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Loading the Initial Data Set for a Master Index     Java CAPS Documentation
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Loading the Initial Data Set for a Master Index

Related Topics

Initial Bulk Match and Load Overview

Initial Bulk Match and Load Process Overview

Data Preparation, Matching, and Loading Procedure Overview

Distributed Processing

About the Bulk Match Process

Block Distribution

Record Matching

EUID Assignment

Master Index Image Creation

Potential Duplicate Creation

About the Bulk Load Process

About the Cluster Synchronizer

Required Format for Flat Data Files

Generating the Initial Bulk Match and Load Tool

To Generate the Initial Bulk Match and Load Tool

Configuring the Environment

To Configure the Environment

Creating the Cluster Synchronizer Database

To Create the Cluster Synchronization Tables

Configuring the Initial Bulk Match and Load Tool

Configuring the Initial Bulk Match and Load Tool Processing

To Configure the IBML Tool

Configuring Initial Bulk Match and Load Tool Logging

To Configure IBML Tool Logging

Initial Bulk Match and Load Tool Configuration Properties

Initial Bulk Match and Load Tool Field Validation Configuration

Initial Bulk Match and Load Tool Blocking Query Configuration

Initial Bulk Match and Load Tool Match String Configuration

Initial Bulk Match and Load Tool Processing Configuration

FTP Server Configuration

Cluster Synchronizer Database Configuration

SQL*Loader Configuration

Data Reader Configuration

Additional Properties

Initial Bulk Match and Load Tool Logging Properties

Performing a Match Analysis

Running the Bulk Matcher in Analysis Mode

To Run the Bulk Matcher in Analysis Mode

Reviewing the Match Analysis Results

Reconfiguring the Matching Logic

To Reconfigure the Matching Logic

Performing the Bulk Match

To Perform the Bulk Match

Running the Bulk Match and Bulk Load in One Step (SQL*Loader Only)

To Run the Bulk Match and Bulk Load in One Step

Loading the Matched Data Into the Master Index Database

Loading Matched Data Using SQL*Loader

To Load Matched Data Using SQL*Loader

Loading Matched Data Using the Command-Line Bulk Loader

To Load Matched Data Using the Command-Line Bulk Loader

Command-Line Bulk Loader Properties

Related Topics

Several topics provide information and instructions for implementing and using a master index application. For a complete list of topics related to working with the service-enabled version of Oracle Java CAPS Master Index, see Related Topics in Oracle Java CAPS Master Index User’s Guide.