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Oracle Java CAPS File Binding Component Tutorial     Java CAPS Documentation
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Using the File Binding Component

Tutorial Requirements


Starting the GlassFish Server

To Check the Status of the GlassFish V2 Application Server in the NetBeans IDE

To Register the GlassFish V2 Application Server with the NetBeans IDE

To Start the GlassFish V2 Application Server in the NetBeans IDE

Creating a BPEL Module Project

To Create a BPEL Module Project

To Create the WSDL Document for Type Poll

To Create the WSDL Document for Type Write

To Create a BPEL Process

To Add Partner Links to the BPEL Process

To Add a Receive Activity to the BPEL Process

To Add an Invoke Activity to the BPEL Process

To Add an Assign Activity to the BPEL Process

To Clean and Build the BPEL Module Project

Creating a Composite Application Project

To Create a Composite Application Project

Building and Deploying the Composite Application Project

To Build and Deploy the Composite Application

Testing the Composite Application

To Test the PollWriteCompApp Composite Application


Testing the Composite Application

You can test your Composite Application project by navigating to the c:\temp folder and creating a input.txt file.

To Test the PollWriteCompApp Composite Application

  1. Navigate to the c:\temp folder of your system.

    Note that c:\temp was the designated polling directory for both Poll and Write operations when WSDL documents were created.

  2. Create a .txt file and add some content to the file and rename it as input.txt.
  3. Instantly the input.txt file is replaced by output.txt file.

    The output.txt file retains the content of the input.txt file. That is, the content of input.txt is written to output.txt.