the number of lines to display before pausing.
  • -e lines displays lines lines from the end of the buffer.
  • -b lines displays lines lines from the beginning of the buffer.
  • -v displays the entire buffer.

set /SP/console/history property=value

[set /SP/console/history property=value]

[set /SP/console/history property=value]

show /SP/console/history

where property can be:

  • line_count=lines Default value is "" (none), meaning there is no limit to the total number of lines retrieved from the buffer.
  • pause_count=count - Default value is "" (none), meaning there is no limit to the count of lines displayed per pause.
  • start_from=end|beginning - Default value is end.

Status and Control Commands



Displays the environmental status of the host server. This information includes system temperatures, power supply status, front panel LED status, hard disk drive status, fan status, voltage, and current sensor status.

show -o table -level all /SYS 
showpower [-v] 

Displays power metrics for the host server.

show /SP/powermgmt 

shownetwork [-v]

Displays the current network configuration information. The -v option shows additional information about your network, including information about your DHCP server.

show /SP/network 

console [-f]

Connects to the host system console. In ALOM CMT, the -f option forces the console write lock from one user to another.

In ILOM, the -force option terminates the console, permitting you to start a new console.

start [-force] /SP/console 

break [-D|-c]

Drops the host server from running the Solaris OS software into OpenBoot PROM or kmdb, depending upon the mode in which the Solaris software was booted.

set /HOST send_break_action=[break|dumpcore] 
[start /SP/console] 

bootmode [normal] [reset_nvram] [config=configname] [bootscript=string]

Controls the host server OpenBoot PROM firmware method of booting.

set /HOST/bootmode property=value

where property can be state, config, or script

flashupdate -s ipaddr -f pathname [-v]

Downloads and updates system firmware (both host firmware and ILOM firmware). For ILOM, ipaddr must be a TFTP server. If DHCP is used, ipaddr can be replaced by the name of the TFTP host.

load -source tftp://ipaddr/pathname

reset [-y] [-f] [-c] 

Generates a hardware reset on the host server.

  • The -y option enables you to skip the confirmation question.
  • The -f option forces a hardware reset.
  • The -c option starts the console.
reset [-script] [-force] /SYS 
[start /SP/console] 
reset -d [-n] [-y] [-f] [-c] 
  • The -d option gracefully resets the control domain.
  • The -n option sets the auto-boot variable to disable (lasts for one reset).
  • The -y option enables you to skip the confirmation question.
  • The -f option forces a hardware reset.
  • The -c option starts the console.
[set /HOST/control/domain auto-boot=disable]
reset [-script] [-force] /HOST/domain/control 
[start /SP/console] 

powercycle [-y] [-f]

poweroff followed by poweron. The -f option forces an immediate poweroff, otherwise the command attempts a graceful shutdown.

stop [-script] [-force] /SYS 
start [-script] [-force] /SYS 
poweroff [-y] [-f] 

Removes the main power from the host server. ILOM attempts to shut the server down gracefully. The -y option enables you to skip the confirmation question. The -f option forces an immediate shutdown.

stop [-script] [-force] /SYS 

Applies the main power to the host server or FRU.

start /SYS 

setlocator [on|off]

Turns the Locator LED on the server on or off.

set /SYS/LOCATE value=value

showfaults [-v]

Displays current valid system faults.

show faulty 

clearfault UUID

Manually repairs system faults.

set /SYS/component clear_fault_action=true


Displays the current state of the Locator LED as either on or off.

removeblade [-y] 

Pauses the service processor tasks and illuminates the blue OK to Remove LED, indicating that it is safe to remove the blade. The -y option enables you to skip the confirmation question.

set /SYS prepare_to_remove_action=true 

Turns off the OK to Remove LED and restores the service processor state.

set /SYS return_to_service_action=true

FRU Commands



setfru -c data

The -c option enables you to store information (such as inventory codes) on all FRUs in a system.

set /SYS customer_frudata=data

showfru [-g lines]
[-s|-d] [FRU]

Displays information about the FRUs in a host server.

show [FRU] 

removefru [-y] [FRU]

Prepares a FRU (for example, a power supply) for removal. The -y option enables you to skip the confirmation question.

set /SYS/PS0 prepare_to_remove_action=true 

Automatic System Recovery (ASR) Commands


Re-enables a component that has been disabled using the disablecomponent command.

set /SYS/component component_state=enabled


Disables a component.

set /SYS/component component_state=disabled

showcomponent component

Displays the target system component or all system components and their test status.

show /SYS/component component_state

show components 

Removes all entries from the list of disabled components.

No equivalent in ILOM

Other Commands



help [command]

Displays a list of all ALOM CMT commands with their syntax and a brief description of how each command works. Specifying a command name as an option enables you to view the help for that command.

resetsc [-y] 

Resets the service processor. The -y option enables you to skip the confirmation question.

reset [-script] /SP 
userclimode username shelltype 

Sets the type of shell for username to shelltype, where shelltype is default or alom.

set /SP/users/username cli_mode=shelltype


Logs out from an ALOM CMT shell session and returns you to the ILOM CLI login prompt.


ALOM CMT Variable - ILOM Property Comparison

TABLE B-3 displays ALOM CMT variables and the ILOM properties to which they can be compared. The comparison does not imply a one-to-one mapping. To understand the ILOM properties, it is necessary to view them in their own context, ILOM.

TABLE B-3 ALOM CMT Variables and Comparable ILOM Properties

ALOM CMT Variable

Comparable ILOM Property

/HOST/diag level
/HOST/diag mode
/HOST/diag trigger
/HOST/diag verbosity
/SP/services/ssh state
/SP/clients/smtp state
/SP/network state
/SP/clients/smtp address

/SP/services/snmp v1|v2c|v3

/SP/services/snmp port
/SP/network pendingipdiscovery
/SP/network commitpending
/SP/network macaddress  
/SP/network pendingipaddress
/SP/network pendingipgateway
/SP/network pendingipnetmask








/SP system_identifier
/SP/console escapechars
/SP/serial/external pendingspeed


/HOST autorestart
/HOST autorunonerror


/HOST macaddress