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Oracle Java CAPS Master Index Standardization Engine Reference     Java CAPS Documentation
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Oracle Java CAPS Master Index Standardization Engine Reference

About the Master Index Standardization Engine

Related Topics

Master Index Standardization Engine Overview

Standardization Concepts

Data Parsing or Reformatting

Data Normalization

Phonetic Encoding

How the Master Index Standardization Engine Works

Master Index Standardization Engine Data Types and Variants

Master Index Standardization Engine Standardization Components

Finite State Machine Framework

About the Finite State Machine Framework

FSM-Based Configuration

Rules-Based Framework

About the Rules-Based Framework

Rules-Based Configuration

Oracle Java CAPS Master Index Standardization and Matching Process

Master Index Standardization Engine Internationalization

Finite State Machine Framework Configuration

FSM Framework Configuration Overview

Process Definition File

Standardization State Definitions

Input Symbol Definitions

Output Symbol Definitions

Data Cleansing Definitions

Data Normalization Definitions

Standardization Processing Rules Reference










Lexicon Files

Normalization Files

FSM-Based Person Name Configuration

Person Name Standardization Overview

Person Name Standardization Components

Person Name Standardization Files

Person Name Lexicon Files

Person Name Normalization Files

Person Name Process Definition Files

Person Name Standardization and Oracle Java CAPS Master Index

Person Name Processing Fields

Person Name Standardized Fields

Person Name Object Structure

Configuring a Normalization Structure for Person Names

Configuring a Standardization Structure for Person Names

Configuring Phonetic Encoding for Person Names

FSM-Based Telephone Number Configuration

Telephone Number Standardization Overview

Telephone Number Standardization Components

Telephone Number Standardization Files

Telephone Number Standardization and Oracle Java CAPS Master Index

Telephone Number Processing Fields

Telephone Number Standardized Fields

Telephone Number Object Structure

Configuring a Standardization Structure for Telephone Numbers

Rules-Based Address Data Configuration

Address Data Standardization Overview

Address Data Standardization Components

Address Data Standardization Files

Address Clues File

Address Master Clues File

Address Patterns File

Address Pattern File Components

Address Type Tokens

Pattern Classes

Pattern Modifiers

Priority Indicators

Address Standardization and Oracle Java CAPS Master Index

Address Data Processing Fields

Address Standardized Fields

Address Object Structure

Configuring a Standardization Structure for Address Data

Configuring Phonetic Encoding for Address Data

Rules-Based Business Name Configuration

Business Name Standardization Overview

Business Name Standardization Components

Business Name Standardization Files

Business Name Adjectives Key Type File

Business Alias Key Type File

Business Association Key Type File

Business General Terms Reference File

Business City or State Key Type File

Business Former Name Reference File

Merged Business Name Category File

Primary Business Name Reference File

Business Connector Tokens Reference File

Business Country Key Type File

Business Industry Sector Reference File

Business Industry Key Type File

Business Organization Key Type File

Business Patterns File

Business Name Tokens

Business Name Standardization and Oracle Java CAPS Master Index

Business Name Processing Fields

Business Name Standardized Fields

Business Name Object Structure

Configuring a Standardization Structure for Business Names

Configuring Phonetic Encoding for Business Names

Custom FSM-Based Data Types and Variants

About Custom FSM-Based Data Types and Variants

About the Standardization Packages

Creating Custom FSM-Based Data Types

Creating the Working Directory

To Create the Working Directory

Defining the Service Type

To Define the Service Type

Defining the Variants

To Define the Variants

Packaging and Importing the Data Type

To Package and Import the Data Type

Service Type Definition File

Creating Custom FSM-Based Variants

Creating the Working Directory

To Create the Working Directory

Defining the Service Instance

To Define the Service Instance

Defining the State Model and Processing Rules

To Define the State Model and Processing Rules

Creating Normalization and Lexicon Files

To Create Normalization and Lexicon Files

Packaging and Importing the Variant

To Package and Import the Variant

Service Instance Definition File

FSM Framework Configuration Overview

The configuration of the finite state machine (FSM) includes defining the various states, transitions between those states, and any actions to perform during each state. Each instance of the FSM begins in the start state. In each state, the standardization engine looks for the next token (or input symbol), optionally performs certain actions against the token, determines the potential output symbols, and then uses probability-based logic to determine the output symbol to generate for the state and how to transition to the next state. Within each state, only the input symbols defined for that state are recognized. When an input symbol is recognized, the processing defined for that symbol is carried out and the transition to the next state occurs. Note that some input symbols might trigger a transition back to the current state. Once the standardization engine does not recognize any input symbols, the FSM reaches a terminal state from which no further transitions are made.

You can define specialized processing rules for each input symbol in the state model. These rules include cleansing and data transformation logic, such as converting data to uppercase, removing punctuation, comparing the input value against a list of values, and so on. Both the state model and the processing rules are defined in the process definition file, standardizer.xml. The lists that you can use to compare and normalize values for each input symbol are contained in lexicon and normalization files.

The configuration files that configure the standardization engine are stored in the master index project and appear as nodes in the Standardization Engine node of the project. The standardization files are separated into subsets that are each unique to a specific data type, which are further grouped into variants on those data types. You can define additional standardization file subsets to create new variants or even create new data types, such as automotive parts, inventory items, and so on.

The following topics provide information about the files you can configure or create to customize how your data is standardized: