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ONC+ Developer's Guide     Oracle Solaris 11 Express 11/10
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Document Information


1.  Introduction to ONC+ Technologies

2.  Introduction to TI-RPC

3.  rpcgen Programming Guide

4.  Programmer's Interface to RPC

Simplified Interface

Client Side of Simplified Interface

Server Side of the Simplified Interface

Hand-Coded Registration Routine

Passing Arbitrary Data Types

Standard Interfaces

Top-Level Interface

Client Side of the Top-Level Interface

Intermediate-Level Interface

Client Side of the Intermediate-Level Interface

Server Side of the Intermediate-Level Interface

Expert-Level Interface

Client Side of the Expert-Level Interface

Server Side of the Expert-Level Interface

Bottom-Level Interface

Client Side of the Bottom-Level Interface

Server Side of the Bottom-Level Interface

Server Caching

Low-Level Data Structures

Testing Programs Using Low-Level Raw RPC

Connection-Oriented Transports

Memory Allocation With XDR

5.  Advanced RPC Programming Techniques

6.  Porting From TS-RPC to TI-RPC

7.  Multithreaded RPC Programming

8.  Extensions to the Sun RPC Library

9.  NIS+ Programming Guide

A.  XDR Technical Note

B.  RPC Protocol and Language Specification

C.  XDR Protocol Specification

D.  RPC Code Examples

E.  portmap Utility

F.  Writing a Port Monitor With the Service Access Facility (SAF)



Testing Programs Using Low-Level Raw RPC

Two pseudo-RPC interface routines bypass all the network software. The routines shown in clnt_raw_create() and svc_raw_create() do not use any real transport.

Note - Do not use raw mode on production systems. Raw mode is intended as a debugging aid only. Raw mode is not MT safe.

The following code example is compiled and linked using the following makefile:

all: raw
CFLAGS += -g
raw: raw.o
cc -g -o raw raw.o -lnsl 

Example 4-19 Simple Program Using Raw RPC

 * A simple program to increment a number by 1
#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>

#include <rpc/raw.h>
#define prognum 0x40000001
#define versnum 1
#define INCR 1
struct timeval TIMEOUT = {0, 0};
static void server();
main (argc, argv)
    int argc;
    char **argv;
    CLIENT *cl;
    SVCXPRT *svc;
    int num = 0, ans;
    int flag;
    if (argc == 2)
        num = atoi(argv[1]);
        svc = svc_raw_create();
    if (svc == (SVCXPRT *) NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Could not create server handle\n");
    flag = svc_reg( svc, prognum, versnum, server,
            (struct netconfig *) NULL );
    if (flag == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: svc_reg failed.\n");
    cl = clnt_raw_create( prognum, versnum );
    if (cl == (CLIENT *) NULL) {
        clnt_pcreateerror("Error: clnt_raw_create");
    if (clnt_call(cl, INCR, xdr_int, (caddr_t) &num, xdr_int,

          (caddr_t) &ans, TIMEOUT)
      != RPC_SUCCESS) {
        clnt_perror(cl, "Error: client_call with raw");
    printf("Client: number returned %d\n", ans);
static void
server(rqstp, transp)
    struct svc_req *rqstp;
    SVCXPRT *transp;
    int num;
    fprintf(stderr, "Entering server procedure.\n");
    switch(rqstp->rq_proc) {
        case NULLPROC:
            if (svc_sendreply( transp, xdr_void,
                (caddr_t) NULL) == FALSE) {
                fprintf(stderr, "error in null proc\n");
        case INCR:
    if (!svc_getargs( transp, xdr_int, &num)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Server procedure: about to increment.\n");
    if (svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_int, &num) == FALSE) {
        fprintf(stderr, "error in sending answer\n");
        exit (1);
    fprintf(stderr, "Leaving server procedure.\n");

Note the following points about the example: