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Oracle Solaris 11 Express Automated Installer Guide     Oracle Solaris 11 Express 11/10
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Document Information


1.  Automated Installer Overview

2.  Setting Up an AI Install Server

3.  Customizing Installations

4.  Specifying Installation Instructions

5.  Configuring the Client System

6.  Setting Up DHCP for AI

7.  Installing Client Systems

8.  Automated Installations That Boot From Media

A.  Troubleshooting Automated Installations

B.  Automated Installer Installation Administration Commands

C.  Migrating From JumpStart to Automated Installer

Comparing JumpStart and Automated Installer

Converting JumpStart Rules to AI Criteria

Comparing Rules Keywords and Criteria Directives

Converting Rules Files to Criteria

Sample JumpStart Rules File

Equivalent AI Criteria Specifications

Converting a JumpStart Profile to an AI Manifest

Converting Profile Files to AI Manifests

Sample JumpStart Profile File

Equivalent AI Manifest Directives

Converting a JumpStart Profile to an AI Manifest

The following table compares JumpStart profile keywords with AI manifest directives. AI uses XML manifest files to define the client installation. See Chapter 4, Specifying Installation Instructions. JumpStart profile keywords that are not listed do not have a comparable AI directive, or their functionality does not apply to AI.

Table C-3 Comparing JumpStart Profile File Keywords and AI Manifest Directives

JumpStart Rules File Keyword
AI Manifest Directives
boot_device c0t0d0s0 update
      <disk_name name="c0t0d0" name_type="ctd"/>
      <slice name="0" is_root="true" force="true"/>
The second token value (update for SPARC systems and preserve for x86 systems) for this keyword is not supported in AI. In AI, the EEPROM on SPARC systems is always updated to the specified target device, so that the installed system automatically boots from that device. On x86 systems, the firmware is never updated.
A boot environment is automatically created on installation of the Oracle Solaris OS.
cluster SUNWCXall
The Oracle Solaris 11 ExpressOS uses pkg(5) group packages. Group packages are specified just as any other package is specified in the manifest. The default AI manifest includes the packages needed for a standard Oracle Solaris 11 Express installation. You can customize this list of packages.
<software_data action="install" type="IPS">
fdisk c0t3d0 solaris maxfree
      <disk_name name="c0t3d0" name_type="ctd"/>
      <partition name="1" part_type="SOLARIS">
See Configuring Partitioning on an x86 Client.
In JumpStart, this filesys keyword creates the VTOC slice and the UFS file system on that slice. AI creates ZFS file systems, not UFS file systems. To create VTOC slices in AI, use the <slice> element. See Configuring Slices on a Disk.
Geographic regions for language support are specified through pkg(5) group packages. Group packages are specified just like any other package is specified in the manifest. See the JumpStart cluster keyword above for more information.
Locale support is specified through pkg(5) group packages. Group packages are specified just like any other package in the manifest. See the JumpStart cluster keyword above for more information.
package SUNWmysql51 add nfs
<software name="IPS">
  <software_data action="install" type="IPS">
package SUNWmysql delete
<software_data action="uninstall" type="IPS">
partitioning default
partitioning existing
partitioning explicit
If the target_device directives are omitted from the AI manifest, a default partitioning is used. See Configuring Partitioning on an x86 Client.
      <disk_keyword key="boot_disk"/>

Converting Profile Files to AI Manifests

This section shows some sample JumpStart profile specifications converted to AI manifest directives. See Chapter 4, Specifying Installation Instructions for more information about AI manifest directives.

Sample JumpStart Profile File

In a JumpStart profile, the first column contains profile keywords, and the second column contains profile values.

The following sample JumpStart profile specifies:

install_type initial_install
system_type standalone
fdisk c0t0d0 solaris maxfree
cluster SUNWCall
cluster SUNWCstaroffice
cluster SUNWCevo
Equivalent AI Manifest Directives

The following excerpts from AI manifests show how you could convert the previous JumpStart profile into directives in AI manifests.

The following example directs the installer to install the Oracle Solaris 11 Express release on the c0t0d0 disk and create a SOLARIS partition on the biggest chunk of contiguous free space. See Configuring Partitioning on an x86 Client. Next the example specifies a source of packages to install and installs the two mandatory group packages. See Specifying Packages to Install for an explanation for why these same group packages must be uninstalled. Finally, this example installs OpenOffice and Evolution.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE auto_install SYSTEM "file:///usr/share/auto_install/ai.dtd">
  <ai_instance name="sample_ai_manifest" auto_reboot="true">
          <disk_name name="c0t0d0" name_type="ctd"/>
          <partition name="1" part_type="SOLARIS">
    <software name="ips">
        <publisher name="solaris">
          <origin name=""/>
      <software_data type="IPS">
      <software_data action="uninstall" type="IPS">
      <software_data type="IPS">