Interface SPAttributeMapper

public interface SPAttributeMapper

This interface SPAttributeMapper is used to map the SAML Attributes to the local user attributes. This mapper will be used by the Service Provider that will read the configured map for the corresponding SAML attributes and supply to the SAML framework. The locally mapped attributes returned by the implementation of this interface will be used by the SAML2 framework to expose through the single sign-on token to the application. Also, the implementation of this mapper may need to consider the deployment of the SAML v2 plugin base platform for example AccessManager or the FederationManager.

See Also:

Method Summary
 java.util.Map getAttributes(java.util.List attributes, java.lang.String userID, java.lang.String hostEntityID, java.lang.String remoteEntityID, java.lang.String realm)
          Returns the map of user attribute values for the corresponding SAML Attributes.

Method Detail


public java.util.Map getAttributes(java.util.List attributes,
                                   java.lang.String userID,
                                   java.lang.String hostEntityID,
                                   java.lang.String remoteEntityID,
                                   java.lang.String realm)
                            throws SAML2Exception
Returns the map of user attribute values for the corresponding SAML Attributes. This attribute value pair map will be expose by the SAML framework via the Single Sign On Token.

attributes - list of SAML Attributes.
userID - universal identifier or the distinguished name (DN) of the user.
hostEntityID - EntityID of the hosted provider.
remoteEntityID - EntityID of the remote provider.
map of AttributeValuePairs for the given SAML Attribute list.
SAML2Exception - if any failure.

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