Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use OdiPhysicalSchema
oracle.odi.domain.topology This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator Topology domain model implementation. 
oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive Provides interfaces for interactive handling of Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. This package and its sub-packages provide the implementations for interactive handling of Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. This package contains the implementations for creating action listeners when working with InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions Contains classes which handles the computation of source sets of an Oracle Data Integrator interface. 

Uses of OdiPhysicalSchema in oracle.odi.domain.topology

Methods in oracle.odi.domain.topology that return OdiPhysicalSchema
 OdiPhysicalSchema OdiDataServer.getDefaultPhysicalSchema()
          Looks up the default physical schema for this OdiDataServer from its associated physical schemas.
 OdiPhysicalSchema OdiContextualSchemaMapping.getPhysicalSchema()
          Returns the Physical Schema of this association.
 OdiPhysicalSchema OdiLogicalSchema.getPhysicalSchema(OdiContext pContext)
          Obtains the OdiPhysicalSchema associated for a given context.

Methods in oracle.odi.domain.topology that return types with arguments of type OdiPhysicalSchema
 java.util.Collection<OdiPhysicalSchema> OdiDataServer.getPhysicalSchemas()
          Obtains an unmodifable collection of OdiPhysicalSchemas that belongs to this OdiDataServer.

Methods in oracle.odi.domain.topology with parameters of type OdiPhysicalSchema
 void OdiDataServer.removePhysicalSchema(OdiPhysicalSchema pPhysicalSchema)
          Remove the given OdiPhysicalSchema from the collection of OdiPhysicalSchemas.
 void OdiContextualSchemaMapping.setPhysicalSchema(OdiPhysicalSchema pPhysicalSchema)
          Sets the Physical Schema of this association.

Constructors in oracle.odi.domain.topology with parameters of type OdiPhysicalSchema
OdiContextualSchemaMapping(OdiContext pContext, OdiLogicalSchema pLSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pPSchema)
          Construct a new OdiContextualSchemaMapping that maps together the given logical and physical schemas for the specified context.

Uses of OdiPhysicalSchema in oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive

Methods in oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive with parameters of type OdiPhysicalSchema
 void IInterfaceActionListener.locationChanged(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
          Responds to the completion of the action of changing the physical schema of an ODI interface source data store.
 void IInterfaceActionListener.stagingAreaMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
          Responds to the completion of the action of changing the physical schema of an ODI interface staging area.
 void IInterfaceActionListener.targetDataStoreMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
          Responds to the completion of the action of changing the physical schema of an ODI interface target data store.

Uses of OdiPhysicalSchema in

Methods in that return OdiPhysicalSchema
static OdiPhysicalSchema InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.getPhysicalSchema(OdiLogicalSchema pLogicalSchema, OdiContext pContext)
          A static convenience method to return the associated physical schema for the specified logical schema, in the specified context.
static OdiPhysicalSchema InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.getSourceDataStorePhysicalSchema(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore)
          A static convenience method to retrieve the physical schema associated with the specified source data store.
static OdiPhysicalSchema InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.getStagingAreaPhysicalSchema(OdiInterface pInterface)
          A static convenience method to get the staging area physical schema for the specified interface.
static OdiPhysicalSchema InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.getTargetDataStorePhysicalSchema(OdiInterface pInterface)
          A static convenience method to get the target datastore's physical schema for the specified interface.

Uses of OdiPhysicalSchema in

Methods in with parameters of type OdiPhysicalSchema
 void ActionListenerAbstract.locationChanged(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
 void ActionListenerComposer.locationChanged(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
 void ActionListenerAbstract.stagingAreaMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
 void ActionListenerComposer.stagingAreaMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
 void ActionListenerAbstract.targetDataStoreMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
 void ActionListenerComposer.targetDataStoreMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)

Uses of OdiPhysicalSchema in

Methods in with parameters of type OdiPhysicalSchema
 void SourceSetComputerEraser.locationChanged(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
          Marks the data set for a source data store as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when the physical schema of that source data store is changed.
 void SourceSetComputerLazy.locationChanged(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
 void SourceSetComputerOneTable.locationChanged(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
 void SourceSetComputerRetainer.locationChanged(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
          Marks the data set for a source data store as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when the physical schema of that source data store is changed.
 void SourceSetComputerEraser.stagingAreaMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
          Marks data set as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when the physical schema of an interface staging area has changed.
 void SourceSetComputerLazy.stagingAreaMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
 void SourceSetComputerOneTable.stagingAreaMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
 void SourceSetComputerRetainer.stagingAreaMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
          Marks data set as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when the physical schema of an interface staging area has changed.
 void SourceSetComputerEraser.targetDataStoreMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
          Marks data set as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when the physical schema of an interface target data store has changed and the staging area is same as target.
 void SourceSetComputerLazy.targetDataStoreMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
 void SourceSetComputerOneTable.targetDataStoreMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
 void SourceSetComputerRetainer.targetDataStoreMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
          Marks data set as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when the physical schema of an interface target data store has changed and the staging area is same as target.

Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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