Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Reference


The cn=Resource entry identifies the set of resources being used by the software. Resources include buffers, file descriptors, and hard disks.

The following elements are identified by the cn=Resource entry:

Connection Handler Thread

The connection handler thread decodes incoming requests. The connection handler is oriented to the LDAP or LDAPS protocol. When a request has been fully decoded, the request is put in the work queue.

The cn=Resource entry for the connection handler thread has the following monitoring DN:

cn=connection_handler_thread_name, cn=Connection Handler Thread,
  cn=Resource, cn=instanceId, cn=Instance, cn=DPS60, cn=Product, 

Entries below the cn=Resource entry for the connection handler thread contain the following groups of attributes:

  • threadID provides the unique thread identification number.

  • threadStack provides the information on threads stack.

  • operationalStatus identifies the status of the element. The value 2 indicates that the element is fully operational.

  • startTime identifies the date and time at which the thread was started.

  • started identifies if the thread has started.

  • running identifies if the thread is in running state.

  • statusDescription provides the detailed status description.


The following statistics can be gathered:

  • Byte buffer pool statistics under cn=ByteBufferPool:

    • numTries

    • numHits

    • numMissesEmpty

    • numMissesSize

    • numReleases

    • availableStandardBuffers

    • availableOversizedBuffers

  • String buffer pool statistics under cn=StringBufferPool:

    • numTries

    • numHits

    • numMisses

    • numReleases

    • availableBuffers

  • Vector pool statistics under cn=VectorPool:

    • numTries

    • numHits

    • numMisses

    • numReleases

    • availableBuffers

Work Queue

Incoming requests from clients are stored by connection handler threads in the work queue. The requests are then processed by the worker thread. The cn=Resource entry for the work queue has the following monitoring DN:

cn=Work Queue, cn=Resource, cn=instanceId, cn=Instance, cn=DPS60, 
  cn=Product, cn=monitor

Entries below the cn=Resource entry for the work queue contain the following groups of attributes:

  • maxNormalPriorityPeak identifies the maximum number of requests of normal priority that can be put in the queue. When this threshold is reached, the connection handler is suspended.

  • maxHighPriorityPeak. identifies the maximum number of requests of high priority that can be put in the queue. When this threshold is reached, the connection handler is suspended.

  • curNormalPriorityInQueue provides the current normal priority requests in queue.

  • curHighPriorityInQueue provides the current high priority requests in queue.

  • operationalStatus identifies the status of the element, with the following values: 2, and 4. For information about these values, see Table 24–2.

  • statusDescription provides the detailed status description.

  • numNormalPriorityPuts identifies the number of requests of normal priority that are put in the queue by the connection handler threads.

  • numNormalPriorityGets identifies the number of request of normal priority retrieved from the queue by worker threads.

  • numHighPriorityPuts identifies the number of requests of high priority that are put in the queue by the connection handler threads.

  • numHighPriorityGets identifies the number of request of high priority retrieved from the queue by worker threads.

  • numAbandonRequests identifies the number of requests that are abandoned.

  • numAbandonSuccesses identifies the number of requests that are abandoned while in the queue.

Worker Thread

The worker thread processes requests from the work queue.

The cn=Resource entry for the worker thread has the following monitoring DN:

cn=worker_thread_name, cn=Worker Thread, cn=Resource,
  cn=instanceId, cn=Instance, cn=DPS60, cn=Product, cn=monitor

Entries below the cn=Resource entry for the search thread contain the same groups of attributes as described in Connection Handler Thread, and the following attributes:

  • operationsProcessed identifies the number of operations processed by the worker thread.

  • exceptionsCaught identifies the number of exceptions raised during the processing of operations.

Search Thread

When a search is performed on several data views, parallel search threads can be used. The cn=Resource entry for the search thread has the following monitoring DN:

cn=search_thread_name, cn=Search Thread, cn=Resource, cn=instanceId,
  cn=Instance, cn=DPS60, cn=Product, cn=monitor

Entries below the cn=Resource entry for the search thread contain the same groups of attributes as described in Connection Handler Thread.

Monitor Thread

The monitor thread checks the availability of remote data sources. A remote data source is considered to be available when the monitor thread can create one connection to the remote data source. The cn=Resource entry for the monitor thread has the following monitoring DN:

cn=monitor_thread_name, cn=Monitor Thread, cn=Resource, cn=instanceId,
  cn=Instance, cn=DPS60, cn=Product, cn=monitor

Entries below the cn=Resource entry for the search thread contain the same groups of attributes as described in Connection Handler Thread, and the following groups of attributes:

  • backendServer identifies the name of the monitored remote data source.

  • checkInterval identifies the interval of time (in seconds) between two checks.

  • additionalCheckType identifies additional checking. The following values can be used:

    • 1 (no additional checks)

    • 2 (create a bind connection to the data source)

    • 3 (create a read connection to the data source)

  • serverAvailable identifies the status of the remote data source. The value is true if the remote data source is up and running.

  • totalChecks identifies the total number of checks.

  • availabilityChecksFailed identifies the number of failed availability checks. An availability check is successful when a remote data source is up and running.

  • additionalChecksFailed identifies the number of failed additional checks.