Sun Java System Instant Messaging 7.2 Administration Guide

Logging Configuration Parameters

Table A–3 lists and describes the logging configuration parameters for both log4j-based logging and iim.conf parameter-based logging.

Table A–3 Logging Configuration Parameters


Default Value  




Level of logging required for the server module. The possible values from highest to lowest are: FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, and DEBUG. If a lower level of logging is chosen, it is implied that you get the higher levels too. For example, if you choose WARNING you get FATAL, ERROR, and WARNING.



Location of the server log file. This file needs to be periodically trimmed to prevent disk space from filling up. 



Level of logging required for the multiplexor module. The possible values from highest to lowest are: FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, and DEBUG. If a lower level of logging is chosen, it is implied that you get the higher levels too. For example, if you choose WARNING you get FATAL, ERROR, and WARNING.



Location of the multiplexor log file. This file needs to be periodically trimmed to prevent disk space from filling up. 



The maximum number of log files to store for the multiplexor. Once this number is exceeded, the oldest multiplexor log file is deleted. 


10 MB 

This parameter contains the maximum size of a multiplexor log file. If the log files exceeds the size specified in this parameter then a new log file is created. 



This parameter contains the maximum size of a server log file. If the log files exceeds the size specified in this parameter then a new log file is created. 



Level of logging required for the watchdog. The possible values from highest to lowest are: FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, and DEBUG. If a lower level of logging is chosen, it is implied that you get the higher levels too. For example, if you choose WARNING you get FATAL, ERROR, and WARNING.



Level of logging required for the Calendar agent. The possible values from highest to lowest are: FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, and DEBUG. If a lower level of logging is chosen, it is implied that you get the higher levels too. For example, if you choose WARNING you get FATAL, ERROR, and WARNING.



Specifies the location and name of the log4j configuration file. If no value exists for this parameter, the logger will look for log4j.conf in im-cfg-base. If the logger does not find log4j.conf in im-cfg-base, it uses the parameter-based logging method, instead of log4j.