Sun Java System Message Queue 4.2 Installation Guide

Message Queue Cases

When Message Queue is installed in the global zone, it is configured to propagate to all nonglobal zones. After installing Message Queue in the global zone, you will have the same version installed in all zones: if you log into any zone and execute the command

   pkginfo  -l SUNWiqu

you will see the same version installed as in the global zone. You can then run independent instances of the Message Queue broker in each zone, since they do not share the instance and configuration data kept in the /var and /etc directories. Most other JES components are not propagated if they are installed in the global zone.

Because Message Queue is propagated to nonglobal zones, the global instance is forever linked to the installations in the nonglobal zones. Therefore, any time you uninstall or upgrade Message Queue in the global zone, it will affect instances running in the nonglobal zones. Always be aware of this cascading effect; the following example shows how it might cause unintended results:

  1. You install Message Queue 4.2 in the global zone. This results in the Message Queue 4.2 packages also being installed in all nonglobal zones.

  2. You uninstall Message Queue 4.2 in a whole-root zone.

  3. You install Message Queue 3.7 UR1 in the whole-root zone. You now have different versions of Message Queue running in different zones, a configuration you might find useful.

  4. You uninstall Message Queue 4.2 from the global zone. This will uninstall Message Queue from all other zones, including the Message Queue 3.7 UR1 instance in the whole-root zone.

The following two use cases show how to install different instances and different versions of Message Queue in different zones.

Note –

If you want to install Message Queue in a whole-root zone on Solaris 10, 10U1, or 10U2, you must upgrade Lockhart in the global zone first. See the workaround for bug 645030 for additional information.

ProcedureTo Install the Same Version of Message Queue in Different Zones

  1. Install the desired version of Message Queue in the global zone.

    This version will be propagated to all existing nonglobal zones. If you create additional nonglobal zones, Message Queue will also be propagated to these zones. Note that you can install different instances in whole-root zones as well as sparse-root zones, but using sparse-root zones allows you to make more efficient use of disk space and other resources.

  2. If you want Message Queue to be propagated to any other nonglobal zones, create these zones now.

  3. Run an instance of Message Queue in each nonglobal zone.

ProcedureTo Install Different Versions of Message Queue in Different Zones

  1. Uninstall Message Queue from the global zone.

    This will automatically uninstall it from all nonglobal zones as well.

  2. Create whole-root zones and configure each zone not to share the /usr directory.

  3. Install different versions of Message Queue in each whole-root zone.

    Note –

    Remember that later installing or uninstalling Message Queue in the global zone will affect all instances (and versions) running in whole-root zones.