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Installing Third-Party JAR Files for Oracle Java CAPS     Java CAPS Documentation
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Installing Third-Party JAR Files

Setting Up the Third-Party Library Installer

To Set Up the Third-Party Installer

To Configure the Build File

Installing Third-Party JAR Files for the CICS Adapter

To Install the JAR Files for CICS

To Add Third-Party DLLs to the Shared Library

Installing Third-Party JAR Files for the WebSphere MQ Adapter

To Install the JAR Files for WebSphere MQ

WebSphere MQ Adapter Required JAR Files

To Install the System-Specific JAR Files

Adding the required JAR files to the Integration Server Classpath for XA Transactions

Installing Third-Party JAR Files for the SAP Adapters

To Install the JAR Files for SAP

Installing Third-Party JAR Files for the Siebel EAI Adapter

To Install the JAR Files for Siebel EAI

Installing Third-Party JAR Files for the DB2 Connect Adapter

To Install the JAR Files for DB2 Connect

Installing Third-Party JAR Files for the VSAM Adapter

To Install the JAR Files for VSAM

Installing Third-Party JAR Files for the CICS Adapter

This section includes information for installing and configuring JAR files for the IBM CICS Transaction Gateway (CTG). The CTG must be installed and configured as the underlying connection transport to access z/OS CICS transactions.

Perform the following steps to install the files for the CICS Adapter:

To Install the JAR Files for CICS

The following steps are for running the Third-Party Installer with default settings. If you are running the Installer for specific instantiations of NetBeans or GlassFish (separately), you must specify each specifically when running ant (for example, ant install-glassfish or ant install-netbeans).

  1. Install the Third-Party Library Installer and set up the environment, as described in Setting Up the Third-Party Library Installer.
  2. Open a command window and navigate to the directory that you extracted the Third Party Installer ZIP file.
  3. Customize the file with at least the following changes. For more information on build properties, see To Configure the Build File.
    1. Remove all values from the property except cicsadapterra.
    2. Modify the cicsadapterra.thirdpartyfiles property by adding the paths and filenames of the IBM CTG third-party libraries.

      For example:

      On Windows: cicsadapterra.thirdpartyfiles=C:/Program Files/IBM/CICS Transaction Gateway/classes/ctgclient.jar;C:/Program Files/IBM/CICS Transaction Gateway/classes/ctgserver.jar

      On Solaris: cicsadapterra.thirdpartyfiles= /opt/IBM/cicstg/classes/ctgclient.jar; /opt/IBM/cicstg/classes/ctgserver.jar

  4. Shutdown the instances of Java CAPS NetBeans and GlassFish.
  5. Invoke the Third Party Installer by typing ant.
  6. Restart the Java CAPS NetBeans instance.

To Add Third-Party DLLs to the Shared Library

The following steps address updating the shared library files during runtime. This procedure only applies to LOCAL: protocol with IBM CTG on GlassFish.

  1. Open the Admin Console for your GlassFish instance.
  2. Add the C:\Program Files\IBM\CICS Transaction Gateway\bin path to the Native Library Path Prefix field in the JVM Settings Tab.
  3. Click Save.