C H A P T E R  5

Configuring System Notifications and Registering Hardware

This chapter describes how to configure system notifications and register the 5800 system hardware online. It contains the following sections:

Note - For instructions on accessing the CLI commands and GUI functions described in this chapter, see Using the Administrative Interfaces.

Configuring System Notifications

If you configure email notifications, the 5800 system sends email alerts for conditions such as the following:

To configure the 5800 system to send email notifications, you must specify a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server and the email address of the recipient.

You can also specify an external logging host to which the 5800 system sends detailed log messages for debugging purposes.

You configure the email notifications and the external logging host on a per-hive basis.

Note - Timestamps on the email notifications are always reported in UTC. Timestamps on log messages in the external logging host reflect whatever time zone the system clock on external host is using.

procedure icon  To Configure Email Notifications Using the CLI

1. Specify the SMTP server and port number with the command
hivecfg --smtp_server ip_address --smtp_port ip_address.

For example:

ST5800 $ hivecfg --smtp_server --smtp_port 25

Note - The SMTP port number is not a required entry.

2. To add or delete an email address (either To: or cc:) from the specified list type use the commands alertcfg add to addresses or alertcfg del cc addresses.

For example:

ST5800 $ alertcfg add to alerts@samplecompany.com
ST5800 $ alertcfg del cc admin@samplecompany.com

procedure icon  To Configure Email Notifications Using the GUI

1. From the navigation panel, choose Configuration > Notification.

2. Click Set Up Email.

3. (Optional) If DNS is enabled and you want to enter host names instead of IP addresses, select Host Name.

4. Type the IP address or host name of the SMTP server that you want the 5800 system to use.

5. Type the port number of the SMTP server.

6. Perform one of the following:

i. Click the Add button


A new row is displayed in the table.

ii. In the Type field, choose the type of recipient that you want: To or Cc.

iii. In the Address field, type the full email address of the recipient.

i. Click the Remove button


ii. At the prompt, confirm the removal.

7. Click Apply.

procedure icon  To Configure an External Log Host Using the CLI

Note - In order to receive log messages, the external logging host must be configured so that syslog is set to “listen” to the network. The procedure to configure syslog to listen to the network differs depending on which operating system is running on the external logging host. On systems running Solaris 10 Operating System, syslog is set to listen to the network by default.

single-step bullet  To set an external log host for the 5800 system, use the command hivecfg --external_logger ip_address.

For example:

ST5800 $ hivecfg --external_logger

procedure icon  To Configure an External Log Host Using the GUI

1. From the navigation panel, choose Configuration > Notification.

2. Click Set Logging Host.

3. (Optional) If DNS is enabled and you want to enter host names instead of IP addresses, select Host Name.

4. Type the IP address or host name of the host to which the email notifications log will be sent.

5. Click Apply.

Registering Hardware With Sun

When Sun service personnel install, upgrade, or expand the 5800 system hardware, they also update the service tags on the system that describe the hardware. You can register these service tags with Sun to allow you to identify your equipment and expedite service calls.

procedure icon  To Register the Hardware

1. Access the Sun Connection web site at this location:


A screen similar to the example shown in FIGURE 5-1 is displayed.

FIGURE 5-1 Sun Connection Screen

Figure shows the initial screen of Sun Connection.

2. Click Discover and Register under Step 2.

A screen similar to the example shown in FIGURE 5-2 is displayed.

FIGURE 5-2 Locate Product Data Screen

Figure shows Sun Connection screen on which user instructs system how to find product data.

3. Follow step a or step b, depending on how you want to proceed:

a. To automatically locate Sun products and choose which ones to register, select Locate Products on Local Subnet.

Follow the instructions on the screens to select which products you want to register and enter the required information. FIGURE 5-4 through FIGURE 5-8 show an example of registering the 5800 system. Notice that you can enter a description of the 5800 system, as shown in FIGURE 5-7.

Note - If you choose to automatically locate Sun products, the system might display more than one entry for a single 5800 system multicell hive, since each rack that is part of the hive is listed as a separate entry. A hive of eight cells, for example, with two cells in each of four racks, would list four entries (one for each rack).

b. To specify the 5800 system you want to register, select Locate Products on Other Subnets, Specific Systems or Load Previously Saved Data.

If you select this option, follow the instructions on the screens and enter the Data IP address or host name on the screen that follows, as shown in FIGURE 5-3. FIGURE 5-4 through FIGURE 5-8 show an example of registering the 5800 system. Notice that you can enter a description of the 5800 system, as shown in FIGURE 5-7.

Note - If you have multiple 5800 systems, register all 5800 system entries that are displayed by the system.

FIGURE 5-3 Specifying Data IP Host Name for Registration

Figure shows where to specify host name for locating 5800 system.

FIGURE 5-4 Product Data Screen

Figure shows screen on which Sun Connection lists the products located.

FIGURE 5-5 Account Information Screen

Figure shows screen where user name and password are entered.

FIGURE 5-6 Edit Product Data Screen

Figure shows screen where description of product is entered.

FIGURE 5-7 Edit Product Data Screen With Description Entered

Figure shows description entered for registered product.

FIGURE 5-8 Confirmation Screen

Sending System Information to Sun

For troubleshooting purposes, Sun service might request that you use the CLI command logdump to collect information from the system and send it back to Sun via Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer (HTTPS).

logdump Command

You run the logdump command either in interactive mode (the system prompts for required information) or in noninteractive mode (you have to enter each parameter separately). To run logdump interactively, enter the command with the -z or --set options as in the following example:

logdump -z

For complete syntax of the logdump command and all its options, seelogdump.

Note - When you issue logdump from the CLI, you will not be able to perform any other CLI functions until a message appears on the screen indicating that the log information has been successfully sent back to Sun. It might be an hour or more before this message is displayed.