WBEMfor Solaris on Sun Developer's Guide

Log Files

When you set up an application or a provider to log events, its events are recorded in log files. All log records are stored in the path: /var/opt/SUNWconn/wbem/log/. Log files use the following naming convention:


where # is a number appended to indicate the version of the log file. A log file appended with a .1, such as wbem_log.1, is the most recently-saved version. A log file appended with a .2 is the next oldest version. Larger file extensions, for example, wbem_log.16, indicate older versions of the file. Previous versions of the log file and the most recent version co-exist as an archive in /var/opt/SUNWconn/wbem/log.

Log files are renamed with a .1 file extension, saved, and archived when one of the following two conditions are met:

Log File Rules

The Solaris_LogServiceProperties class is defined in Solaris_Core1.0.mof. The Solaris_LogServiceProperties class has properties that control the following attributes of a log file:

When you want to specify any of these attributes for an application that writes data to a log file, you create a new instance of Solaris_LogServiceProperties and set the values of its associated properties.

Log File Format

The logging service provides three general types of log files: application logs, system logs, and security logs. Log records may be informational, or may record data derived from errors or warnings. A standard set of fields are defined for the data that can be presented in logs; however, logs do not necessarily use all fields. For example, an informational log may provide a brief message describing an event. An error log may provide a more detailed message.

Some log data fields identify data in the CIM Repository. These fields are properties flagged with a read-only key qualifier in the Solaris_LogRecord class. You cannot set the values of these fields. You can set the values of any of the following fields in your log files: