Sun Java System Message Queue 4.2 Release Notes

Component Dependencies

In addition to platform-specific requirements, Message Queue 4.2 also depends on certain basic components that must be installed in order to develop and run Message Queue clients. Table 1–3 describes these components. Other versions or vendor implementations can also be used, but they are untested by Sun Microsystems and therefore not officially supported.

Note –

The Message Queue Installer allows you to select an existing JDK/JRE or to install the JDK version (1.5.0_15).

Table 1–3 Required Support Components



Supported Versions 

Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

Message Queue broker and administration tools 

J2SETM Runtime Environment 1.5.0_15 or later

JavaTM SE Runtime Environment 1.6.0

(Sun Microsystems versions only) 

Java Software Development Kit (JDK), Standard Edition

Java client development and deployment 

J2SE Development Kit 1.5.0_15 or later 

Java SE Development Kit 1.6.0

(Sun Microsystems production versions only) 

Table 1–4 shows additional components that you can install to provide further support for Message Queue clients. You may not need all of the components listed: for example, if you are not writing a C client, you will not need the C compiler, C++ runtime library, NSPR, or NSS.

Table 1–4 Optional Support Components



Supported Versions 

Application server 


Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition, Version 9.1 Update Release 2 

Web server 


Sun Java System Web Server Enterprise Edition, Version 7.0, Update 2 


JDBC-based data store 

HADB, Version

Java DB (Apache Derby), Version 10.2.2

MySQL Community Edition, Version 5.0 


postgreSQL, Version 8.1 

Note –

The PointBase database is no longer supported.

Highly-available database 

High-availability broker clusters 

HADB, Version

MySQL Cluster Edition, Version 5.0 


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory server

Message Queue user repository and administered objects 

Sun Java System Directory Server, Version 6.0 

Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)

Administered object support and LDAP user repository

JNDI Version 1.2.1

LDAP Service Provider, Version 1.2.2

File System Service Provider, Version 1.2 Beta 3 [Administered object support only; supported for development and testing, but not for deployment in a production environment]

C Compiler and compatible C++ runtime library 

Message Queue C clients 

Solaris: Sun Studio, Version 11 or later, C++ compiler with standard mode and C compiler

Linux: gcc/g++, Version 3.2.3

Windows: Microsoft Windows Visual C++, Version 6.0 SP3

Netscape Portable Runtime (NSPR)

Message Queue C clients 

Version 4.7–1 [Bundled as a shared package in the download bundle]

Network Security Services (NSS)

Message Queue C clients 

Version 3.11.9–1