C H A P T E R  6

Feedback Configuring the Jumbo Frames Feature

This chapter describes how to configure the Jumbo Frames feature. It contains the following sections:

Jumbo Frames Overview

Configuring Jumbo Frames enables the Ethernet interfaces to send and receive packets larger than the standard 1500 bytes. However, the actual transfer size depends on the switch capability and the ethernet adapter driver capability.

Note - Refer to the documentation that came with your switch for exact commands to configure Jumbo Frames support.

Checking Jumbo Frames Configurations

The jumbo frame configuration checking occurs at Layer 2 or Layer 3, depending on the configuration method.

procedure icon  To Show the Driver Statistics in an Oracle Solaris Environment

1. Use the kstat command to display driver statistics, for example:

# kstat nxge:1 |grep rdc_packets
        rdc_packets                     798982054
        rdc_packets                     792546171
        rdc_packets                     803941759
        rdc_packets                     805674872
        rdc_packets                     798714912
        rdc_packets                     799293256
        rdc_packets                     806470537
        rdc_packets                     805413540

The previous example displays the receive packet counts on all of the eight Receive DMA channels on interface 1. Using the kstat nxge:1 shows all the statistics that the driver supports for that interface.

2. Use the kstat command to display driver statistics of a VLAN interface, for example:.

# kstat nxge:38001
module: nxge                            instance: 38001
name:   nxge38001                       class:    net
        brdcstrcv                            0
        brdcstxmt                           0
        collisions                           0
        crtime                                 3842.493000352
        ierrors                                0
        ifspeed                              10000000000
        ipackets                            2116069805
        ipackets64                       6411037101
        multircv                            0
        multixmt                           0
        norcvbuf                           0
        noxmtbuf                          0
        obytes                              2757388874
        obytes64                         23380264381002
        oerrors                             0
        opackets                         37606022
        opackets64                    4332573318
        rbytes                              2937141290
        rbytes64                         47178857920554

Enabling Jumbo Frames in an Oracle Solaris Environment

This section describes how to enable jumbo frames in both a SPARC and an x86 environment.

procedure icon  To Enable Jumbo Frames in an Oracle Solaris Environment Using nxge.conf

1. Enable Jumbo Frames for a port using the nxge.conf file. For example,

name = "pciex108e,abcd" parent = "/pci@780/pci@0/pci@8/network@0" unit-address = "0"

2. Reboot the system:

% boot -r

3. Set the maximum MTU for maximum performance:

# ifconfig nxge mtu 9194

procedure icon  To Check Layer 2 Configuration

single-step bullet  View the maximum transmission unit (MTU) configuration of an nxge instance at any time with the kstat command.

# kstat nxge:0 | grep mac_mtu

The kstat mac_mtu variable represents the complete size of the Ethernet frame, which includes the Ethernet header, maximum payload, and crc. This value should be equal to or less than the MTU configured on the switch.

procedure icon  To Check Layer 3 Configuration

single-step bullet  Check the Layer 3 configuration by using the dladm command with the show-link option, as shown in the following example:

# dladm show-link
e1000g0         type: non-vlan  mtu: 1500       device: e1000g0
e1000g1         type: non-vlan  mtu: 1500       device: e1000g1
e1000g2         type: non-vlan  mtu: 1500       device: e1000g2
e1000g3         type: non-vlan  mtu: 1500       device: e1000g3
nxge0           type: non-vlan  mtu: 9194       device: nxge0
nxge1           type: non-vlan  mtu: 9194       device: nxge1
nxge38001       type: vlan 38   mtu: 9194       device: nxge1

Enabling Jumbo Frames in a Linux Environment

This section describes how to enable jumbo frames in a Linux environment.

procedure icon  To Enable Jumbo Frames in a Linux Environment

1. Ensure that the nxge software is installed.

# modprobe nxge

2. Plumb the Sun Dual 10 GbE XFP PCI Express Card interface:

# ifconfig eth2 xxx.xxx.xx.xxx up

where xxx.xxx.xx.xxx is the IP address of the interface.

3. Set the MTU for maximum performance:

# ifconfig ethx mtu 9194

Where x is the instance number of the interface you want to configure jumbo frames on.

procedure icon  To Show the Driver Statistics in a Linux Environment

1. Use the ifconfig utility to display driver statistics, for example:

# ifconfig eth4
eth9      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:14:4F:6C:78:E9
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::214:4fff:fe6c:78e9/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:748274 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:8645339 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:44983920 (42.9 MiB)  TX bytes:75352303126 (70.1 GiB)

2. Use the ethtool utility with -S option to get more detailed information. This option displays a large amount of statistics maintained by the driver.

# ethtool -S eth9 |grep rx_pac
     rx_packets: 748274
     rx_packets: 828
     rx_packets: 112
     rx_packets: 189088
     rx_packets: 134
     rx_packets: 196085
     rx_packets: 177884
     rx_packets: 93
     rx_packets: 184050

3. To get more specific statistics, use the grep command on the output of ethtool -S:

# ethtool -S eth9 |grep tx_pac
     tx_packets: 8645339
     tx_packets: 3418334
     tx_packets: 26
     tx_packets: 0
     tx_packets: 22
     tx_packets: 401791
     tx_packets: 1466540
     tx_packets: 0
     tx_packets: 21
     tx_packets: 725
     tx_packets: 3357880
     tx_packets: 0
     tx_packets: 0

